well, flabbypenguin will be no.1 soon, a mean 1600 wins in 3 months? in another 3 months he'll have like 3200 wins
and a mean, Gravey wasnt actually a good player. a mean the reason i never even got to fight him is because if there was anyone good in a game, He'd just leave
echo_555 :hey gravey
gravey4rd has left the server
Really echo? First off, Gravey might of played on higher servers late at night padding his stats, but what high ranked player doesn't do that? Look at the game list for most of the mcsg players in the top 10, most of them play high servers with the noobs to get wins.. It's not just grave. Noah himself wouldn't play game with good players cuz he was playing for wins sometimes. Just because gravey plays those times, does not mean that he isn't a good player. I have played him many times.. and I have seen him play against some of the best players mcsg has to offer, he usually wins. He can beat me more often than not, and I can beat you 9 times outta 10 echo.
Secondly, what kind of mod.. goes on the forums.. and personally insults another player saying that they aren't a good player? I mean really.. putting down someone in a thread about grave quitting, that's just sad, and frankly, very rude. I should start posting in threads saying you aren't good at mcsg. Remind me again how you are still even a mod? The way you are acting now, calling other players "not good", really doesn't seem like a good way for an mcsg moderator to act. IMO
Anyways, Grave, I'm sad to see you go, you were a lot of fun playing against this past year on mcsg
, wish you the best man