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What music do you listen to while playing solo?


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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I love it when people listen to music as it makes them less aware of their surroundings.
Well, that depends on the person of which we are talking about. It's like how listening to music can both inspire creativity, and at the same time, make it harder, depending on the person and the mood.

Personally, I feel that I play better when listening to music...at least the right kind of music. Music that pumps me up, makes me imagine the world as if it were the set of a movie, and I have to make it out on top without a scratch. A cinematic that just shows how "awesome" I am. Although it sounds egotistical...and it is, in a sense, it really does help. I feel like I have a reason to do well aside from just winning for statistics sake.

All of this...makes me more aware of my surroundings. I become pumped on by the music that makes me want to do well. All that's on my mind is the game, and the music. The music flushes out all other thoughts and allows to me focus on the game at hand, and the music that only makes me want to play the game more.

Edit: This is how I imagine the world sometimes...as if it were a movie. A cinematic. I imagine professional editing to make that arrow that I narrowly dodged look even greater. I have to do my best to look the best for the movie. After all, in this movie...I'm the star.

People might have other methods of doing it, but this is how I pump myself up, and it works. I am particularly interested in cinematics: Movies, animations, etc. I love watching every single Minecraft cinematic that's ever existed, and reviewing them. Criticizing them myself. What did it do well? What's wrong with it? I honestly believe that, given the proper software and some time, I could make something great myself, and I'm particularly interested in doing so...but I haven't. Still, due to my desire to do it, I can imagine the world as if it were a movie. A good one. And I love letting my mind wander into this world.


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
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Well, that depends on the person of which we are talking about. It's like how listening to music can both inspire creativity, and at the same time, make it harder, depending on the person and the mood.

Personally, I feel that I play better when listening to music...at least the right kind of music. Music that pumps me up, makes me imagine the world as if it were the set of a movie, and I have to make it out on top without a scratch. A cinematic that just shows how "awesome" I am. Although it sounds egotistical...and it is, in a sense, it really does help. I feel like I have a reason to do well aside from just winning for statistics sake.

All of this...makes me more aware of my surroundings. I become pumped on by the music that makes me want to do well. All that's on my mind is the game, and the music. The music flushes out all other thoughts and allows to me focus on the game at hand, and the music that only makes me want to play the game more.

Edit: This is how I imagine the world sometimes...as if it were a movie. A cinematic. I imagine professional editing to make that arrow that I narrowly dodged look even greater. I have to do my best to look the best for the movie. After all, in this movie...I'm the star.

People might have other methods of doing it, but this is how I pump myself up, and it works. I am particularly interested in cinematics: Movies, animations, etc. I love watching every single Minecraft cinematic that's ever existed, and reviewing them. Criticizing them myself. What did it do well? What's wrong with it? I honestly believe that, given the proper software and some time, I could make something great myself, and I'm particularly interested in doing so...but I haven't. Still, due to my desire to do it, I can imagine the world as if it were a movie. A good one. And I love letting my mind wander into this world.


It depends. Sometimes I play with music, or sometimes I play without music because I want to hear the footsteps. When I do listen to music, however, I usually listen to my Queens Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga, and Beyoncé, or my sexy latino crush, Enrique Iglesias. #Can'tLiveWithoutThem ♥


District 13
Sep 1, 2012
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I don't usually listen to music while playing solo bit if I do I listen to Monstercat or Of Monsters and Men. Usually when I play solo I listen to podcasts, The Rooster Teeth or Painkiller Already.


Jul 2, 2013
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When I play Solo I have a Playlist that i've put together its called Monstercat and it as a variety of songs from the Monstercat Electro and Dubstep section :DI thought I was the only weirdo who listened to music while goiung solo xD ROGUE FTW It really gets me in the mood to pwn some noobs

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