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Aviate | (US & CA Divison)

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Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
  • Name: Brenden
  • US/CA: US Division
  • Timezone: PST (Pacific Standard Time)
  • Time Available: Weekends: 9am - 10pm Weekdays: 3pm -10pm (Subject to change occasially)
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 14
  • IGN: Karterchamp
  • Wins/Total: 151/350+ (This includes my alternate)
  • *Skype: KarterHD
  • *Teamspeak (Y/N): Yes (Y)
  • *Mic (Y/N): Yes (Y)
  • Best PVP Quality: FnS, Bow and Rod.
  • Worst PVP Quality: Sword to Sword, and Water Battles.
  • MCSG Donator: N/A
  • What makes you unique: I'm 14 years old and race "cars".
  • How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: Unfortunately, not much recently due to the fact of me being on a vactation in Italy. Previously, I used to play with most, if not all of the members when I was in the clan about a month ago. I'm looking forward to play with everyone again soon if I am accepted into the clan.
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: After waking up this morning seeing everything that happened to Aviate yesterday, and all of the people who were involved in the reopening, I knew this clan was going to be even bigger and better then before. As most of you know, I don't just play video games for fun, but to compete. This was one of the main reasons I started to play MCSG, to compete in a different game then what I've competed in before. That's when I noticed Aviate, a professional looking clan, out to seek victory. I ended up applying and being accepted into the clan, and had the privillage to meet so many wonderful people. After playing for a month or so with Aviate, I realized that even though there were so many awesome people, it wasn't what I truly wanted out of a being in a clan. Now, I know that's changed, and I want to be apart of that change. This time, I know, we will "Fly above the Rest".
  • Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): Yes
  • Past clans: Primeval and Aviate
  • Comments/Additional Information: Well, here it is, my application into the new Aviate. I had the privilege of being here before. And I would love to have that privilege again. I understand that I may have upset a few members in the past, and I apologize for that, but lets remember why we're trying to get into this clan anyway, not because you were in the last Aviate, but because you want to be apart of the new Aviate. This is the reason, I know, that I'm applying. Hopefully that's the reason everyone else is. This clan is going to be one of the best, some might not see it, but it will, even if it takes a life time. I want to be apart of that journey, even if it is a lifetime. Also a few shout outs to some special people that have made my past experience in Aviate even better. Lucidictive, You are one of the coolest guys I know in MCSG, even though we had our arguments, we were still friends. We both left Aviate for the same reason, and I'm sure we're back for the same reason. Hope to play with you again soon. AviAndy, Well, what can I say about you Andy. Well first off, you're Asian, which is cool. Secondly you were such an amazing leader at the time, even though I didn't agree with everything that you suggested, I still respected you. I haven't spoken to you in a while, not since I left. I just want to say that I'm looking forward to playing with you again soon as well. Well, It's almost about time for we to head off to school, I apologize for missing out some of you, but I unfortunately have run out of time. Thank you to everyone who is reading this, I do appreciate it. I respect whoevers decision it is to accept or decline my application. What ever ends up happening, I will always respect Aviate.


Oct 28, 2012
Reaction score
  • Name: Burke bailey.
  • US/CA: Us.
  • Timezone: Central standard time zone.
  • Time Available: About 2-3 days a week.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Age: 12. I am very mature though.
  • IGN: nbalegend01
  • Wins/Total:
  • *Skype: yes.
  • *Teamspeak (Y/N): Yes.
  • *Mic (Y/N): Yes I have turtle beaches.
  • Best PVP Quality: I am best at using flint and steel. I am very good with the fishing rod. I am decent with a bow. My sword pvp is also pretty good. I am an overal good pvper. I have many flaws, but I work on them constantly.
  • Worst PVP Quality: I am worst at taking hackers. I'm not very good at taking a team of 4+ I dodge bows good, flint and steel is a bit harder though. I don't run a lot so I die when I go try hard and don't run. I work on these qualities and hope to have less of these.
  • MCSG Donator: None. I will be getting lifetime diamond on nbalegend01 for Christmas. If I get someone to buy me my Avi account then I'll get lifetime diamond on that one.
  • What makes you unique: I am very mature, even though I may be young. I can pvp with the best and I am a good team player.
  • How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: I have teamed with none of them so far. I am going to school right now. This afternoon I will be on to team and play with them.
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: Aviate is one of the most organized, well though out clan. They have good members and you guys seem cool.
  • Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): If someone buys me an account.
  • Past clans: Sovereign and primeval.
  • Comments/Additional Information: Nothing I can think of. Thank you Aviate!


Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
•Name: Matt
•US/CA: I can do both but I prefer US.
•Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Zone
•Time Available: Daily. Weekdays usually after 6. and then weekends whenever.
•Gender: Male
•Age: 15
•IGN: Ocean43
•Wins/Total: 106/1249
*Skype: ocean43107
•*Teamspeak (Y/N): Yes
•*Mic (Y/N): Yes
•Best PVP Quality: I get good combos and I can straf
•Worst PVP Quality: fishing rod
•MCSG Donator: No but I am asking for it for Christmas.
•What makes you unique: I am funny I guess :)
•How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: I play with them everyday :)
•Why do you want to join Aviate: It is my home that's where I belong :)
•Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): I am still thinking
•Past clans: Irony, Organization, Royals
•Comments/Additional Information: I am very happy this clan is back up and running!


Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score


US/CA: US but I get fine connection to CA

Time zone: Mountain time zone swag.

Time Available: Monday-Friday 2 hours when school ends and Saturday through Sunday all day.


Wins/Total:114 ik I beeg nuubb I only just started mcsg.... I played on other servers for awhile and I played on mcsg as a total noob before hence my 114/450 games played ratio
*Skype:Yes NeverDiePvP
*Teamspeak (Y/N):Yes

*Mic (Y/N):Yes the swaggiest of them all

Best PVP Quality: Fishin F@S sword and teams short range bows and 180 snipes

Worst PVP Quality: Long range bow.

MCSG Donator:Getting it

What makes you unique: I want to be in this clan so FUCKIN much I've had bad experience w/ some other clans and it would mean so much to be in Aviate

Why do you want to join Aviate: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): If I got in probs.
Past clans: Vortex... :p and #Deception

I've a couple of the aviators before on roxbot and swish Namely AviJess and AviKons. In fact It was actually KillerKons/AviKons who told me that Aviate was rejoining and I should join.


Oct 24, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Derek
US/CA: US But I get really good connection to CA.

Time zone: EST

Time Available: Pretty much anytime any day.


IGN:KingTut11/ GenericLights

Wins/Total: KingTut11=35/220 GenericLights= 115/240

*Skype:You have it

*Teamspeak (Y/N): Y

*Mic (Y/N):Y

Best PVP Quality: Bow, running, and water fights

Worst PVP Quality: Fishing Rod

MCSG Donator: I don't have donor atm but at Chritmas Time I will get it

What makes you unique: I am a very serious guy when it comes to clan stuff and I know how to lead a team to victory and I know a lot of good strats

How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: I just recently started playing with them but the past few days I have been on a ton playing with almost everyone.

Why do you want to join Aviate: I want to join because it is full of a bunch of awesome people and this is a clan with a bunch of good players and I want to be a part of it.

Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): Probably Not but there's always a chance

Past clans: Primeval, Empire, Forsaken
Comments: I love Ya Andy :p


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
  • Name: Jose
  • US/CA: US
  • Timezone: Est
  • Time Available: Weekends and holidays
  • Gender: Male
  • Age:12
  • IGN:MinwcraftGod1234
  • Wins/Total: 135 something like that
  • *Skype: MinwcraftGod1234
  • *Teamspeak (Y/N): No
  • *Mic (Y/N): Yes
  • Best PVP Quality: Sword Flint n steel bow
  • Worst PVP Quality: Hackers water fights
  • MCSG Donator: i was but I'm going to try to buy 1
  • What makes you unique: I killed NoahSailer once
  • How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: Few times with the officer
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: Because is the best clan ever and i like the name
  • Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): If i have money
  • Past clans: #Vigorous #Immortals #Phantom
  • Comments/Additional Information: BEST CLAN IN THE WORLD!!!


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
  • Name: Jose
  • US/CA: US
  • Timezone: Est
  • Time Available: Weekends and holidays
  • Gender: Male
  • Age:12
  • IGN:MinwcraftGod1234
  • Wins/Total: 135 something like that
  • *Skype: MinwcraftGod1234
  • *Teamspeak (Y/N): No
  • *Mic (Y/N): Yes
  • Best PVP Quality: Sword Flint n steel bow
  • Worst PVP Quality: Hackers water fights
  • MCSG Donator: i was but I'm going to try to buy 1
  • What makes you unique: I killed NoahSailer once
  • How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: Few times with the officer
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: Because is the best clan ever and i like the name
  • Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): If i have money
  • Past clans: #Vigorous #Immortals #Phantom
  • Comments/Additional Information: BEST CLAN IN THE WORLD!!!
DECLINED. You need to put more effort into the application process. Also, teamspeak is a requirement! Please do not bother applying unless you have it! You may reapply in a week.


US/CA: US but I get fine connection to CA

Time zone: Mountain time zone swag.

Time Available: Monday-Friday 2 hours when school ends and Saturday through Sunday all day.


Wins/Total:114 ik I beeg nuubb I only just started mcsg.... I played on other servers for awhile and I played on mcsg as a total noob before hence my 114/450 games played ratio
*Skype:Yes NeverDiePvP
*Teamspeak (Y/N):Yes

*Mic (Y/N):Yes the swaggiest of them all

Best PVP Quality: Fishin F@S sword and teams short range bows and 180 snipes

Worst PVP Quality: Long range bow.

MCSG Donator:Getting it

What makes you unique: I want to be in this clan so FUCKIN much I've had bad experience w/ some other clans and it would mean so much to be in Aviate

Why do you want to join Aviate: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): If I got in probs.
Past clans: Vortex... :p and #Deception

I've a couple of the aviators before on roxbot and swish Namely AviJess and AviKons. In fact It was actually KillerKons/AviKons who told me that Aviate was rejoining and I should join.
PENDING. Please come on the teamspeak today and talk to our members.

  • Name: Burke bailey.
  • US/CA: Us.
  • Timezone: Central standard time zone.
  • Time Available: About 2-3 days a week.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Age: 12. I am very mature though.
  • IGN: nbalegend01
  • Wins/Total:
  • *Skype: yes.
  • *Teamspeak (Y/N): Yes.
  • *Mic (Y/N): Yes I have turtle beaches.
  • Best PVP Quality: I am best at using flint and steel. I am very good with the fishing rod. I am decent with a bow. My sword pvp is also pretty good. I am an overal good pvper. I have many flaws, but I work on them constantly.
  • Worst PVP Quality: I am worst at taking hackers. I'm not very good at taking a team of 4+ I dodge bows good, flint and steel is a bit harder though. I don't run a lot so I die when I go try hard and don't run. I work on these qualities and hope to have less of these.
  • MCSG Donator: None. I will be getting lifetime diamond on nbalegend01 for Christmas. If I get someone to buy me my Avi account then I'll get lifetime diamond on that one.
  • What makes you unique: I am very mature, even though I may be young. I can pvp with the best and I am a good team player.
  • How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: I have teamed with none of them so far. I am going to school right now. This afternoon I will be on to team and play with them.
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: Aviate is one of the most organized, well though out clan. They have good members and you guys seem cool.
  • Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): If someone buys me an account.
  • Past clans: Sovereign and primeval.
  • Comments/Additional Information: Nothing I can think of. Thank you Aviate!
DECLINED. You have a history of spamming, all-caps, and raging on multiple servers, at me and some of our members. You may reapply in a week. During this week of denial, please be active on the teamspeak if you wish to reapply.

Name: Derek
US/CA: US But I get really good connection to CA.

Time zone: EST

Time Available: Pretty much anytime any day.

IGN:KingTut11/ GenericLights
Wins/Total: KingTut11=35/220 GenericLights= 115/240
*Skype:You have it
*Teamspeak (Y/N): Y

*Mic (Y/N):Y

Best PVP Quality: Bow, running, and water fights

Worst PVP Quality: Fishing Rod

MCSG Donator: I don't have donor atm but at Chritmas Time I will get it

What makes you unique: I am a very serious guy when it comes to clan stuff and I know how to lead a team to victory and I know a lot of good strats
How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: I just recently started playing with them but the past few days I have been on a ton playing with almost everyone.

Why do you want to join Aviate: I want to join because it is full of a bunch of awesome people and this is a clan with a bunch of good players and I want to be a part of it.

Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): Probably Not but there's always a chance

Past clans: Primeval, Empire, Forsaken
Comments: I love Ya Andy :p
ACCEPTED for trial! Please be active on the teamspeak for the next few days ~ a week!

KarterHD You are PENDING! I will discuss this app with Andy further. Please be active on the teamspeak :)

Ocean43 You are
PENDING! I will discuss this app with Andy further. Please be active on the teamspeak :)
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