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It's Time... My Resignation

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Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
I am greatly sorry to say that my time as a moderator has come to a close. I am very sorry to those of you who have asked me to stay, those who have put up with my constant stream of questions, and those who spent time teaching me right from wrong. These past four months have been such an amazing experience, I will never forget all of the great people that I have met and all of the wonderful times that I have had.

Although the staff team has been rumored to be broken, I greatly disagree. I have seen and heard the arguments made against the staff team first hand and I am here to tell you that they are not true. The staff is far from corrupt. The staff team is a family, although they have their disagreements and drama, they can always count on each other to have their backs. Take it from someone who has been a part of it, the community is amazing.

Main Reason That I am Leaving:

I do not feel like I am able to do my job to the best of my ability. When I applied to be mod, I knew that I would wholeheartedly take the new responsibility with open arms and dedicate all my time on MCSG to trying to create the perfect environment that all staff members try their best to create and maintain. As of late though, I no longer spend all my time wanting to moderate the servers, I have found a new interest in playing with my friends and I have desperately wanted to join clans. I feel that with my focus being on playing and competition, my moderator position should be given to someone who wants to spend their time making MCSG a better place, someone who is more deserving than I am.

I am hopeful that I will not regret my decision to leave, but one day, if i decide that I have made a huge mistake, I hope that I may be welcomed back, but as for now- I greatly trust the current staff team to take the community where it needs to go. I know that if I ever have a problem. I will always be able to find someone to help me. I love you guys, thanks for all the amazing times.

As I have said, I am not leaving the community. I will still be around, just with a different color name :p Feel free to say hi if you see me around. I will still be hanging around the teamspeak! If you ever need me, I’ll still be here!

Thanks guys <3



Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
This is very well worded.. I see where you're coming from and I think you're doing the right thing.
Have fun out there!


Apr 28, 2013
Reaction score
This makes me so sad :(. I could always ask you my noob questions back in the day haha. But, atleast you will still be around in the community.


Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Sad to see you go :( You did good work for the community and it is certainly appreciated! Thank you! I hope to still see you on the teamspeak every now and then
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
I am greatly sorry to say that my time as a moderator has come to a close. I am very sorry to those of you who have asked me to stay, those who have put up with my constant stream of questions, and those who spent time teaching me right from wrong. These past four months have been such an amazing experience, I will never forget all of the great people that I have met and all of the wonderful times that I have had.

Although the staff team has been rumored to be broken, I greatly disagree. I have seen and heard the arguments made against the staff team first hand and I am here to tell you that they are not true. The staff is far from corrupt. The staff team is a family, although they have their disagreements and drama, they can always count on each other to have their backs. Take it from someone who has been a part of it, the community is amazing.

Main Reason That I am Leaving:

I do not feel like I am able to do my job to the best of my ability. When I applied to be mod, I knew that I would wholeheartedly take the new responsibility with open arms and dedicate all my time on MCSG to trying to create the perfect environment that all staff members try their best to create and maintain. As of late though, I no longer spend all my time wanting to moderate the servers, I have found a new interest in playing with my friends and I have desperately wanted to join clans. I feel that with my focus being on playing and competition, my moderator position should be given to someone who wants to spend their time making MCSG a better place, someone who is more deserving than I am.

I am hopeful that I will not regret my decision to leave, but one day, if i decide that I have made a huge mistake, I hope that I may be welcomed back, but as for now- I greatly trust the current staff team to take the community where it needs to go. I know that if I ever have a problem. I will always be able to find someone to help me. I love you guys, thanks for all the amazing times.

As I have said, I am not leaving the community. I will still be around, just with a different color name :p Feel free to say hi if you see me around. I will still be hanging around the teamspeak! If you ever need me, I’ll still be here!

Thanks guys <3

Sad to see another mod go. But I respect your decision. <3


Tommy Wiseau
Apr 14, 2013
Reaction score
No! I'll miss your red name Haley! You were an awesome Moderator and you are a great friend! <3 :(
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