Staff is actually very aware that bsm does not allow you to sprintbackwards/sidewards in multiplayer. It has been discussed many times. So I am not sure where you got that information from.
Bsm is banned for one simple reason right now.. because it allows players to use 1.6.4 and bsm at the same time as optifine. It allows you to get all the advantages of new sprint on 1.7 without the lag of not having optifine. Staff has said it themselves that after bsm comes out for 1.7, they will re-look BSM and consider allowing bsm as long as it doesn't allow any added features that it didn't have in the past.
This however, will not happen at all probably until Mcsg itself goes SOLO for 1.7 and optifine comes out for 1.7. My one issue is.. why are people complaining so much about bsm being banned.. when they can simply just use 1.7.. and its pretty much already there for them... I don't get why it's making everyone rage... cept for those who are on 1.6.4 and wanting to cheat and use bsm..
As far as demons breeze.. I am actually very upset that this map is gone.. along with most others. The best thing we can all do is just vote in the poll section. That is the only chance we have.