The story of the word Hun -
In a game of Breeze Island (I think) RC saw a person named
Rainbow_Arbitar . A brief conversation ensued, which ended in Arbitar writing RC of a "Hun". While the word Hun was used as an abbreviation for the word Honey, a nickname a man sometimes calls his wife. The abbreviation hon, is usually used by a tired man once getting home from work; Generally to the common house wife. Arbitar was trying to call RC a house-wife.
The word Hun though, refers to a Mongol. Attila the Hun the Hun is particularly famous. Huns were generally viewed as barbaric hostile people, attempting to take over China 100's of years ago. That being said, Hun is still an insult, just an obscure one.
This lead to our religious leaders calling RC a hun, and then soon after, each other. Soon our general greetings became "Nub" "Hey dood" or "Hey Huns". We realized that Hun had stopped being an insult soon after, and decided that the word hun (note the loss of capitalization.) translates to "Person". It's commonly used in the names of our religious leaders.
I am Grand Chief Hun Master.