Minecraft ID: izaakford
Age: 13
Donor: No
Wins: 11
Got Skype/TS: TS Yes Skype Yesy (thebrickwall21)
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it)
Got a mic: Yes (TurtleBeach)
Timezone: Atlantic Eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Never
PvP Strengths: Straphing
PvP Weaknesses: BSMers, Hackers
Past Clans (If any) #TheMinority, #Forgotten, #Enigma/#Swift
Note: I do not want to be a member for pvping. I am applying for server developer I can host a training server, I make custom plugins for the server to. I can add custom features on the server, I can also crate websites for the clan ect. I'm pretty much applying for developer.