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Let's Start the New Year Right


Apr 2, 2013
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Let's Start the New Year Right
Hey guys! I know that I am on break from MCGamer right now as I have very limited internet access being on a trip with a bunch of friends over this winter break. However, today I was able to get access to a computer for the first and only time I will have within this next month. As I opened up my computer today, I checked my email and found that my friend had sent me this youtube link; she asked me to watch it, so I did.

The video is called the Science of Happiness, and however nerdy and stupid that may sound, the video really inspired me to do something that I do not normally do; the same thing that they do in the video. If you have never seen the video that I posted the link to above, I really recommend that you watch it, but if not, this is is basis of what happens:
1. A randomly selected group of volunteers were brought in to a room and asked to take a quick test, the test gave the people performing the experiment a good idea of each person’s level of happiness. :)
2. The volunteers were asked to close their eyes, and think of a person who made a major impact on their lives. Then… each volunteer would write all that they could about the person that they thought about.
3. As each person finished their writing, they were then asked to call the person they had written about and read to them, word for word what they had written.
4. Once finished, each person then retook a similar test to the one they had taken earlier.
5. The results of the experiment showed that each person’s happiness had increased by roughly 20%.

Shortly after I finished watching this video, I was inspired to think and write about all of the people in my life that have impacted me; the list was giant. I never realized how many people had influenced me in my life until I actually thought about it. As I began to write, I realized how enjoyable it actually was to write my gratitude to the special people in my life.
Although this video has more things in tune with the holiday of Thanksgiving, I believe that the New Year is also an amazing time to recall everything that has happened in the past year. I thought about everyone that I had met in the past 12 months, and everything that these people meant to me.
As the New Year comes around, I would love to ask all of you to think about those special people who have greatly impacted you this past year. They can be friends, family, anyone. I encourage you to let them know how grateful you are for everything that they have done for you; If they are from MCSG, just reply to this post and tag them with a few words about what they mean to you. Strengthen your relationship with your friends and let them know what they mean to you!
Here are just a few of the people I could write about:
Mickeylag - Mickey you have been absolutely amazing, I know that you have decided to quit minecraft and that the odds are that you will not see this message so I will keep it short and sweet. Thank you for being my longest lasting and one of my first friends on MCGamer. Your jokes and laugh would always brighten up my day and I certainly miss talking to you as much as I used to.

Philly67 - When we first met you were still a moderator. Infact you were the first moderator that I had ever seen ingame and the main reason that I began to be interested in becoming a moderator myself. I never thought that we would actually become really great friends who at random times end up having really meaningful conversations; but of course, every conversation we ever have ends up being about Sanguinello juice anyways. ;-;

CAmadeusA -From the moment I became a moderator, you have been with me for every step of the way. The first thing I heard after being accepted was your voice trying to explain that you were going to be the one helping me along until I learned the ropes. However, our relationship has become so much more than just you teaching me how to be a mod, right now we are closer than ever and I honestly don’t know what I would do without you. <3

SixZoSeven - Although you constantly love to drive me insane with the word _ _ _ _ _ _. Yeah you know what it is… I am so grateful for you being one of my closer friends since I have been a mod. I dont think that I ever said Thank You for letting me be a mod on your server when you still had it but that experience was one of the best in my life; the crazy amount of hours we spent on that server was something that I will never forget. Ps. Roger Federer is still the best :p

Nbroski - #BlameTim #kill4242424242424242 #goingcakeless #getslappedson #oomymotherhaschinesefood The insane amount of inside jokes we have just makes my day whenever we talk; we always have the best conversations, and most of all, Thank you for saving me from Tim

FantasticTardis - Oh Chandelle. I dont even know where to start. I know for certain that if I ever have a problem of any kind, I can come to you and you will always make me feel so much better. When I am constantly “broken” you always know how to put me back together again. Thank you for always standing by me when I have a tough day or just hanging out in general. #SoulSista

Mman1234fcn83i - I remember how your name confused me so much when we first met… Now I know that I can count on you whenever I have to talk over something incredibly confusing or whenever I feel the need to laugh. Your stories are amazing and you are simply hilarious and I love talking to you. #SoulSista

kristier12 - Although when we first met we had a kind of rough friendship I have come to see you as someone who I know that I can trust. I love how our conversations always end up being about the most random things and they are just so much fun to have. xD

DQ - Hanging out and playing MCSG with you is always a great time. I know that you will always have my back when something goes wrong and it is great knowing that I can always count on you.

Huahwi - I remember back when we first met and we recorded that video together; you had never played minigames before and your determination to win at everything made it hilarious when you constantly kept dying :p You have always been so kind to me and the amount of times you have /killed for me is way too high! But, in general, thanks for being so awesome <3

Fisheer & NoahSailer - I miss those times that we all would play together all day every day. Both of you are the main reason that I ever got any good at PvP. Your constant bothering me about how bad I was put me into tryhard mode to get all of my wins and thanks to that, I would argue that I may actually be a challenge to fight now. Thanks guys <3

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Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Metalhawk45: You are the best. I’ve known you irl for over a year and I have loved every minute. Thanks for being there whenever I need you. Even know you wreck me every time, playing with you is always fun :D
SociallyAK: you made me feel welcome as soon as I joined the call with you and darklum3n when joining react. It had been my first real clan and you all treat me like family. Jake you know you will always be my favorite hacker.
Darklum3n: there is too much to say; you are just…I don’t even know xD you always make every game so much more fun. I remember huahwi’s stream we just bountied till the cows came home. Everything is like an adventure when its me and you.
Lemonz87: Like dark, waaaayyy too much to say. I know you already mentioned it, but our inside jokes TOO GOOD. Haha #Rosesforray #Goingcakeless #blametim #kill4242424242424242 they are always the best. Playing when you are there makes every game so much more fun. Whenever I need a hacker off me, you are always able to help. Thanks for everything and in response to how you finished, I’d save you from tim anytime anywhere. :D
DantesInferno_: Dante you are so freaking ugly! :D and stupid! :D jk ily. You are probably one of the funniest people I’ve met in the mcsg community and so fun to be around. #Kingdom
Africannswallow: you finally got dia donor! Spu will be the only emerald donor scrub now. Always make fun of him for it when you “have to go”
Binct: we had some good times but you had to get yourself banned. I know you never hacked but you got way in over your head. We miss you m8. #LeafyBinctTea
Camadeusa: I never really got to know you very well but you were really cool whenever we talked. So yeah not much to say but I appreciate you nonetheless.
xxSpuxx: I got yo milk bby. Spu you’re the best scrandy out there just quit teaming with them! xD
Brankster52: you think im the best person ever. 2 gud bby. Thanks for everything ily as much as everyone else.
I realize the paragraphs got smaller as I went on but eh yolo I got bored.
For all whom may have been forgotten, ily you all too! <3
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Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
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[Until I type up something while using the word "deploy" simultaneously]
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District 13
Jan 13, 2013
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-reserved- im at the airport right now, cant find an outlet and phones dying.


Feb 1, 2013
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It's not New Year's yet, but I might post later :p


District 13
Jul 1, 2012
Reaction score
CAmadeusA -From the moment I became a moderator, you have been with me for every step of the way. The first thing I heard after being accepted was your voice trying to explain that you were going to be the one helping me along until I learned the ropes. However, our relationship has become so much more than just you teaching me how to be a mod, right now we are closer than ever and I honestly don’t know what I would do without you. <3
So Haley, even in being your 'mentor' when you were first hired, when what seems like ages ago, you were always nice, calm, cool and collected. Even after you left once, we remained friends, still talking on a daily basis. Things are good! We get along so well, its almost scary (For so many reasons)... Getting to re-hire you was hilarious and fun, something I enjoyed and couldn't ever regret. I wouldn't change anything about the way we/things are! You've become a best friend and so much more to me, and I didn't see that coming when I first inducted you into the staff team. I look forward to countless years to come of knowing you, knowing Ive made a lifelong friend and more in you! Keep things good, - Cam...
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