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"Pro" SG Players


Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
What being "pro" in MCSG gives you:

It does give you much...
Not directly but if your pro you get:

more attention (also on Forums)
more influence
people ask you to team (which probs isnt even good ^^)
you have more choices at Clans
this leads to more contacts
You have more fun in team because nearly everyone likes to team with you.

NOTE I dont want to tell you that I am pro or consider myself as a Pro I just want to tell you some possible Advantages ^^


Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Pro is an abbreviation of Professional, and the dictionary meaning of Professional is:
Of, relating to, or connected with a profession.

A person engaged or qualified in a profession

The definition of Profession is:
  1. A paid occupation, esp. one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.
  2. A body of people engaged in a particular profession.

So i a sense, if playing MCSG earns you money then you are a Pro. But that is stupid because that makes BajanCanadian a Pro! So i believe that 'Pros' at MCSG are those that are active in the community and have particular skills that help them Excel at MCSG.

But i am 1337 Pro so dis maek no cents!


Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
No players are Pro on these servers.

Understand that each good player is honestly at about the same level
Though I might get hated for that but imo there are Pros. I really disagree to these two sentences.

And there are pros and pros who are a bit worse / better than the other ones... It might be hard to see if a player really deserves he "Rank" (I know its no real rank) Pro. Anyways if you play really much with some people and you fight them really often you will see there is a big difference to each player. Sometimes the difference is really small but you can't call anyone equal... Probably everyone sometimes has a good time and a bad time but if you play with the same Guys 5 month (you spec them often and look at there moves you will see a big difference) you will see that one is better than the other one.
Probably both have their strengths and their weaknesses but all in all you can say that someone is simply better than the other one...
Of course the playstyle and the mental Skills are something which seems unknowable for anyone.
But if you play really long with them (like me and Elgoldo ) you will understand his playstyle and mental skills.

I have seen a lot of players recently calling themselves "Pro" players. To that I ask you who pays you to play on the MCSG servers. Obviously we have many many skilled players that know how to win hundreds of games. That does not make you a professional.

You may be a solid player with many skills and a masterful way of winning. That means you are a good player and a force to be reckoned with and to that I congratulate you. Many players that I have meet are great PvPers and known for there skill across the community. That is great but please do not brag about your skill.
I totally agree with this... There are so many people calling themself Pro this really should stop...


Feb 10, 2013
Reaction score
The real reason we'll never truly know who the "best players" are is because we don't get the chance to play everyone.
The US players will never come to EU and vise versa due to the lag.

Frankly, I'd love the opportunity to 1v1 players like G33ke, SixZoSeven, Blamph, Elisha and countless others..

Oh well, looks like I'm stuck with the *cough* Pros *cough* of the EU!

Now this is my opinion and I don't want to cause any flames with this but I feel there are more skilled PvPers on EU.
Don't get me wrong the US has it's fair share of skilled players, I just think feel the EU has the better standard of players.

The best players we have to offer are players like Elgoldo, gcb99, teovald, Ryska_ryssen, pure233, Gravey4rd, Charlesyummyegg (The first player to really make the fishing rod his own) and many more.

And remember for over the past year the top player has always been from the EU ;)
Mindahl > iFroxFTW > Hanfi12 and now Gravey4rd

The best two ever players to play on our servers in my opinion are without a doubt Mindahl and Sleivert
No one really comes close to them in terms of PvP

Just my opinion, don't hate :)
Dont forget little me Ofc ;)


Jul 21, 2012
Reaction score
The real reason we'll never truly know who the "best players" are is because we don't get the chance to play everyone.
The US players will never come to EU and vise versa due to the lag.

Frankly, I'd love the opportunity to 1v1 players like G33ke, SixZoSeven, Blamph, Elisha and countless others..

Oh well, looks like I'm stuck with the *cough* Pros *cough* of the EU!

Now this is my opinion and I don't want to cause any flames with this but I feel there are more skilled PvPers on EU.
Don't get me wrong the US has it's fair share of skilled players, I just think feel the EU has the better standard of players.

The best players we have to offer are players like Elgoldo, gcb99, teovald, Ryska_ryssen, pure233, Gravey4rd, Charlesyummyegg (The first player to really make the fishing rod his own) and many more.

And remember for over the past year the top player has always been from the EU ;)
Mindahl > iFroxFTW > Hanfi12 and now Gravey4rd

The best two ever players to play on our servers in my opinion are without a doubt Mindahl and Sleivert
No one really comes close to them in terms of PvP

Just my opinion, don't hate :)

-.- :(

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