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The Titans [US Team]

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Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Now's where I mark my official leave from The Titans. As much as I've had fun here, and as much as I've loved the people in this clan, I feel that I need to go. I have loved this clan, I truly have, but I've gotten more and more bored as each and every day goes on. Sure, I get that you guys like to practice by having multiple scrims a day, and I know you guys love doing it, but it was so much more fun when we just played for fun, and didn't play as competitively. I honestly liked it better before we were considered the best/the 2nd best clan in MCSG, since you guys never really worried about keeping a reputation or trying to prove that we're an elite clan. The main reason I join clans is to have fun, but it has slowly gotten more and more boring as we tend to scrim every single day and not just get the chance to just joke around and have fun like we used to. I've been associated with this clan for such a long time, and the fun I've had is great, but reputation and competing has taken over for you guys. It isn't as fun as it used to be, and I don't like it. All of the more, "original" Titans members have all left, with the exception of a few, but as the fun slowly faded, and the competition has taken over, it just doesn't feel right.
Just a little bit of thanks.
ChrisComedies : Thanks for being a great friend and always being there for me, I'll miss you fatty. <3

Auroraty : Thanks for being really fun to play with, and being a great friend, I'll miss you <3

ScrewYouGumby2 : Thanks for being amazing in the time that you actually played, shame you quit.

iancool : You have been criticized by so many people, but I find you to truly be an amazing person and a great friend.

Zeno : For being an amazing leader and a great friend. Bye biggums <3

Now's when I mark by goodbye, and for the last time, #Titans

~Corn, signing off.
Well guys, I guess this is good-bye this time for real. Titans is my family here in MCSG, and probably always will be. Its just that, we don't ever have fun anymore. Every day its scrim after scrim after scrim. We stopped doing that for a week or so, but then it just went back. I miss the days that I would go on the teamspeak and go into a channel and everyone would be laughing and playing a game or something, and I wish its still that, but it isn't. See that HurricanesV2 just opened up, and those guys are my friends that I always knew and have fun with, and they are all my friends and family like you. Sorry guys, but I think I'm done.

ChrisComedies wow you are relly fat, but always remember, #PantsAndHatCrew

0ppipp0 I wuv u bby. Sad to see that you left. #PantsAndHatCrew

Butterballer You are really a cool guy, but we don't talk too much anymore, which is a shame.

iancool You truly are really cool, ian.

NewYorkKidd9 Dallas, I always thought, man I really want to talk to that guy and be friends with him back in the day, but I never thought that day would come. I'll miss you

ScrewYouGumby2 Its a shame that you don't play anymore, because you were awesome. My first friend in the clan.

Auroraty You are really awesome and remember the rape boxes.

Last but not least,
Zeno Thanks for being such a great leader and friend. I always looked up to you and things, and I will miss you and the rest of the Titans.

I'll miss you guys. You were great friends, and I'm sad that this clan isn't what you wanted. Stay fat, and know you'll always have a place on this team if you want to come back.


Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
I will no longer be playing minecraft on weekdays because of basketball season and cuz I can soooo...
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