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Fishing Rod Tactic


Dec 14, 2012
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This strategy has other uses as well, although they may take a while to master, they are very beneficial and will help you win a lot more.

Before you go into a fight, quickly hit them with your fishing rod. This will stun them, allowing you to get more hits off before they can hit you. This is very useful against players with better gear than you and can be enhanced if you block hit.

If you are winning a fight and they start to run away, try to hit them with the fishing rod to make them bump in to anything that will stop there sprint. This method requires alot of skill and practice, but when you master it you will be able to win almost any chase.

If you start to lose a fight and you have to run, run to a high place and try to hit them off, the more times you hit them and the quicker you hit them, the bigger your chance will be of knocking them off. Or if you have arrows, run to water, hit them back once or twice and then shoot them. This will hopefully make them run and then you can use the fishing rod tactic above this one.

The final use for this is to FISH, this can get you xp and food, it's a 2 for 1.

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