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15 Random Facts About Yourself!


Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
1. I'm 14
2. My real name is Hunter
3. I've been playing since December
4. This is my second forum account because I was going to use my alt Zayngoose for only MCSG but I decided I liked Burtry more ;3
5. I'm secretly Satan and God
6. I scream and moan
7. I love scary movies and rollercoasters but I'm terrified of bugs/spiders/small animals
8. I have a YouTube
9. Cscoop is my oldest MCSG friend that I still talk to.
10. I changed my original profile to CscoopIsLoveCscoopIsLife
11. I wrestle
12. I only wear shorts.
13. My favorite word is swell
14. I love celery
15. I am married to DQ Jacob Aipom and Maxypie


Oct 16, 2012
Reaction score
1. I'm 14
2. My Name Is Steven
3. I do foreign juggling acts such as Devil Sticks
4. I've been to 49 states and 28 countries
5. My favorite food are Pierogies
6. I listen to music all day, seriously, I have jacket earphone's and nobody notices
7. I ride my bike
8. I'm a tech geek (Today got a corsair k70 WOO)
9. I do small businesses each season (Leaves, Mowing Lawn, SNow SHoveling and is my man source of income)
10. I've almost died by drowning (Don't ask)
11. I cook most dinners for my family and our entire ThanksGiving
12. I suck at PvP
13. I'm an NYC Mets fan Don't Hate <3
14. I MIGHT be on AMerica's got talent in a few years doing fire devil sticks mentioned above
15. I've only played on MCSG becuase it's my home. My mom passed away and my uncle died two years ago. They've both affected my life dearly. I take out all my rage on MCSG and try to make the most of it

People who wanted to know these things about me:
Virtual Captain Alpha


District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
1. I'm 14
2. My name is Omer
3. I live in the SF Bay Area, in California
4. I'm a freshman
5. I'm part of a program for really smart kiddies. Top 1% in the state or something.
6. I'm a twin, I have a twin brother. Gnomercy
7. Never applied for mod; know I'll get turned down because of age
8. I have a custom made computer that I built myself :)
9. I wish I could art
10. I have a home video in which an ostrich comes up to my car door in a safari and pecks the crap out of the window. I'm yelling for my life and my brother and dad always laugh at me for that D: I hate ostriches.
11. I was born in Israel
12. I speak Hebrew
13. I like watching TED talks. DONT JUDGE ME.
14. I used to be known and feared back in v1... *looks back and sighs*
15. This list was harder than it should've been.


Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
1: my names matt
2: i got 99 problems but a girl aint 1, shes all 99 :/ (emma)@HyP3rKi113r ;)
3: i have a pet derp tutrle named clarke
4: ive been mod for like 5 months
5: kelly just texted me but u guys dont know her
6: heres a baby pic of me

7: I volunteer with special kids
8: I have a lot of swag
9:my dads a pilot
10: ive been to over 14 countries
11: i play full time travel baseball
12: I like to pvp
13: i had 50 wins in august, 575 now
14: i make MCJackson 's life harder by causing problems where he lifeguards
15: i did my interview on my phone


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
  1. I'm probably the laziest Indian person ever, that isn't an exaggeration.
  2. My name is Skandha
  3. I have my Windows Product Key memorized because I've typed it in so many times.
  4. I turn 18 on December 7th. (This Saturday)
  5. I spell it centre instead of center
  6. I walk around with 2 activated phones at all times.
  7. I have a room full of computers where I host my servers.
    Room tour if you're interested
  8. I literally learned fluent Japanese by watching anime.
    I'm in AP Japanese now with little to no formal teaching
  9. I use a heated blanket all year round.
    It's fluffy and warm and I love it.
  10. I don't like the cold. (Obvious based on the previous fact.)
  11. Despite being Indian, I hate almost all Indian food.
  12. According to mal.seireiju.net, I've watched 208.1 Days of anime.
    Realistically, it's probably more than that.
  13. I played Pokemon Y purely for the fact that you can dress up your character.
  14. I think home phones are almost if not completely obsolete at this point.
    Let's keep landlines for businesses and public buildings shall we?
  15. I have long black hair.
Last edited:


Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
1. I'm 14.
2. My real name is António.
3. I live in Oklahoma (Land of Nothing).
4. My favorite food is Fish. (Spec. Sushi)
5. I have had straight As since letter grading scales have been used. (4.0 since 6th grade)
6. I speak English and Portuguese. I'm currently taking French.
7. Been playing since Alpha (hence my name).
8. I play the Piano.
9. I'm Portuguese.
10. I am a Whovian, and I love Modern Family and Parks and Rec.
11. I was born in Scotland. (Not Scottish, but I have British Citizenship because of a weird EU law)
12. I've been to 20-30 countries.
13. I was a part of a 5-time state championship Swim Team.
14. I'm 160 cm.
15. My favorite sport is Football (Soccer).


Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
1.) I have a girlfriend.
2.) I have a sexy computer.
3.) My internet sucks.
4.) My hair is amazing.
5.) I'm not fat.
6.) I don't wear glasses or have contacts.
7.) I'm tall.
8.) I live in Oklahoma.
9.) My skin is a dervish wearing obsidian armor from Guild Wars.
10.) My name is Allen.
11.) I'm 14.
12.) I play the piano.
13.) I play the guitar.
14.) I'm moving to Texas over the summer.
15.) I'm in percussion (band)

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