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Seriously...Whats so bad about Bajan Fans and Bacca Fans?

Do you like Bacca fans or Bajan Fans playing Survival Games?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • No

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 17.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
To be honest, I don't care what Bajan did regarding the whole BSM incident. I regularly watch Bajan and Jeromes videos, they are hilarious. But what I don't understand is why the community is so butt hurt over this. So I recently tried an experiment, I have a HD Skin mod which the majority of people can't see. So my skin is a different version of Jerome's and I wanted to see how much abuse I will would get and the result....A LOT OF IT.

My Skin from your perspective

My Skin.jpg

My Skin from my perspective

My Skin 2.jpg

In at least 5 games now I get some form of abuse, I'm a proud Bacca and Bajan fan, I couldn't give a damn what people say or think of me. But I understand that we have a bad reputation because of a small minority of hackers and BSM users, and obviously we all get the blame. In every MCSG clan thread, there is at least some sort of reference towards a Bacca fan or Bajan fan in a bad way. There are young people out there that don't mean any harm to anyone but abuse is hurled at them. It's practically cyber bullying and people do infact get upset over this. But some people can't move on and are still butt hurt after something that happened months ago, and honestly they need to seriously get over themselves and get a grip.

So tell me:

1). What is on your opinion of this, do you think its OK for a stigma to be hurled against Bajan and Bacca fans throughout the MCSG community?

2). What action do you think can be done to resolve this issue?

3). What did you answer on the Poll and why?

It's time to move on guys, I just don't get why its escalated so quickly over the months. I will not be arguing with any of you, but I want to see your views. I've also added a poll to see whether the community minds Bacca and Bajan fans playing Survival Games.

Thanks guys,

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District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
There isn't really any reason for it, just people are very immature and resort to stereotyping


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Lol I have nothing personal against bajan and jerome fans. I have nothing personal against jerome and bajan themselves lol. They did break our rules, but that doesn't mean I hate them for it xD. The reason I hate on the baccas is simple.. because its fun xD. It's fun just messing around with them tbh ;D.

Most ppl just tend to hate the baccas cuz other ppl do lol. Bajan is.. a cheater :p. Anyone who has watched his videos can tell you that. He cheats with /heal and /tp in tons of his videos :p. He is entertaining tho, I will give him that.


Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
@The Arena Master
They are REALLY immature and usually use hacks.
Arena has a good explanation.
Stereotyping that all of them are immature, is more immature then actually doing what they do. Also, you can't assume they all hack, that's like me saying anyone with sniper in their name uses Bsm.


District 13
Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
They're not bad at all, I honestly think Jerome is HILARIOUS.


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
Stereotyping that all of them are immature, is more immature then actually doing what they do. Also, you can't assume they all hack, that's like me saying anyone with sniper in their name uses Bsm.
I never said they all 'hack'. if you clearly see I said usually. Also, I find that ALL of the baccas I meet are immature, haven't met a true, non-immature bacca. Maybe you have seen different.


Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
Honestly, Bajan and Jerome are pretty major cheaters in their videos. Also, from what I have seen they act pretty immaturely, so do the people that wear their skin. This is from my experience. I have met, maybe three baccas who are competent and understand the game. (And don't hack :p)


District 13
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
It's a shame that people can't do what you want without being made fun of.
This is how I look at it. They are going to all include Baccas.

You can choose a Minecraft skin for multiple reasons; You like it, You're a fan of the youtuber, it represents your name, it represents you. Now I'm going to compare all those reasons in a real life situation.
You like it

You just bought a brand new t-shirt and you love it! You couldn't wait to show it to all your friends, but you ended up regretting it because they thought it was stupid, pointless, ugly, ect. We all would be upset and a bit angry. But in real life most people be quiet because they don't want to hurt their feelings. But once they get behind the monitor they don't think before they type so if they see a Bacca for example they say stuff like; You stupid bacca. Bacca = Noob. Bacca you're a idiot. Which isn't fair at all!
You're a fan of a youtuber

I'm going to switch this to "You're a fan of a song" for this situation, as it would be easier to explane. You're on a road trip with your friends listening to the radio then your favourite song comes on and you couldn't resist the urge you had to sing along! As you started to sing your friends stared at you and started to laugh. You stop singing immediately and ask them what is wrong. They snarl at you "That song sucks I can't believe you like it.". Now your skin is a bacca because you love Jerome, you're excited to go on MCSG to show your spirit then you get booed and hissed at. You're thinking to yourself what did I do then you finally type "What's wrong?" the reply you get shocks you as they're making fun of your skin. How silly right? You're all bumbed out and leave the server and change your skin just to fit in.
It represents your name.

My name is fatmannumbah8 and my skin is bacon and bacon is fattening. But your skin is BaccaLover101 so you find the coolest skin Bacca skin ever! You apply it to your character and go play some MCSG then people make fun of you, you ignore the comments because you know that they're jealous. You go and win then join another game then you see that people are making fun of your skin again. Now you're getting a little mad. Then someone makes fun of your name you can't handle it anymore! You quickly type "I love baccas problem?". They all laugh at you, like you're some type of joke. You have to buy another Minecraft account because you get harrased to much. Now pretend your name is Ryan and you go to a trip somewhere and get your name on a t-shirt and it represents your name and love it dearly. You wear it to school the next day and you get teased and made fun of because of it. How would you feel? It is the same thing as making fun of a bacca!
It represents you.

You're all about starwars and candy and you buy a starwars t-shirt and buy a really cool candy baseball hat. You go to your friends house sporting your new t-shirt and cap. Your friend opens the door and couldn't help to keep in a laugh you ask him what's so funny. His reply is "Did you actually buy those or did you get dared to wear them here?" You give him a look and he says "Sor-Hahah!!" . You leave and go home and as soon as you go home you throw out your new t-shirt and hat. You go on your favourite game Minecraft since you love StarWars so much you chose a Chewbacca skin. You go on your favourite server MCSG and you want to cry as you see people making fun of you because you're chewbacca and you try to explain to them that you love StarWars but they won't listen. You lose hope and change your skin and you're now mentally depressed because you're not accepted for you.

That is what I think of it, everyone please remember what you say because you never know who is behind that monitor and what their mental conditions are or if he is going through a tough time. People come on these servers seeking for friends because they can't make in real life friends and making fun of them through a virtual game wouldn't help.

Please be nicer in the future people.

I'm also going undercover as a Bacca to see how badly the problem is and I'm going to document it all.

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