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Sector Six [U.S.]

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District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Tree_TheBigKind
Age: 16 (17 in less than a month if that matters)
Wins: 636
Time Zone: Eastern (EST)

Addition Info (What I think might be needed)

Strengths- FnS and bow (I'm working on the fishing pole)
Weaknesses- Having no secondary weapons (Fishing pole, bow, FnS)
Any experience in clans- I have not been in a clan before but I feel as though I could meet any standards or requirements that come commonly in clans.

As one of the owners of Red Forest and having built 6 mcsg maps (Moon Base 9, Treacherous Heights, Icarus, Fallen Haven, Memory of Earth: Day Zero, and Catching Fire) I know all secrets in map making. This allows me to exploit any easy accessibility in maps that others usually don't see, develop good routes right away due to knowledge pertaining to chest placement and typical tiering methods, and have knowledge with the depth of map designs to ultimately achieve a set goal. As well as being a map maker, I do have a plethora of experience in survival games. Although I don't have as many wins as tons of players, some of that is due to the time that I take out to work on maps. Whatever the case, I still believe that I would add to this team both in skill and maturity.
Although this isn't as much written as what might be expected, I feel as though I summarized everything the best I could.


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
For those of you applying, good for you! Despite the fact that we won't accept all of you, we still look forward to those that do get accepted.

I fly out to New York this week to meet with the dignitaries and discuss all applicants, so get your app in this weekend if you want to make it into the first batch!


Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: ShootToMaim
Age: 20
Wins: 65
Time Zone: EST

This isn't an excuse, rather, the truth. My games played vs. my wins are extremely low because during my time as a moderator I never really took the time to play the game well, and always left after the game started and I made sure everyone was following the rules.
One skill that I feel no one else really specializes in is teaming. Whether it be when I'm low on items/health and need someone to depend on for a short amount of time or good on items and health and needing kills, I am usually able to successfully team with them through tactics such as cuteness, and offering of items like cookies and roses. After achieving an advantage over them, I kill them and take their items.
Another skill I have is FNS and bow skills, as I have played Minecraft PVP for quite a while and know what to expect and where players will be. CQB is one thing that needs to be improved on my part however, through learning strategies like block hitting.
I know many chest routes (non-popular and popular) for maps such as TSG1 and 2, SG4, Valleyside University, Holiday Resort, and others. Being a mapmaker in Team Apollo also gives the advantage of expecting where to find easter eggs and analyze the fastest routes from A to B.
I would like to be in Sector Six because of the people whom are already in it, such as SixZoSeven and Huahwi, as well as others. It's not the clan name that makes up the clan, it's the people who are in it, and I feel that this clan would be best for me as this would be a learning opportunity to watch and play with others who are skilled in PVP.
By applying, I acknowledge that I meet all prerequisites and I look forward to (hopefully) be in your clan :).


Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
I think he's implying that they could have never faced each other.
Actually SixZo was in TheBlamphs when they closed. So if the blamphs didn't close then this clan wouldn't exist.


Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: SlangShot.
Age: 14 years of age as of 24/08/2013.
Wins: at the time of writing this I have 1061 out of 2671 games played.
Time Zone: I live in Canada, my time zone is PST (Pacific Standard Time).

Hello, my name is SlangShot. One reason I think I am a fit or this clan is that I am a very mature person. I can joke around from time to time but when the time comes I can push all that aside and become a very serious person. I would consider my self above the average player. I say this because I have been told I am a brilliant at strafing and have been practising the fishing rod tactic ever since I heard about it (It's been a long time, I can't remember the exact date). I also would like to say I am, to some extent, decent at water PvP which made me love Boombeard's the first time I played it. Now to some of my flaws, both PvP and communication wise. I will start with communication, I do not have the best internet at my mom's house which, as you may imagine, would cause me to drop. I also have troubles talking, I am shy (which would be the reason I have my microphone muted a lot on teamspeak) but I am willing to unmute my microphone and attempt to step out of my comfort zone. On to the PvP flaw aspect , I am not very good with a bow or flint and steel. I have spent hours honing my bow skills and flint and steel, I have seen moderate difference in my bow skills but not in flint and steel. I am a very fair player and always accept a defeat with no rage or taking it out anyone. I am a extremely nice person and love trying to solve problems. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a wonderful day.
Sincerely yours,

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