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Let's Start the New Year Right


Dec 10, 2013
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Haley you are the only person that gets all my Sponge Bob references. Have a fantastic vacation. <3


May 12, 2013
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Mr Dice - Josh, I really don't know what I would do without you. It has been over two months since I have meet you. You always know the right things to say when I am having a bad day. This term at school, I couldn't have done it without your support. You make me laugh even at my saddest moments. You make me forget about my problems, and only think of the good. You are there for me when I think no one is. You mean the world to me. You have definitly made 2013 better towards the end. I know we have a long way to go, but I know I will always know you forever, and I will be there to support you in any way possible <3

Everyone else who I have talked to since starting MCSG- Thank you for the memories we had, either good or bad. Without them, none of us would be who we are today without them. Certian things wouldn't have happened without a few people, which they know who they are, which I'm grateful for.

I hope everyone has a safe holidays :D <3
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District 13
Jul 1, 2012
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I know a lot of the people I would write about on these, no longer visit these forums, but imma do it anyway, they might see it one day...

@C4_85 - Hey C4, its been a while, I doubt you'll ever see this, but you were my first father figure here in MCSG, you influenced a lot of my decisions here, and even my choice to apply for staff. Without you, id never be here! I always admired your trolly-ness and your willingness to outreach to people even nubs like me. You changed me for the better. Love you bro.

@Karoleigh - Hey Karo, You were fun. Every memory I have of you was of fun times we had. You probably don't even remember me at all, I had little to no impact on you, but you inspired me to be more of a fun, not so serious person. That even when I mess up, to just forgive myself and move on. Life goes on, gets better and is good.

Bicentennial_Man - Hey Bic, ever since I joined here, you kind of took me up under your wing, you were always here whenever I needed to talk to someone, ask stupid questions, admit my mistakes, you became my source of refuge, I miss speaking to you on a regular basis. I wish we could start speaking again.

ChadTheDJ - Its been pretty cool getting to know you better over these last few months, I look up to you for your ability to discern from what is good and what is not, and when to have fun (in a box) and when to be serious. I trust your decisions like I would a member of my own family (I know that sounds weird stop judging me).

Blamph Hey Bro, So, Ive known you for over a year, you were one of my first few friends here at MCSG, being in the original Blamphs, (back when mods were allowed in clans the first time). You showed me appreciation id never seen before, and I made a friend that I know that I can go days without talking to, and still pick back up whenever we talk again. Ill remember you for years to come, and I hope I could have made anywhere close to the same of a meaningful impact on you. <3

Ecmep - Hey Evan, its been way too long since we've spoken, and since now, you've moved on from mine craft, LoL, WoW, things like that... I miss ya bro, come back and talk to me every now and then?

SamDude09 - Hey Jordan, We've had A LOT of fun times together, since my position in the sr staff department, I haven't gotten to speak to you much, and I do regret that. All the countless hours we spent redstoning and building maps together, running a separate community, we had good times. We actually had the first "The Hidden" Game in minecraft, I never did check back up on that map on the PMC forums, I wonder how thats going...

Hoardly - Dude, come back to us! The countless hours we spent "Bro, do you even..."-ing was insane. I could always rely on you, and I miss the way things were. The level of inside jokes we have, was wayyyyy to high. You were always so much fun to have around, and I dont know if id still be here without you.

Dave - Hey dave, I can remember back to when you were a gold donor, you played MCSG with me and Hoardly when you were a mod, you were a cool bro, and was happy for you when you got Sr.Mod a few weeks later... XD I remember sticking up for you during the wild upset that occurred when that happened, I knew you'd go far. As of late, you've almost turned into an older brother kind of representative. I look forward to talking to you, and I enjoy our conversations. You mean more to me than Id probably ever say.

Mustache Man - Duuude, I dont know where to even start bro. You were always the best guy I knew. You were always upstanding, and I appreciated everything you did. You were my best friend for a while, and I know and love you like a brother. Your an amazing guy, I appreciate you and everything you mean to me more than I ever told you. Id love to start speaking to you again if I ever got the chance!

Antster360 - Hey dude, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the impact you had on me, even if you don't know it. I learned not to take crap from anyone from you, and I dont know what id be doing, or how flimsy id be without you.

Lemonz87 - You know exactly how I feel about you, and its way too much to write here, Id fill up the entire Xenforo database... Point is, You mean so much more to me than words can express.

Its worthy to note that as of a week ago, Ive been staff for a year and six months, MCGamer has really carried my through High school, and its molded me into a mature, responsible person. Without it, I dont know where id be, or if Id still be alive at all. It brought me out of depression, brought me my first glimpse of happiness in ages. Its been great! and I appreciate any/everyone I didn't mention, if you've had an impact in my life. I may not address you directly, but some of you have impacted me more than you realize. I notice every little thing. and I really should address that more. I appreciate all of you

Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
I met lots of awesome people , I can't think all of them , but I will try to keep this up to date:
Sage Pickering : One of the coolest and funniest guy I have met in MCSG. I love your videos and your Penguin Skin Template #PenguinArmy
duckluv321 : You made my avatar and I luv it. Ducks to you. (See what I did there?)
Gunnishone : One of the admins that most helped me here in MCSG. You can't really help me so much anymore , as you retired :(...
I can't think of any other people. MY BRAIN IS NOT WORKING RIGHT!


Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
Fresh_Aire For when we met back in June along with Chexmixtoon , JesseBarrows12, GurlCraft007, and bowser6699. Even though this is all just a game inside of the overarching game of Minecraft, you guys helped me out more than you know. By introducing me to Tomahawk and Devon's videos, you helped me step out of "newbie" status in the PVP realm.

#StormKnights: First clan ever.

#Immortals: First clan battle ever (even if it was a loss 3-0 to #Kronic, but IDK Wyvern's well without the free diamond sword and like two tier IIs).

ThatOneTomahawk If I had never learned blockhitting or seen any of your videos, I would not be as good at PVP as I am today (still not very good, but now I can blame it on my laptop). You're one of the many inspirations I had not only to go buy Fraps and make higher quality videos for my channel, but to record MCSG in general. Without Hunger Games, I find general Minecraft rather dull.

Antastiq For first introducing me to the Minecraft Survival Games. He doesn't read these forums and rarely plays Minecraft anymore in favor of the next-gen consoles, but his videos were the reason I first joined a server (and to somehow find him in a lobby/game). Antastiq was the second Youtuber I ever subscribed to.

Asxdefter: He has never recorded Minecraft (mainly Bioware games), but he was the first person ito make it on my subscription list. He researches every game before he plays it for his channel and his LPs are the definition of "walkthroughs."His style of commentating (as well as Antastiq's) and video editing skills were a major inspiration in why I created my own Youtube channel (back then, you didn't have to have an account to watch videos :p ).

BioGear94 You win the award for the moderator who's been most helpful to me. Your chill attitude combined with the countless times you've helped me (and you even volunteered to help Fresh with his mod app out-of-the-blue) have permanently fixed you on that small list of moderators I call friends.

InfinitySx3 Oh boy, this relationship has oodles of history. Back when I first joined the servers (and Minecraft) in April/May of 2013, you were the first moderator I ever saw on the servers. Over the summer, I made too much of a fuss about your age without ever getting to know you (still don't really sadly). It wasn't really until a few tentative mutual Teamspeak PM conversations until I learned that you only teamed because you weren't very confident in your PVP ability (which then made me apologize to NewYorkKidd9 for screeching at him for killing me near you). So, thank you for inadvertently reinforcing my belief in the cliche ideal "never judge a book by its cover" and for sponsoring pandagirl567 the near entire menu in a most recent game.:D

Dave For reminding me that being older than most people here doesn't give me any extra seniority, no matter how passionate I feel on a subject. Also, for letting me team in your livestream even if all I had a chance to do through my lag was give you leather chest and legs on Avaricia before being killed. (I really can't watch a livestream while playing MCG on this laptop).

Lemonz87 For posting this thread in such an eloquent manner. I don't believe we've met or even been in the same channel on Teamspeak before, even though I've seen your first name at least. You seem like a very nice individual and would love to get to know you more (not to be creepin' :/ lol).

Lovelights You've managed to combine both blockhitting and the fishing rod technique in your videos without dissing either. I respect you for that as well as your skill with video editing. I can't really say you were an inspiration to me to record MCG as I was already doing so at the same time you were, but you and Tomahawk are both inspirations for me to buy a Minecon 2014 ticket. #LoveShake

Pandagirl567: For being my Minecraft BFF and recording buddy. <3

iHaxors_ (a.k.a Jess) for (I think?) teaming with Fresh_Aire and me? That's the only other place I know you from other than just seeing you on last night.)

@AnyoneElse whom I may have forgotten or unintentionally omitted. Also, to anyone I have not met yet.
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