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CruelDefiance's ORGANZIED 64 man 2v2 toruny.


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
@CruelDefiance I just want some confirmation. Why wasn't I picked when I had more wins than some of the people? Was it randomized? Honestly, the one tournament I really want to get into, I don't get in. I told ag5647 about this, and yet, he got picked over me. He could tell you dead on I am better than him. To be honest, I really don't have any explanation as to why this happened…. I mean, sure, I'll fill in for someone's absence, but due to me writing this, probably won't even be asked to sub in for someone anyways soo...
Pls pls pls read my post on page 12. I explained everything.


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
@CruelDefiance I just want some confirmation. Why wasn't I picked when I had more wins than some of the people? Was it randomized? Honestly, the one tournament I really want to get into, I don't get in. I told ag5647 about this, and yet, he got picked over me. He could tell you dead on I am better than him. To be honest, I really don't have any explanation as to why this happened…. I mean, sure, I'll fill in for someone's absence, but due to me writing this, probably won't even be asked to sub in for someone anyways soo...
Hi! I helped Cruel today, as he was doing it all by himself, but it was a lot to handle so i thought i'd help :) Just so everyone knows, i did all of the team choosing. The participants were chosen by a COMPLETELY RANDOM name generator. Choosing the teams was done by RATIO. I calculated each person's ratio, then made a list from greatest to least, then paired the worst ratio with the best, second best with second worst so on and so forth. Nothing was done from favoritism. This took me over 4 hours, and a lot of tedious math and list making. But Cruel and i wanted to make it as fair as possible! You're welcome, and good luck in the tourny :) i'll be hosting one of the arenas! Also, please let us know if you cannot make it. Thanks!

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