My life IRL is completely different from my life here.
MCGamer life:
I am a very friendly and sometimes very talkative person. I love helping people with whatever I can and just generally having fun with friends and enjoy being a friend to others. When it comes to working, I can go from my usual outgoing self to dealing with people in a very serious and mature matter.
IRL life:
I am a very negative person who has dealt with depression for quite a while. I have no friends and generally no-one to talk to, and as someone with a very over-active imagination (horrible side-affect of my "maturity of a 30 year old" that people say I have all the time, online and IRL), you begin to think too much when alone, giving you horrible views of the outside world. And honestly, that state of mind brought me here looking for a place where I feel like I'm respected for once.
Sometimes, these personalities mix. Sometimes I get random outbursts of my online self IRL. And sometimes my depressing self finds it's way on here, where I start to get a bit anxious and angry, and acting friendly to someone while my mind goes off and brings dark feelings to me does not end well for me.