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a Goodbye


Jul 30, 2012
Reaction score
First of all I want to say this is all my own opinion, I dont want to start a war, if you wanna say anything put it below, but nothing hateful.

So here it is, the end has come, the final hour is here, a sad, but very obvious time for myself, my ingame time is over, ive been at mcsg for over a year now, and in my opinion it isnt as good, or as fun as it used to be, but just remember this is my opinion and nobody else's unless they state that here or anywhere else. Over the past year ive seen the way mcsg has been run change from one group of admins to another. And to start, the ingame standards have changed, I was once in the top 10 on the leaderboard, I then went on holiday for a month, came back and I was way too far down to even try to come back, just over those four weeks the mcsg standards had changed, and it wasnt fun anymore, things got way too serious and things got out of hand, back then I was a well known player, every lobby I went into people knew me and were like 'omg its leech I heard that guy is a beast ' and ' leech omg team please ' but thats in the past, and im just like any normal guy now, but im in an old forgotten ghost town like many of my bestfriends from those days. Once again this is just my own opinion, but I feel that alot of the better mods and sr mods have gone, whether it was them wanting to leave or if they were under pressure to leave or if they wanted to go with the old developers who were their old friends to the hive. That was their choices and I respect them for that, but as I said, most of the "good" sr mods and mods are gone now, and now, im gone, ill still hang around on teamspeak and check the forums a bit, but in my eyes, mcsg is nowhere near as good or as fun as they were back in the day, vale, vale, ego te requiro, felicitstis mcsg

Edit - to all those people who do remember me whether it be from Nitride,SlimeArmy whatever clans or whenever from, I love you all <3

Edit2 - to all staff members or anyone commenting on this is a hateful way or telling me what I said was wrong, you havent been in my shoes and known the people I knew, so before you say im wrong, and what im saying shouldnt be allowed, this is purely my own opinion.
Last edited:


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
i totally understand your feelings. You feel you got forgotten and that for all of the drastic changes; everything is not suitable for you. I understand you, and the feelings you are feeling for my opinion they are not pleasant. May everything goes fine on your future endeavors and good luck


Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Goodbye Leech, goodluck with what the future will bring!

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