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Why I Think Age Limits Should Be Removed.


District 13
May 6, 2012
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Keyword there is "majority". I know many people my own age aren't able to handle something like this. There are few that can. If they didn't remove the age limit, atleast remove the age limit on age exceptions. I understand fully why there is age exceptions, I honestly just wish I could have a chance :c
It sucks, it really does. I've been there, and I know how you feel, but sometimes you just can't bypass things.

I might wake up one day and think "Hey! I'm ready to get my driver's license!" and I darn well might be ready to get that driver's license, but the law says I need to be 16, and I am not 16.

While driving is much more serious then becoming a moderator, and that's an actual law, and not just a rule, these are similar.

Sometimes, you might be ready for something, but others are not. You might be ready to prove yourself and that you are mature far beyond your years, but are other's ready to listen? Will other's respect what you have to say when they know your age? If you were, for example, 12 years old and you got your driver's license, do you think anyone would want to drive anywhere with you right off the bat? Probably not, in all honesty. If someone doesn't know you, and all they know is your age, that's all they can judge you by.

It's a sad truth, but it's the truth.

The best thing I can tell you is to wait. I don't know how old you are, but from what you've told me, you aren't at the age requirement yet, which stinks. You seem awfully mature, which is a darn good start, but I don't know of anything you can do to bypass the age limit..

However- I can tell you this.

You don't need to be a moderator to make a difference. I think a lot of people see the moderating rank as a privilege to help out.

"I want to help out, so I'll apply for moderator!"

There's nothing wrong with that, but remove the last part of that sentence.

"I want to help out!"

There is nothing wrong with being a helpful, positive influence on the community even if you don't have the shiny rank to go with it. Who says you help out a new forum member? Record and report a hacker? Warn a user for swearing in chat? Just because you don't have the rank doesn't mean you can't do it! :)

(Yes, I know moderators have that established higher authority that allows you to make that difference easier in some cases, I.e. "You're not a moderator, why should I listen to you?", but you can still do it.

If you really want to make a difference, you'll find a way :)

(I apologize for my extreme use of driving analogies. Vroom, vroom :p)


Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
There are valid reasons, I'm just too lazy to explain :p
billyguy1 RC_4777 Lively DQ duckluv321
I feel honored. Anyway, depaor01, I agree with you. Getting mod should be based on maturity. People mature at different ages. I've seen 18 year olds get accepted and do a crappy job as a mod, while a 13 year old would have done much better, but were denied simply because of their age. Typically, this won't be the case, but people younger than 15 have proven that they are up for the job, but were denied because of their age.
I don't think that this "age exception" process is necessary. Age should factor into the Sr. Mod's decisions, but it shouldn't weigh so heavily that Under-15's should have to have a whole 'nother process to acquire the position of mod.


Feb 9, 2013
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I'll just post something I said on a similar thread a while back.
To be brutally honest, there are many people over the age of 15 who aren't mature or responsible enough either, but that's what interviews and applications are for.

I guess the minimum is 15 because you have to draw the line somewhere.
And the people applying who are 15+ are more likely to be able to handle a position as moderator than someone under 15.
To clarify, age doesn't equal maturity. So just because you are of age doesn't make you responsible enough for the job. but a line has to be drawn, so the line here is 15.
And the age exception only gets you past the age requirement, after that you'll have to see whether or not your application is good enough.
So I do think there should be an age limit, but since age doesn't determine maturity, responsibility, etc, the age exception is a decent way to balance that out.

The last thing the people reviewing mod apps need is a billion little kids to apply, a good amount of them headed towards imminent rejection
(No offense, but from all the apps I've seen posted by people in the wrong section, there are some... lets say unfavorable ones out there.)
I agree but I do also disagree. I don't think there should be an age limit because some kids (Like myself) have more maturity than others and wont freak out when someone kills them. BUT... if every kid under 15 was accepted then there would be a lot of hate towards staff and chad.But its just my opinion :D
Exactly why the age exception process is in place.


May 23, 2013
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Yes, It might be a good idea to lower the age standards but not entirely wipe it off the map.
I think it sort of takes the meaning of an age exception, which already shows your maturity through the exception application.
I'm not entirely fluent with the whole idea to 'kill' the age requirements, I just believe they should be lowered...


Feb 25, 2013
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I personally think that the age limit is a concept that is just setting the point to which people are most likely to get accepted. But at the same time, if you are below the age and try very hard, it would be possible to get accepted.


May 26, 2012
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I am not quite sure why I was tagged in this post. But IMO the age limit shouldn't be lowered as I do think that e.g 16 year olds tend to act more mature than 12 year olds. Of course there might be a few whivh act really mature with 12 but I do not think that is a reason to lower the age limit. It's good how it is now. I also don't understand why ejegun was tagged. Could you please explain?


Dec 30, 2012
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lol 7 year old mod *You kwill mwe i bwan ywou*
But anyway I think the age limit should be 13.


Jul 27, 2012
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I am not quite sure why I was tagged in this post. But IMO the age limit shouldn't be lowered as I do think that e.g 16 year olds tend to act more mature than 12 year olds. Of course there might be a few whivh act really mature with 12 but I do not think that is a reason to lower the age limit. It's good how it is now. I also don't understand why ejegun was tagged. Could you please explain?
I think because of Swish


Aug 24, 2012
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The square route of 69 is 8 something

Believe me, I was a moderator for two months.. Barely enjoyed it, to put it simply you'll probably cop under the pressure.. One thing people don't get is that being a moderator isn't all about banning people, you actually have a status to uphold.. Sure if you're 13 you can be mature, well maturity really isn't that big of a factor IMHO. 13 year olds are generally more prone to respond to comments, fight back, argue and question descisions and believe what they think is right... I fit under all of those categories, I'm not afraid to admit it.

Now just think like this.. When you apply for mod, do you want to help MCSG? If you really wanted to help MCSG you'd realise there are way better applicants than you. If you want to help MCSG do report abuses daily, record hackers and try and uphold the rules.

Age exceptions should be terminated IMO, lets face it.. I can name 3 mods under 14. Duckluv, Tironas and I. Duckluv still actually does a mod like job, she doesn't need mod to help out. Tironas was a good mod but hardly impacted anything (one person isn't going to make any difference) and I did my job, hardly making a difference but still helping out. I eventually gave up as I hate acting mature.

Out of us 3.. Have we impacted MCSG in such a good way age exceptions payed off? Not really, we did whatever any other mod would do.

TL;DR: If you actually care about MCSG you son need to be a mod to do it.


May 25, 2012
Reaction score

EDIT: I see now why you tagged me. Now I'll say what I think about this topic. I believe it makes a lot of sense to have an age limit. And I'm saying this as the owner/founder of MCSwish, a fairly popular pvp server. We have over 11 thousand players, just to show how much experience with certain things I might have.

Our age limit is at 14 at the moment, I am 14 myself, actually. I am very mature for my age (most of the time) and think most of my decisions through very well. Even though sometimes I may be very impulsive and say things I'll later regret I think I could do a good job as a mod on MCGamer. I actually don't know though if I'd apply even if I could, as I have I think 5 bans (none for hacking).

I think the way it is at the moment is good, maybe could be lowered to 14, but 15 does just as well IMO. I think having age exceptions is a good way of doing it and it should not be changed in my opinion as this system has shown that it works well in the past.

TL;DR: I think it works fine, maybe go with 14. I own a server myself so I know what I'm talking about.
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