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15 Random Facts About Yourself!


Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score
1. I steal corn
2. Clouds scare me
3. I'm good at science
4. I also suffer Asperger's Syndrome Demcmd
5. I'm Canadian
6. I play clarinet
7. I hate Fortune Island
8. I'm 13
8. I usually get around 30 fps playing MCSG
9. I got killed by ThatOneTomahawk
10. My favorite colors are purple and black (emo female colors)
11. I saw Catching Fire
12. I hate skool even though I get decent grades
13. I'm not smooth with the ladies xD
14. Corn actually gets stuck in my braces
15. I am a sexy beast :D


Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
0. I'm 15 years old and here's 15 more facts
1. I hate needles
2. I hate one-on-one conversations(they are really awkward)
3. I play trombone
4. I'm in marching band
5. I play baseball
6. I have a crappy guitar hero mic
7. I've never had a girlfriend :'( or maybe that's a good thing
8. I use my mom's computer to play MCSG
9. My GPA is currently 3.85
10. I love math
11. I hate overly cocky people
12. I hate running
13. I can throw a baseball 78mph
14. My favorite food is cheeseburgers
15. I have more facts but they aren't coming to mind right now.


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
1. I'm 14 c:
2. I'm an atheist c:
3. I play basketball c:
4. My favorite food is fried chicken c:
5. I'm a total nerd when it comes to science and history ;o
6. I have the worst internet possible ;-;
7. My first name is Justin c:
8. I joined MCSG this summer o:
9. My favorite activity is hiking c:
10. I wanna move to California ;D
11. I'm single ;-;
12. I have read one direction fan fics on the mcsg teamspeak ;o
13. I think foreign accents are so hoooooooooooooooooot c;
14. I have a six pack o.o
15. I'm actually really awkward and shy sometimes :c
16. I really like to meet new people though c:
I've never told anyone half of this stuff btw ;o
and yes 16 c;


May 25, 2012
Reaction score
1. I am the only forum-active swiss player except for SimplyToTheMax but he's mod.
2. I know SimplyToTheMax IRL and we're really really good buddies.
3. I am 14.
4. I don't sound and look 14 and I'm taller than the average 14 year old.
5. I'm about 5'11 (182cm).
6. I have 3 cats.
7. I own a fairly popukar minecraft server called MCSwish.
8. I speak Swissgerman, German, English, Swedish and kinda know French.
9. I skipped a class.
10. I got ADHD.
11. I joined MCSG in may 2012.
13. I like waveboarding.
14. I just skipped 12.
12. There's a picture of me where like every girl says that I'm adorable.
15. I like programming C:


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
1. My name is Maximillian
2. I'm 14
3. I have difficulty talking to new people
4. My favorite color is blue
5. I'm a track and football star
6. My favorite book series is Divergent
7. I play on a Windows 8 Office laptop
8. I went to Washington D.C. for a school field trip
9. I'm in 8th grade
10. My YouTube channel name is BestBeardy cuz i lik 2 advrtiz
11. I lack motivation to get work done
12. I can draw on my computer, but not on paper
13. I get straight As
14. I love bread
15. I'm 5'9, but shorter than almost all of my friends
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
1. I used to be homeschooled
2. I'm anti-social in real life (unless I'm with closer friends)
3. My name in real life is Macy c:
4. I play piano
5. Some of my closest friends are online
6. I play MCSG horribly if I'm playing with friends or if I have friends watching me
7. I get really bad headaches in warm weather
8. I get really sick in cold weather
9. I hate California weather
10. I'm horrible at Algebra, all my other subjects are fine
11. I drink at least 6 cups of coffee a day
12. My friends IRL think I'm weird since I used to bring a stuffed unicorn to school everyday in 7th grade (sometimes I still do)
13. I eat ramen for dinner almost every night, and eat dry ramen for a snack during the day xD
14. I once sang The Derp Song at a school talent show thing and I got called "derp" for 2 months after that
15. I have a weird obsession with glowsticks


1. My favorite food is Pizza
2. I play Baseball, Disc Golf, and all the intramurals at my school.
3. I broke my wrist on the bunny slope last year :'(
4. My best friend IRL is FloppyMonitor , I introduced him to mcsg
5. I'm 5'9 (and still growing :D)
6. I turned 14 in June
7. I'm the oldest person at my school (out of 1,500 people)
8. My GPA is currently 3.94
9. I don't play mcsg much anymore; I spend more time with my build team and an SMP server
10. #sexysingle
11. I listen to rock n roll
12. I live in Southern California
13. I'm actually not allowed to play Survival Games (It's a funny story)
14. my mom has a ton of her work people at my house :(
15. I'm supposed to be doing work right now (my dad just came up to me and I had to minimize this :3)


Mar 23, 2013
Reaction score
1. I'm a senior
2. My real name is Jen
3. I've been a mod on another forum but quit due to a busy lifestyle
4. I live in Canada
5. I'll be 18 in less than a month.
6. My favorite color is purple.
7. I dye my hair a lot. But my natural hair color is dark blonde/really light brown
8. People tend to hate me because i'm too sarcastic
9. I have a group of trolly friends.
10. I like cats (Gummy_kitty makes it kind of obvious >.<)
11. I no life video games to the point where I question what I'm doing with my life
12. I'm really into sociology. I like the studies of society.
13. I barely sleep and I tend to play MCSG at 4 am.
14. I'm 5'1. Not that tall but could be worse.
15. I love pokemon
Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
1. I'm 12
2. I like pigeons and bears (Agent Pigeon and Bure
3. I can be very immature. I do try to suppress myself (progress!)
4. I am both Indian and Filipino.
5. I like burritos.
6. I am on High Honor Roll (straight As)
7. I should be studying for the science and Spanish tests I have tomorrow, not typing this.
8. I'm not very popular at school.
9. I originally made this forum account because I thought you needed one to play. (Hence that my account was created in September 2012, but I only came on the forums sometime in June)
10. This is fact 11.
11. You checked if fact 10 was really fact 11.
12. That was a lame joke.
13. I started playing MCSG in September
14. Pokemanz4lyfe
16. I'm bad at following directions.
17. Orange is my favorite color.
18. I live in New Jersey.
19. I can type WORDS.
20. My name is Jay.
21. That was the first time I posted my name on the forums. #Historic <-----make dat a clan
22. You know too much about me.
23. I made my skin.
24. I'm still bad at following directions.
25. I'm getting lazier.


Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
1. I like to align things to the center for some reason.
2. I've never made below an A on my school report cards.
3. I can have anxiety attacks.
4. I live off of stress, I am always stressed.
5. I am very judgmental and arrogant.
6. I have 100% Irish heritage.
7. My life's dream is to become a Neurosurgeon.
8. I am ambidextrous.
9. I am a huge fan of the show "Grey's Anatomy" and "House"
10. I'm always deep in thought, especially if I'm not talking for a long time.
11. I'm good at the piano, I've been taking it since I was five.
12. I am probably the only person you will ever see who only likes Classical music and hates all music that isn't Classical. (For those who think I mean Classical as in Classic, no I mean Classical).
13. I am very mentally fortified as I am not gullible or do not easily subside into peer pressure.
14. I love school, without it I would be nothing.
15. I applied for developer before and was not accepted at the interview stage, which made me rush to learn everything about code, now I code normally for Robotics.​


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
1. I steal corn
2. Clouds scare me
3. I'm good at science
4. I also suffer Asperger's Syndrome Demcmd
5. I'm Canadian
6. I play clarinet
7. I hate Fortune Island
8. I'm 13
8. I usually get around 30 fps playing MCSG
9. I got killed by ThatOneTomahawk
10. My favorite colors are purple and black (emo female colors)
11. I saw Catching Fire
12. I hate skool even though I get decent grades
13. I'm not smooth with the ladies xD
14. Corn actually gets stuck in my braces
15. I am a sexy beast :D
16. you like to destroy kids childhood
17. You make pointless threads

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