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Why I Think Age Limits Should Be Removed.


Dec 12, 2013
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I think that it is unfortunate that information about one's age should even be a factor in the decision making process, sadly in today's society age is a huge factor in the way that others perceive what you can and cannot do (viz. what you are capable of).

I strongly support the notion that one's age does not sufficiently indicate an individual's capabilities nor their experience. I believe that a statement such as 'a 10 year-old can never have more experience than that of a 11 year-old' is false, and here is why: Experience, if I understand correctly, does not equate to how many revolutions the Earth has completed about the Sun since you left your Mother's womb --- but rather it equates to the various things that you have done and learned from (i.e. how quickly you have developed and matured within the environments you've lived in). Of course this depends on the connotation of 'experience' that you are going for, but I've got a hunch the one I described is pretty on-par for our intended purposes of the word here.

Also, in response to the idea of there always being better applicants than oneself, the road of self-deprecation leads to nowhere. If you truly aspire to do something, you have to not only take the opportunities you are given, but sometimes you have to make them.

As a final note: In society there are laws to prevent crime, and there are laws to prevent dangerous situations (criminal and regulatory offenses, respectively)... The interesting thing about this is that many of these laws meant to 'regulate' really are in place because for majority of people, the lack of such a law would lead to dangerous situations.

TL;DR — If you think you can do it and really want it make it happen. What is the worst that could happen..? Your application could be turned down, but if your application is good enough then it shouldn't be something to worry about. And if your application is turned down solely on the fact that you don't meet an age requirement and yet the rest is flawless? Well, it's sad that they'll be missing out on such a good moderator.

For the latter half of my life I've had first-hand experience working with people that thought me to be 4+ years older than my actual age, my dad always described it as 'mature beyond my years.' For those I met and interacted with before they would learn my age, they would regard me entirely differently than those that met me after already knowing my age before they knew me. In fact, even now I am a Sophomore RA in an Upperclassman Residence Area at my University, and nearly every one of my residents is a Senior... When they heard they would have a Sophomore RA this fall and spring semester, they were outraged! After less than a day I'd gotten each one to make a change of heart, and now the first semester is coming to a close and we are all good friends. You see, age is yet another way to make snap-judgments about people, just as other stereotypes are, as well as grades in school, even...

I hope that something useful is taken from my rambling!
Last edited:


May 25, 2012
Reaction score
I think that it is unfortunate that information about one's age should even be a factor in the decision making process, sadly in today's society age is a huge factor in the way that others perceive what you can and cannot do (viz. what you are capable of).

I strongly support the notion that one's age does not sufficiently indicate an individual's capabilities nor their experience. I believe that a statement such as 'a 10 year-old can never have more experience than that of a 11 year-old' is false, and here is why: Experience, if I understand correctly, does not equate to how many revolutions the Earth has completed about the Sun since you left your Mother's womb --- but rather it equates to the various things that you have done and learned from (i.e. how quickly you have developed and matured within the environments you've lived in). Of course this depends on the connotation of 'experience' that you are going for, but I've got a hunch the one I described is pretty on-par for our intended purposes of the word here.

Also, in response to the idea of there always being better applicants than oneself, the road of self-deprecation leads to nowhere. If you truly aspire to do something, you have to not only take the opportunities you are given, but sometimes you have to make them.

As a final note: In society there are laws to prevent crime, and there are laws to prevent dangerous situations (criminal and regulatory offenses, respectively)... The interesting thing about this is that many of these laws meant to 'regulate' really are in place because for majority of people, the lack of such a law would lead to dangerous situations.

TL;DR — If you think you can do it and really want it make it happen. What is the worst that could happen..? Your application could be turned down, but if you application is good enough then it shouldn't be something to worry about. And if your application is turned down solely on the fact that you don't meet an age requirement and yet the rest is flawless? Well, it's sad that they'll be missing out on such a good moderator.

For the latter half of my life I've had first-hand experience working with people that thought me to be 4+ years older than my actual age, my dad always described it as 'mature beyond my years.' For those I met and interacted with before they would learn my age, they would regard me entirely differently than those that met me after already knowing my age before they knew me. In fact, even now I am a Sophomore RA in an Upperclassman Residence Area at my University, and nearly every one of my residents is a Senior... When they heard they would have a Sophomore RA this fall and spring semester, they were outraged! After less than a day I'd gotten each one to make a change of heart, and now the first semester is coming to a close and we are all good friends. You see, age is yet another way to make snap-judgments about people, just as other stereotypes are, as well as grades in school, even...

I hope that something useful is taken from my rambling!
That TL;DR needs a TL;DR


Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
That TL;DR needs a TL;DR
Sorry I had trouble reducing and then realized that there were a couple things that I had meant to cover that I had not... D;
Just trying to cover all the bases I'd meant to so it didn't have any gaping holes in it... (also, did mention rambling at the end! Fair warning, no? =P)


Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
That is true, I know that. But that is very stereotypical. Honestely, I know a lot of VERY mature 12-13 year olds. If they act mature to others and make a very detailed application, I don't see why it should matter what age you are.
I think its the safer option to have an age limit, purely to filter the applications. It's true that there are many mature 12-13 year olds (I skipped a grade, so I know it firsthand (13 in grade 9 and born in April)), but imagine having to filter through all of the results of the 13 year old players (in my experience, the average age of MCSGers). It would be a nightmare.


Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
You should change the thread name into, Why I think age requirements/restriction should be removed.
When using "limits", it sounds like "If you're 40, you can't be mod anymore"


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
I think the lowest age should be 12. Seeing that they are younger they should have a harder interview and a hard time to get it.

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