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Aviate | (US & CA Divison)

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Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Alex (For obvious reasons, last name will be kept secret.)


Timezone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)

Time Available: Noon (12 PM) to 10 PM. Changes may occur depending on family schedules. I’m
homeschooled, so my schedule can get wonky.

Gender: Male

Age: 14 years old.

IGN: Mooclan

Wins/Total: 428/2052 as of me posting this. (I took a few months off of MCSG due to family events, and have given countless wins to teammates and friends, not to mention my noob days.)

Skype: Moocrafter. Anyone can contact me using that, for whatever reason.

TeamSpeak: Yes, I generally appear under the name “Mooclan”

Mic: Yes, although it’s a built-in microphone within my computer. I also have a secondary laptop, which also has a built-in microphone. However, relatively often I will be muted except during crucial moments, as my family has strict rules about where I am allowed to use my computer, so there’s often background noises, from kitchen, siblings, etc. but I am still able and willing to join TeamSpeak/Skype. I have learned to overcome to communication barrier, and can type very fast, as well as using hotkeys to unmute then mute myself again if I’m chasing or being chased.

Best PvP Quality: I would have to say that my best aspect of PvP is strategizing. I have both the smarts needed to make plans based on the current situation(s), and the skill to carry out the plans. Aside from strategizing, I’m also a very experienced strafer, and I’ve been known to out-strafe Better Sprint Mod users on many counts. Naturally, hackers are difficult to defeat, and there can never be a guarantee that anyone will emerge victorious over a hacker.

Worst PvP Quality: Over-use of Flint N’ Steel, and shooting moving targets. Rather than place a single, well-planned flame, I tend to ignite a series of 2-4 blocks in a wall, resulting in wasting Flint N’ Steels. However, I usually compensate for this by making as many Flint N’ Steels as possible, sometimes as many as 10. (DoUEvenShift can verify this.) I’m also working on improving my hit to miss ratio on moving targets with a bow. As we all know, shooting people that are moving side to side can be very difficult to do well, and I’ve been practicing this. However, if a target is not moving, I can usually hit them from far away, it’s simply the timing that I am lacking.

MCSG Donator: I am an Iron Donor on MCSG, thanks to DoUEvenShift. It expires on December 10th, if I recall correctly.

Unique Qualities: For one, I type rather well. I may not have the best sentence structure or style of writing, but I generally use decent grammar, as anyone can see from my posts on the MCSG Forums. Also, my voice is awkwardly deep, causing people to sometimes assume I’m around 16 years old. I also have multiple personalities, but that doesn’t affect online, as one of my personalities is strictly for online gaming. It’s weird, I know. In clan matters, I am very loyal, and do not backstab; I have very strict standards that I hold myself to concerning teammates, and that includes never backstabbing clanmates or friends, and to only attack them in fair circumstances, unless they have expressed intent for me to face them with my own equipment, even in DeathMatch. Sometimes I just pull out a load of Flint N’ Steels and just run around, setting them on fire until one of us dies; it’s hilariously fun that way, and I don’t have to worry too much about one person having an insane advantage over the other.

Experiences with Members+ in Aviate: I’ve spoken to AviAndy and AviKons, although at the time I was a bit impolite. I do not normally behave in such a manner, and I apologize for what I did. If there is any issues remaining from that time, I would be more than glad to clear that up. I also know DoUEvenShift vaguely; he hasn’t spoken to me directly, but we’ve communicated a few times, and I was there for 20 hours of his 24 hour livestream, after which he bought me my iron donator rank and OptiFine cape, for which I am most grateful. I was also an officer in a clan that AviMyles was once in, and was in another clan that he was also in, Rebels. We haven’t spoken for quite some time, however. I was once acquaintances with TehSteelFlexer, and we’ve teamed a number of times in the past, however that was before we both got, as some might say, “Good” at MCSG. I’ve seen Aviate members on PvP practice servers, which I won’t name here due to this being the MCSG Forums, and have talked to a few on various occasions, usually for brief periods of time. I also know Mwinkl3s a bit, and have teamed with him on various servers, mostly when he was using the account Frixmaa or Mwinkl3sHD.

Why I want to join Aviate: Aviate has been recommended by many people, including a few that I look up to and respect as well-known players such as TorchScar (Also known as Aezlurr. It was through him that I found out about Aviate.). I was also told that during the livestream, AviAndy stated that he wanted me in Aviate. I have for a long time thought of Aviate as a very uniquely run clan; I have seen very few clans make such high standards, and then actually uphold them. I must admit it is very impressive, and Aviate is a clan not to be underestimated.

Can I add the “Avi” prefix to my username: I cannot purchase a new account at this time, however if I happen to have a spare $30 in my PayPal, I would be willing to purchase a new account with the prefix “Avi”. If I ever buy Diamond Donor, it would be for that account, so as to get into clan games easier.

Past Clans: Until recently, I had only been in two clans, the EliteSquad and the Rebels, US division. I have also joined #Nightmare, after being invited by TheRealAussie to be an officer. I also founded the clan “Drexonians”, however I abandoned that project after a series of events.

Comments/Additional Information: Sorry for the long application, I get carried away when writing things like this, and I wrote it in a 3rd party document application, which I usually do only when I plan on writing something that can turn out to be long. I would also be willing to write documents such as MCSG Guides, PvP Tips and Tricks, and anything else, which could either be kept solely for use by Aviate, or released to the public.

I have read through the Aviate Thread multiple times, and I understand that I do not meet all of the requirements perfectly, but as it is I still choose to submit an application. I also wrote, edited, and formatted this on a laptop with no mouse, which I am not used to, so the formatting might be a bit odd (I keep touching the touchpad with my palm/wrist and moving the mouse by accident)

Thank you for taking the time and patience to read my application, and I look forwards to possibly working together with Aviate members in the future.
I was on the account frixmaa xD when we tammmed


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
I was on the account frixmaa xD when we tammmed
Should I remove that from the application?

Edit: Fixed it.


Apr 29, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Leep/Mike
US/CA: I mostly play on US, but I do play on CA and get 5 bars.
Timezone: I live in NY so EST
Time Available: On weekdays I am usually on 3 P.M. until 6 then I have class and then I come back on the computer around 8 P.M. On Saturday's I get on at 11 A.M. and stop around 2/3 P.M so I can eat and get back on to play until 7 at least. Sunday's I try to get on around 1:30 but I sometimes get on 1-2 hours later and can usually play until 7 or 8
Gender: Male
Age: 13
IGN: Leeparhity
Wins/Total: 105 wins and 859 games played and I am getting better at PVP so it will be higher.
*Skype: Leeparhity and am very active on it.
*Teamspeak (Y/N): I have a Teamspeak and am very active on Aviate's team speak even though I can't really do anything on it.
*Mic (Y/N): I have a camera mic that is actually not bad quality but picks up some background noise. I am trying to get the Kraken pro headset for better mic quality. If we are on the TS my mic won't be a problem.
Best PVP Quality: My best PVP quality is my melee PVP (meaning sword/axe/fist) and I can almost always get my FNS off even on great players. I am also a great teamer meaning I am willing to give better weapon and armor to the better player, and I can usually know how low my teammate/teammates are when they are fighting so I can warn them in case they are not looking at there health and swap with them to finish the kill. I am also good at guessing how low the enemy/enemies are so I can tell my teammate/teammates if we should try and snipe them or to continue chasing. In team fights I almost never hit my teammate. I am really good at chest grabbing by the way. I can also shoot over my teammate to hit the enemy and not hit my teammate while they are still chasing.
Worst PVP Quality: My worst PVP quality is when I get 3 bars or lower connection to to the server, 3 or more teams when I don't have a teammate unless they are total noobs, sometimes water fights, some bow spammers, running into FNS, and some maps I either don't have a chest rout or have a really crappy one with only tier ones.
MCSG Donator: I am not a MCSG donor, but if you need me to get it I will try and buy iron donor.
What makes you unique: I am a really huge team player, very mature for my age, do not scream a lot, do not QQ, I am very dedicated, I am able to pull very far snipes and very intense sword PVP, and know when to shut up and not bother other members.
How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: I was a very active in Aviate version1 and still play with a bunch of the memebers. If you want amount of time I would say about 2 months.
Why do you want to join Aviate: Aviate is the most organized and nicest clan I have ever been in and I am really trying to get into v2. I really feel that Aviate is the clan for me and that I know so many of the members and I have had so much fun playing with everyone and doing some scrims with you guys.
Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): I think I might be able to change it to AviLeep if I can get the money.
Past clans: Plasmic mainly and some other clans.
Comments/Additional Information: I just want to say I spent a lot of time into my application and that I will keep trying to get into Aviate because I think it is such an awesome clan. Once again #US42 Home Server of Aviate!
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