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The Rebels EU Division

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Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN?: sylanaa
How old are you?: 16
Where are you from? Sweden
What is your skype name? philip.ohman
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 300) 500
How many games have you played? 1817
Tell us about your PvP strenghts? I'm good with the bow and FnS (maybe strafing)
Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc" I'm not very good at Block Hitting
What are your favourite maps? The usual like SG4, Valleyside etc. But I also like Treacherous Heights and Survival Games Highway
Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?: Because there are alot of good players in TheRebels and I would like to be in a highly ranked Clan in EU hoping that I could fit in TheRebels.


Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN?: sylanaa
How old are you?: 16
Where are you from? Sweden
What is your skype name? philip.ohman
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 300) 500
How many games have you played? 1817
Tell us about your PvP strenghts? I'm good with the bow and FnS (maybe strafing)
Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc" I'm not very good at Block Hitting
What are your favourite maps? The usual like SG4, Valleyside etc. But I also like Treacherous Heights and Survival Games Highway
Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?: Because there are alot of good players in TheRebels and I would like to be in a highly ranked Clan in EU hoping that I could fit in TheRebels.
Accepted for trial, please add me on skype: danielworringer


Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
I'm leaving.

I'll write a little story.
I first joined TheLegends, best time of my MCSG career. The majority of mods and higher, knew who we were, and most didn't like us. We apparently caused too much trouble, maybe we did, but at this moment in time it felt great to be against mods. It made me feel bad ass. Knowing we were against mods. I thought it was amazing making sarcastic and snide comments towards mods, sr.mods and admins. It makes you feel big, funny and all round better about yourself, truth is nobody wants to be banned, maybe those who have the bollocks to take it to the top, but realistically nobody does. You can argue with mods, but the truth is they will always win, they will always have more power than you.

I'm leaving because people still continue this hatred for staff, but it stopped when we disbanded TheLegends. People who joined the clan, automatically think they have to hate the staff, with nothing against them. It doesn't work like this. It's not big, funny or amazing to interrupt clan wars, target mods, or be rude to them. It was a Legends thing, we can't to involved in bans. I admit this now. Thing is people who had nothing to do with it seem like they can continue this hatred for mods and higher, but the thing is, nobody shares the same hatred for them as we did. I like mods, sometimes they can be annoying, and make mistakes, or you might not like them, but nobody should continue a hate mob, when they weren't there from the start, and I know I wasn't there from the start, but I still experienced most of it.


Fisher out.

The chances of me joining back are high, but If I do, the hatred against Nitride stops.
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Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
I'm leaving.

I'll write a little story.
I first joined TheLegends, best time of my MCSG career. The majority of mods and higher, knew who we were, and most didn't like us. We apparently caused too much trouble, maybe we did, but at this moment in time it felt great to be against mods. It made me feel bad ass. Knowing we were against mods. I thought it was amazing making sarcastic and snide comments towards mods, sr.mods and admins. It makes you feel big, funny and all round better about yourself, truth is nobody wants to be banned, maybe those who have the bollocks to take it to the top, but realistically nobody does. You can argue with mods, but the truth is they will always win, they will always have more power than you.

I'm leaving because people still continue this hatred for staff, but it stopped when we disbanded TheLegends. People who joined the clan, automatically think they have to hate the staff, with nothing against them. It doesn't work like this. It's not big, funny or amazing to interrupt clan wars, target mods, or be rude to them. It was a Legends thing, we can't to involved in bans. I admit this now. Thing is people who had nothing to do with it seem like they can continue this hatred for mods and higher, but the thing is, nobody shares the same hatred for them as we did. I like mods, sometimes they can be annoying, and make mistakes, or you might not like them, but nobody should continue a hate mob, when they weren't there from the start, and I know I wasn't there from the start, but I still experienced most of it.


Fisher out.

The chances of me joining back are high, but If I do, the hatred against Nitride stops.
It's a shame you're leaving and taking a break from us and we wish you all the best.
Hope to see you back sooner rather than later!

Just for the record however, we have no hatred towards any clan.
We play for fun and the love on MCSG.

If any clan or outside member has a problem with us then we, the staff of The Rebels EU, are always willing to talk and sort anything out in a clam and peaceful manner.
TS i.p:

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Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
It's a shame you're leaving us and we wish you all the best for the future.
Hope to see you back sooner rather than later!

Just for the record however, we have no hatred towards any clan.
We play for fun and the love on MCSG.

If any clan or outside member has a problem with us then we, the staff of The Rebels EU, are always willing to talk and sort anything out in a clam and peaceful manner.
TS i.p:

Just for the record, I'm taking a break for a day or two. Then I'll be back.
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