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The Rebels (US Clan)

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District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
According to the first post
"VIP (ex-rebels)"
The definition of "ex" is technically (on a phone so I can't put websters definition) old; of past circumstances;etc.
Therefore we move to the next argument.
I was a rebel 2 times (once with Zeno the other more recently with bran) so since I am not currently of the characterization "Rebel"(technically I am "Forgotten") and I was in the past (past meaning before current time not limited to any certain time measurement (second, year, millennia, etc.)).
All this said my argument shows I should be a VIP
Ty for reading
It was hard to type on phone so I made it short
I really want VIP I hate leading cheer
VIP is for very important people, longtime members and ex officers/leaders.
Any more concerns, or still feel you deserve VIP contact me or another officer via PM or over Skype.


Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: ScrewYouGumby2
Age: 18
Donor: diamond
Got Skype/TS: yes
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) will pm if needed
Got a mic: yeah
Timezone: -7:00? I'm two hours behind eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Less than I should, if you see me on teamspeak I would love to have the chance to play with you guys.
PvP Strengths: People tell me that I am good with a flint and steel, I don't really analyze my own game-play enough.
PvP Weaknesses: Ever since I took a break my fishing rodding has been awful.
Past Clans (If any)
Titans: I joined on the second day that the clan was open and received officer later that week. I was in the clan until it disbanded. Empire: Not quite sure when I joined this clan as it was quite a while ago but I was in this clan until it disbanded as well.
EU Legends: Not that impressive but I was kicked for inactivity, the timezone change wasn't good for me because I was never able to play with the members.
Cobras: My first clan, I played with two current rebels in this clan, LiningHawk and GipperGaming.

I think that my past clan experience has proven my loyalty to clans, I have been in only four in the past year.

You cool?: I think so.
Best puppy picture:
sry maddy

Extra: I know that I am not very active on your teamspeak, and this may eventually lead to my denial. Whenever I connect to the lobby everyone is in a channel that I cannot access or there are a few people scattered in small groups. I have quite a bit of experience with a fair bit the members in this clan. All I ask from you guys is the chance to prove myself worthy of being on this team. If any officers see me on teamspeak and are willing to play with me I would appreciate the opportunity.
Recommended. :D


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
According to the first post
"VIP (ex-rebels)"
The definition of "ex" is technically (on a phone so I can't put websters definition) old; of past circumstances;etc.
Therefore we move to the next argument.
I was a rebel 2 times (once with Zeno the other more recently with bran) so since I am not currently of the characterization "Rebel"(technically I am "Forgotten") and I was in the past (past meaning before current time not limited to any certain time measurement (second, year, millennia, etc.)).
All this said my argument shows I should be a VIP
Ty for reading
It was hard to type on phone so I made it short
I really want VIP I hate leading cheer


Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: MrFluffleupagus
Age: 15

Donor: I don't got that kind of money.
Wins: 484 on this account, my old account is bjranka (like 280 wins)
Got Skype/TS: Both
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) aepl5498
Got a mic: Nah, I have Skype and TS but no mic... Yesh.
Timezone: Eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I might have teamed with one of them, idk... I have like 1500 games played, how my posd to member?
PvP Strengths: Everything, I'm a monster at destroying everyone in my path.
PvP Weaknesses: Nothing, hackers bow down to me.
Past Clans (If any) Reflection
You cool?: Yeah
Best puppy picture: My dog is the best when she gets a picture taken of her, you might as well burn all your puppy pics because they don't rank up to my dogs.


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: MrFluffleupagus
Age: 15
Donor: I don't got that kind of money.
Wins: 484 on this account, my old account is bjranka (like 280 wins)
Got Skype/TS: Both
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) aepl5498
Got a mic: Nah, I have Skype and TS but no mic... Yesh.
Timezone: Eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I might have teamed with one of them, idk... I have like 1500 games played, how my posd to member?
PvP Strengths: Everything, I'm a monster at destroying everyone in my path.
PvP Weaknesses: Nothing, hackers bow down to me.
Past Clans (If any) Reflection
You cool?: Yeah
Best puppy picture: My dog is the best when she gets a picture taken of her, you might as well burn all your puppy pics because they don't rank up to my dogs.
Application pending. Please be active on TeamSpeak so that you can move onto the next stage (Trial member). I would also highly suggest getting a mic, or seeing if your internal mic (built-in computer mic) works well enough to communicate verbally.


Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
Application pending. Please be active on TeamSpeak so that you can move onto the next stage (Trial member). I would also highly suggest getting a mic, or seeing if your internal mic (built-in computer mic) works well enough to communicate verbally.
I was kinda kidding when I said I don't have a mic. >.> Just to confirm I do have a mic, also what do you do on the teamspeak? Is it just for when I'm playing MCSG?


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
I was kinda kidding when I said I don't have a mic. >.> Just to confirm I do have a mic, also what do you do on the teamspeak? Is it just for when I'm playing MCSG?
Most people on the TeamSpeak play MCSG, but you're always welcome to hang out and talk or listen even if you aren't playing MCSG :) We play other things as a group sometimes, too :)


Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
Most people on the TeamSpeak play MCSG, but you're always welcome to hang out and talk or listen even if you aren't playing MCSG :) We play other things as a group sometimes, too :)
I joined the teamspeak, but I'm not allowed to talk. I'm kinda a noob at it... D:
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