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Top clans from every region

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
I see that some people are having arguments about regions and whatnot. I will tell you right now, I just spent about 15 minutes researching the top 3 clans from the 5 different regions, and now I will compose a list of each region followed by a list of the regions combined. This list was based mainly on clan battle records. I'm sure the list may change if clans were to battle each other again, but for now this is what I came up with.

Edit: Added links to every clan.

1) Forgotten - based on track record, they have the most wins and have a great leader. While they did lose a few members, they are a very real challenge and until Rebels or Titans faces them, they are #1
2) Rebels - One of (perhaps, the) oldest clan existing, Rebels have gone through many changes since their beginning. They have a large roster with enough players to bring all skills to the table. They are a regularly challenging clan when my clan scrimmages them, and I hope that one day they can also achieve the number 1 spot like so long ago.
3) Republic - The newest clan on this list, Republic was started with the goal, like every other clan, to become the best. In a short amount of time, they've conquered many other clans that were thought to be very skilled. Inside Republic, you'll find players of many different clan backgrounds and skill levels, and there's definitely chemistry inside Republic. Rebels should watch out, because Republic is an increasingly challenging opponent, and it will take a lot to beat them.

Notable Mentions for US -
Sector Six - Sector Six was a very prestigious and highly-regarded group that contains some of the best PvPers in US MCSG as of now. Sixzoseven takes his applicants very seriously, and only accepts the best of the best. Sixzo himself has stated that he needs to gain a few more players, and figure out how they work well together as a team in order to start playing ranked matches.
Sovereign - Ah man, Sovereign. When you think about long lasting, hard working clans, you may think of Rebels, or Forgotten, but when I think of clans that show true dedication and perseverance, I think of Sovereign. Sovereign's been through a lot, after Frog started it back in, what, June? July? Salamancer took over as leader in early November, and since then the players on that roster have stuck by him. Sovereign's teamwork is one of the best out there, since most of their players have stuck with the clan through thick and thin. While their individual skill is questionable, Sovereign's outstanding teamwork is what earned their spot on this list.


1) Hellfire - what can I say, Builda_Brett is a great leader. He led his team to beat one of the best EU clans in history, and they show that they deserved all their wins. I place them at second, mainly because EU Rebels has defeated them. I feel like Hellfire would be a challenge for clans in other regions as well.
Update 12/23/13 - Hellfire has proven themselves to be the best clan out there. With a recent victory over Rebels. I'd like to say Hellfire has outdone themselves and surprised everyone twice now, with the defeat of Legends and Rebels, Brett should be proud of where his clan is now.
2) EU Rebels - a similar case to Forgotten, they have yet to lose a clan battle and have defeated many challenging clans. With members from all around Europe, they get to know each other very well and can work great as a team, with each members individual pvp skill an asset. The only reason this clan is at #2 is because of their recent defeat at the hands of Hellfire. Rebels are still one of the best clans in EU right now.
3) For the 3rd place spot, we have a tie between Cynix and Nitride. Both clans are skilled in their areas, but they have both lost to the same clans/ have not faced the same clans. I believe if the two faced each other, Cynix would come out on top, but it would definitely be a battle to watch.

1) AS Rebels - As one of the oldest AS clans, it almost stands alone in skill in this division. Some may disagree, but I believe AS is both easier and more difficult to play on, not only because there are less good players, but because there are less bad players as well. However, you will see that the AS Rebels (formerly known as Akatsuki) make up about half of the experienced/skilled players on AS.
2) Ultraz - I had not heard of this clan until a member of the AS Rebels pointed it out to me. Now that I read up on their thread, I feel pretty bad that I didn't include Ultraz. While they haven't battled the AS Rebels yet, there is definitely signs of skill and determination in this clan. Being led by one of the top players in MCSG right now, I view them going far.
3) Forgotten Legion - As of my knowledge, this is the only other AS clan out there, so I figured I'd add them in. They haven't beaten Ultraz (on the contrary, they lost), but I'm sure they'll get better over time.

Please suggest CA clans for this list.

1) Phoenix - Phoenix has proven themselves to be one of the best clans worldwide. formerly known as AU Forgotten (or AU Rebels, oh gosh I can't remember), they were found good enough by one of the top US clans to be worth naming their counterpart. Although darkrai is a leader who's value is up to discussion, I believe he works hard to manage his clan, but still have fun while he does it, and this shows in their battle record, where similar to EU Rebels, they have not lost a single battle.
2) Apex - one of the oldest AU clans, they have a large number of clan battles, only one of which they have lost, which they also rematched (Blitz) and won. flok, croe, and oma take great care of this clan, and work hard to pose a challenge to their rivals, like Phoenix.

*Note - this is the part of the thread that people will have disagreements on. I have spent about 20 minutes typing this up and doing research on the clans, and if anyone else is willing to do what I have done and have a differing opinion, I'd actually be glad, we can let everyone know that opinions do differ, especially on this topic, where every player from different regions will have bias.

World - This list will be a top 5, to incorporate the #1 clan from every region.
1) Forgotten - US MCSG clans will always be the most popular region, mainly because US and EU are the dominant regions in MCSG as a whole. This also means that EU and US clans will be the most dominant region. When it comes to hard work and determination, the current members of Forgotten are some of the most skilled players in MCSG worldwide. Many of their members are old-timers, beta players or pre-MCSGv2 players. They know how the game works as a whole, and are experienced PvPers. The Forgotten clan has had several drawbacks, including losing several members to other games, but Forgotten was always still a challenge. There's a reason why, as soon as they came back, they were ranked once again among the top 3. They have (to my knowledge) the longest winning streak in clan battles (EU Forgotten held this title, but they are no longer). Soulv2 is a big key to their success, he is one of the best strategic leaders and players in the game itself. I believe that, given time, other clans may take over the #1 spot, but there will always be a place in MCSG history for Forgotten, the current best clan worldwide.

2) EU Rebels - What can I say, EU is tied with US in the MCSG dominance spectrum. I think that, given time, EU Rebles would definitely be able to take the #1 spot. However, there are ways to compare the EU Rebels to Forgotten to show why Forgotten is better. Every Forgotten member has been around for a long time. They are all individually skilled as one of the best in the world. Soul is one of the best leaders around. xExtract has been named by more than a couple people as the best PvPer in MCSG as of now. I think that if EU Rebels worked a little bit more on having every player have the ability to take over as a sort of squadron-leader in the case that any other players were killed in a battle (for example), then they would have no problem taking the #1 spot.

3) Phoenix - As the #1 AU clan, the AU region is the first that I can say, there is a real challenge to be had. In CA, you have lots of good challengers in the form of individual players, but not so much in clans. In AU, the individual players are a challenge, along with the clans they belong to. Phoenix has proven themselves to be the best in AU, but I think that even with darkrai's skill in leadership, they would not do well against the top 2 clans.

4) AS Rebels - I have a firm belief that the AS division is one of the easier divisions to play on, especially if you are skilled. I know some people may not want to admit it, but there are not nearly as many good players on AS as, for example, EU. This means that a group of AS players (who are very skilled) would have nearly no challenge. The AS Rebels have not had a real challenge in a while, and this is why I am putting them at the #4 spot. I really do wish that having clans battle across regions was an easy thing, but this will probably never be the case.

In conclusion, I'd like for other around the globe to share their opinions on my opinions. If possible, refrain from flame on my thread. I want to be able to make adjustments to this thread if a lot of people believe that some things should be changed, but I'd very much enjoy seeing others learn about the other regions and/or talk about their own.
Last edited:


Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score
For US
1. Titans
2. Rebels
3. Forgotten (Since they just rebanded)

1. Helfire
2. EU Rebals
3. EU forgotten

1. Phoniex
Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
For US
1. Titans
2. Rebels
3. Forgotten (Since they just rebanded)

1. Helfire
2. EU Rebals
3. EU forgotten

1. Phoniex
im quessing you might be in hell fire, and i know im in Rebels Eu, but, rebels eu are better than hell fire ... im not saying by much but still it stands out on victories, Being apart of the Rebels Eu, i can tell you we are very skilled in may a manner and alot of us are pre/v1 mcsg players, including myself philly and others, HellFire do have a great team but in my opinion have not got enough to take on rebels eu (not by much tough).

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
im quessing you might be in hell fire, and i know im in Rebels Eu, but, rebels eu are better than hell fire ... im not saying by much but still it stands out on victories, Being apart of the Rebels Eu, i can tell you we are very skilled in may a manner and alot of us are pre/v1 mcsg players, including myself philly and others, HellFire do have a great team but in my opinion have not got enough to take on rebels eu (not by much tough).
i appreciate your response, but you should just ignore what he says if it really gets you angry.


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Wait.. What do you mean my value is up to discussion? :c


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
I mean that a lot of people don't like you. I personally have no problem with you, but others....
Oh, haha.. I'm very defensive of myself and my clan. I guess you can see where that leads me.. xD

By the way, please keep this thread open.. Like, just so no more of these exist. xD

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