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Aviate | (US & CA Divison)

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You guys have so many people with "Avi" in the front of their name. ._. It looks so..unusual on your roster. xD Even though I'm not usually a fan of the whole "everything centered" thing, this is probably one of the best looking clan threads I've seen, good job. :D
Yeah it's awesome, I love these people. Thank you for your feedback, and thank you for making my day.<3


Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
  • Name: colin
  • US/CA: us
  • Age:15
  • IGN:cmclay45
  • Wins/Total:328
  • *Skype:colinbras1
  • *Mic:yesss
  • Best PVP Quality:FnS
  • MCSG Donator:nope
  • Why do you want to join Aviate:it looks awesome and snow dub step always kills me
  • What makes you unique:im sexy
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT):yes
  • Willing to get Mumble:yes
  • Comments:Accept me <3
Denied! Reason: You currently don't meet our clan requirements.
  • Name:Yurleth
  • US/CA:Both
  • Timezone:Eastern
  • Time Available:about 4:00-8:00
  • Age:12
  • IGN:Yurleth
  • Wins/Total:Well in all my accounts i have 321
  • *Skype:yurlethmc
  • *Teamspeak:YEs
  • *Mic:Yep
  • Best PVP Quality:Good with the bow and fishing rod and F&S
  • MCSG Donator:Yep Iron
  • Why do you want to join Aviate:CASUE ITS FRICKIGN AWESOME!
  • What makes you unique:Everything <3
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT):For my birthday my friend is buying me a Minecraf taccount so Yea ill change it!
  • Comments:
Denied! Reason: You currently don't meet our clan requirements.
  • Name: Diego ;)
  • US/CA: Both Baby!
  • Timezone:ET
  • Time Available: well im free 4pm-8pm some exceptions
  • Age: 11 >.>
  • IGN: LittleRawr_ + zoowemama
  • Wins/Total: Well I think its about 700 with both alts
  • *Skype: Yup (skype name sgtlsoth1)
  • *Teamspeak: Yup
  • *Mic: Yup
  • Best PVP Quality: FishingRod and Bow
  • MCSG Donator: Iron
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: Because I love you :oops:
  • What makes you unique: I enjoy watching paint dry, I speak 7 different languages, 5 of which I made up.
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): Not really, but maybe baby ;)
  • Comments: As a baby I took a poop on a leaf, now when I see a big leaf it gives me the urge to let my body flow :cool:
IMPORTANT: I'd like to stay trial and get to know everyone before I'm accepted, I'd like to stay in the Trial Section until I feel comfortable with the clan<3 :rolleyes:
@LittleRawr_ Your application is currently Pending.
  • Name: Charles
  • US/CA: US
  • Timezone: Central Standard.
  • Time Available: Every day from around four PM to ten PM.
  • Age: 14
  • IGN: SlothPimp
  • Wins/Total: 84
  • *Skype: sloth.sloth19
  • *Teamspeak: No, I don't currently have Teamspeak, but I'd be happy to obtain one if needed.
  • *Mic: Yes I do have a mic and it's quite good, not much background noise.
  • Best PVP Quality: I am quite good with a fishing rod, block hitting and flint and steel.
  • MCSG Donator: Gold Donor.
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: Because I have always wanted to be in a clan but never applied for one and Aviate has a couple of the people I like and it seems like you guys have a nice community that I would love the join.
  • What makes you unique: I am a funny person that also takes things very serious when needed. I would be able to lighten the mood because if something is negative I always try and make it positive in any way possible.
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): Yes, I would be willing to change my name. I would probably have the account the day I was confirmed a member. That is if I was chosen.
  • Comments: If you look at my stats they're not very good because my brother and I share an account and he is autistic so he's not very good at MCSG. If it was all me the stats would most likely be 84/170 because he plays way more frequently than I do, but I were to be accepted I would buy a new account and give him my current account so my records weren't effected by him.
Denied! Reason: You currently don't meet our minimum win requirement. You may reapply in one week if you are still interested.
  • Name: Slater
  • US/CA: US
  • Timezone: I cuurently live in Kentucky, which is in the Eastern Standard time zone.
  • Time Available: I guess you mean acitvity? Well, here's the times I can play; I can donate around 2-3 hours on the week days, and around 6-8 on the weekend. (It depends on what I am doing those days.)
  • Age: I'm currently 15 years of age. One more month, and I'm 16!
  • IGN: slater233, and I had the alt, NikoAD, but since I don't play on that anymore, I gave it to a friend, but I have no idea what he has done with it.... :p
  • Wins/Total: 500+/ like 2000 something.
  • *Skype: My skype name is Swagstealer..... :3
  • *Teamspeak: Yes I have that, and use it more than sykpe
  • *Mic: I currently use some Turtle Beach x48's.
  • Best PVP Quality: My best PvP stength Is probably using the fishing rod. I also have good strenghts in defense, and teamwork.
  • MCSG Donator: Nope, but buying diamond donor for my birthday!
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: Well, first, this clan seems really boss, and I like how well organized this clan is.
  • Second, I might have caused some problems in the past, but I am done with all of this creating clans and junk. I think that I would fit perfectly with you guys, since me and @Jess go back to when I made my first clan.
  • What makes you unique: I am cool, funny, pretty decent at PvP, and I can be a good guy just to talk to whenever felt like.
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): Yes, I can currently change it to AviSlater.
  • Comments Hi
@slater233 Your application is currently Pending.
Last edited:


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
I have a couple friends in here, but I'm below the win requirement and not that great at pvp.

Would I even have a chance lol


Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
I have a couple friends in here, but I'm below the win requirement and not that great at pvp.

Would I even have a chance lol
We don't just look at your general skill, we look at your maturity level and how well you work with other players. There's a lot more factors then just "skill" when it comes to this clan. So yes, you would have a chance.


I have a couple friends in here, but I'm below the win requirement and not that great at pvp.

Would I even have a chance lol
As I stated, there are exceptions for that win requirement. One of the exceptions may be you. Who knows? It's a good chance, prove to us your worthy of being in the clan by giving us a good first impression by your application. You always have a chance for anything no matter what. Always believe and try things. "If you never try you will always fail". :)
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