I'm pretty cool. Say in school we have a task to do, everyone is there sharing their retarded ideas, I'm standing their facepalming, after their done sharing their ideas. I share mine and everyone's like "Oh Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
I'm really easy to talk to as well, I'm hard to argue with. If me and one of my friends have an argument we both just end it by joking about stuff. In high school I've had my fair share of fights xP. If someone starts to argue with me and get angry I just say go away or something like that. If I lose my temperature I go insane XD. On the mcsg servers I have multiple personalities depending on my mood. Sometimes I don't even talk and just listen to other people. I can be mean sometimes though, say if theres a noob and he/she asks me how to do something, I have a 20% chance of telling him/her the truth. If i'm text teaming with someone I don't know I normally back stab them unless I need their help lol, but on skype I never backstab and I'm friendly and helpful. I also play sports irl like football and rugby, mainly football though. I'm also good at swimming. For grades and stuff I do pretty well, most of the time I lose marks because I never check my answers. For assignments and stuff I try to write as much as possible because the more you write the higher chance you have of getting all the possible marks. So that's me