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Why I Think Age Limits Should Be Removed.


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
Not trying to be "ageist" or anything, however there is a HUGE maturity jump as age increases. Obviously you can still be more mature for your age, but as someone who is an "adult" I can tell you the difference between 12-->15-->18 is huge.
Not always.


District 13
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
You can get an age exception. I did, now I'm getting an interview and I'm under the limit. People that are underage and good enough have that chance.
You can get an age exception, although there is a limit for that too? Honestly I just think it's a bit silly.


Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
Exceptions are already made if the person's application is exceptional. This is a perfectly fine system in my opinion.


District 13
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
You can get an age exception. I did, now I'm getting an interview and I'm under the limit. People that are underage and good enough have that chance.
You can get an age exception, although there is a limit for that too? Honestly I just think it's a bit silly.


District 13
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
My guess is you are younger (<13) Come back to this thread in 5 years and say that again. I can't wait to see your changed viewpoint :D
There is a HUGE maturity level increase between them years, although I think some people can still be VERY mature at <13.


District 13
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, here goes.

Maturity refers to development, and in this case, mental development. Over your life you experience many situations, and as you age you have experienced more and more. These experiences help build us to become better decision-makers. Without them (these experiences), we make poor judgements and are in no way fit for a moderating job. Unfortunately, there is no way to measure this development other then maturity, but that again refers to growth, 'age'. You can only be as mature as how many experiences you've experienced, and a 10 year old will never have experienced more then an 11 year old.

While I do agree some of us are better at making these decisions and have faced more 'difficult' experiences then an age implies, a lot of us haven't. Stereotypes aren't always false, they are just generalizations. And there will always be exceptions to generalizations -- thus we have people like Tironas11. However, in order to filter out a lot more applications we have these rules. It's better to have a lot more people we can definitely trust, then be unsure about. It's also to streamline the already busy application process, and to choose mods we can definitely trust.


District 13
May 6, 2012
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The age to legally obtain a driver's license is 16 in the United States. There are people who could drive, and handle driving before that age- so why is there an age limit on obtaining a driver's license? Because not everyone can handle the same responsibilities at the same time.

Everyone has different talents, abilities, and mind sets that allow them to do different things at different times. If there was no age requirement on obtaining a driver's license, who's to say 10 year olds wouldn't be applying for a driver's license, which would cause a whole mess of complications. You could have children who are just learning to multiply numbers taking Driver's Education- but who's to say they can't handle it? We can assume that at a young age people cannot handle large responsibilities, because for the majority, it is true.

The MCSG staffing policies are based on majority. The majority of people under 14 or 15 (the age limit) cannot handle a responsibility such as that.

The majority.

The staffing process cannot mold it's way around individual people. There are plenty of mature, young people, many of which I know, but there is a larger majority of people under that age limit who could generally not handle such a responsibility, and they, unfortunately, rule the others out.

Going back to "majority rules", people judge a book by it's cover. If you were a moderator, who was, say, 12 years old, and you banned a player, there primary argument would likely be the fact that you are so young, and they would question your judgement based on that.


Past experiences, generalization, assumptions, it all adds up to this "immaturity" mask people place on younger people.

For example, if someone is bitten by a dog, they tend to have a fear of dogs, or a caution. I'm not saying that underage mods are going to bite you by any means :p), however it's a primary example of generalization. When someone experiences something to do with someone, specifically of a certain group (yes, this correlates to racism), they make judgements about the group as a whole, based on that one person.

It's all over YouTube- someone "trolling" a younger kid, and them reacting by screaming and shouting- hence, building up this immature generalization many people hold against younger people.

If MCSG removed the age limit, some people would be in a craze, others would be happy. Then we'd have "add back the age limit" threads. It's nearly impossible to please everyone, and the safest route for MCSG to take involves he age limit.

TL;DR: Mental development (maturity, judgement, etc.) correlates with age. This is the easiest, and generally easiest way to judge how someone acts and reacts without meeting them.

Yea, some adults are just as immature as a young person, but, the keyword is some. The majority of people develop more mentally (maturity-wise mostly, is this case) as they age, and that's all they can judge by without knowing a person first.


There is currently a process in which individuals who believe they can handle the responsibility, despite being under the age requirement (however I believe there is a limit to how far under you can go) that allows them to apply for an age exception, and achieve the moderator position, although under the required age, but, that is not for me to link you (;

[Search the forums for more information on that :)]
Last edited:


Nov 4, 2013
Reaction score
I feel if we were to remove/lower the age on people who can apply for moderator this may allow people to manipulate or take advantage of moderators who are 12/13 years old.

To put it in to perspective, imagine if a 12 year old moderator was trying to talk to a rule breaker on Teamspeak, who is sixteen/seventeen years old, do you honestly think they would take the moderator seriously?


Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
When a person is younger, they generally tend to be less mature.
There is, of course, the rare exception where very young people are extremely mature for their age.
Even if this is the case, they would still get criticized by the community for being younger.
Also, people that are younger tend to use worse grammar. Sometimes they don't spell words correctly. This makes them seem more immature, even if they are being completely serious about the situation.
If they're capable of handling the responsibility but are under age, they can always get an age exception.

"don swear or u get muted"
"Please refrain from swearing on this server."

Which one would you prefer?

*Keep in mind that I, as well, am below the age limit to apply for mod. (14 years)


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
My guess is you are younger (<13) Come back to this thread in 5 years and say that again. I can't wait to see your changed viewpoint :D
I am 13, and yet I truly am more mature than most 15 year olds. I fully understand my responsibilities and the consequences that may come from ignoring them. There is a reason that criminal records can be received from the age of 10, not 16.


District 13
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
The age to legally obtain a driver's license is 16 in the United States. There are people who could drive, and handle driving before that age- so why is there an age limit on obtaining a driver's license? Because not everyone can handle the same responsibilities at the same time.

Everyone has different talents, abilities, and mind sets that allow them to do different things at different times. If there was no age requirement on obtaining a driver's license, who's to say 10 year olds wouldn't be applying for a driver's license, which would cause a whole mess of complications. You could have children who are just learning to multiply numbers taking Driver's Education- but who's to say they can't handle it? We can assume that at a young age people cannot handle large responsibilities, because for the majority, it is true.

The MCSG staffing policies are based on majority. The majority of people under 14 or 15 (the age limit) cannot handle a responsibility such as that.

The majority.

The staffing process cannot mold it's way around individual people. There are plenty of mature, young people, many of which I know, but there is a larger majority of people under that age limit who could generally not handle such a responsibility, and they, unfortunately, rule the others out.

Going back to "majority rules", people judge a book by it's cover. If you were a moderator, who was, say, 12 years old, and you banned a player, there primary argument would likely be the fact that you are so young, and they would question your judgement based on that.


Past experiences, generalization, assumptions, it all adds up to this "immaturity" mask people place on younger people.

For example, if someone is bitten by a dog, they tend to have a fear of dogs, or a caution. I'm not saying that underage mods are going to bite you by any means :p), however it's a primary example of generalization. When someone experiences something to do with someone, specifically of a certain group (yes, this correlates to racism), they make judgements about the group as a whole, based on that one person.

It's all over YouTube- someone "trolling" a younger kid, and them reacting by screaming and shouting- hence, building up this immature generalization many people hold against younger people.

If MCSG removed the age limit, some people would be in a craze, others would be happy. Then we'd have "add back the age limit" threads. It's nearly impossible to please everyone, and the safest route for MCSG to take involves he age limit.

TL;DR: Mental development (maturity, judgement, etc.) correlates with age. This is the easiest, and generally easiest way to judge how someone acts and reacts without meeting them.

Yea, some adults are just as immature as a young person, but, the keyword is some. The majority of people develop more mentally (maturity-wise mostly, is this case) as they age, and that's all they can judge by without knowing a person first.

There is currently a process in which individuals who believe they can handle the responsibility, despite being under the age requirement (however I believe there is a limit to how far under you can go) that allows them to apply for an age exception, and achieve the moderator position, although under the required age, but, that is not for me to link you (;
[Search the forums for more information on that :)]
Keyword there is "majority". I know many people my own age aren't able to handle something like this. There are few that can. If they didn't remove the age limit, atleast remove the age limit on age exceptions. I understand fully why there is age exceptions, I honestly just wish I could have a chance :c

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