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Wall Of Shame

Which is worse?

  • Above 3 Teamers

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • People who hide until deathmatch

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • People who team and don't kill each other until deathmatch

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Spammers

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • Sore Losers

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • AFK people

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • Noobs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • People who run from every fight

    Votes: 5 11.1%

  • Total voters


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I vote for: people who get stuck in a trap and don't let the other people know.

I mean really you can't do anything you are trapped somewhere and you still hope you can win?
Do everyone a favour and tell the other players where you are so they can free/fight you but don't just wait there and do nothing, that's worse then just hiding untill deathmatch because people who hide have some sort of plan you don't.
That counts as "People who hide until deathmatch" because they choose to hide, so yeah :D


Apr 17, 2012
Reaction score
Why don't you guys try teaming up yourself? It's not bad, and if you don't like it, just try it. Normally big teams are quite easy to destroy, because they are unorganized. When I was new to the Survival Games, I made big teams of more than 5. We normally lost like 3 people at the bloodbath, and it would be very few of us left. Now I am a part of a big team that has like 10 people on a server at a time, when atleast 2 of them start playing. We rarely lose, and most of us make it to the top 10, even with such a big team.
In the end, teams really aren't awful. Most aren't very good. Skype teams are quite good, and if you want to make one, you can make a post in the Survival Games section of the forums to advertise it.
People normally hide because they don't have any good items and are out of food, so if they try to go somewhere else, they have a high chance of dying. I once hid in the trees in the cornucopia because I didn't manage to get any items. After that I just died. The problem is, most people don't know when to do /suicide.
Teams that don't kill each other is the EXACT SAME thing as the people that team up. The point of being a team is that you don't kill each other!
Spammers are annoying, but if you want to get rid of them, you can report them here on the forums. There is a whole section for it! All you need is a screen shot. If you're waiting for someone to get banned, you can just switch servers. It will take 10 minutes max to find a new server and get in, just 10 seconds if you're lucky.
Just ignore sore losers. They aren't that awful, but yes they are annoying.
There is nothing wrong with AFK people. For tributes, read what I said for people that hide. For spectators, they get bored and start doing other things while staying on the server.
Noobs are just new to the game. Give them a couple days of playing, and they will be pros.
Read what I said about people who hide, because this is very similar. People run because they are just low on health from recently battling someone, or because they have much worse items then their attackers.

Also you should have made this poll multiple choice, because only being able to choose one option can be bad for some other people.
the only reason i hate teamers is because its such a cheap and easy way to win if your taking cornucopia and if your in a team more then 2 its impossible to beat if they have a weapon. This completely ruins the game for someone who solo, which i find way more fun to do because i dont really obsess over score. also the one teams that i REALLY hate are the ones who have a 2 people team(same goes for above 2) and at 3 people left they camp cornucopia the whole time and dont even search for the player so they wait till the hour deathmatch comes, the teams who are just 2 and roam around are fine. I team with one person at a time and always break at 4 people. also the people who hide im talking about the ones that get a stone sword then jump in a crevice thats impossible to get out on purpose so no one kills them until the deathmatch and most of the time these guys think that they were so close to winnning. afk people take up the spots and not even playing on them its ok to be afk till the game starts but sitting there overnight doesnt help anyone. And the reason i mostly hate the people who run is that they have completely nothing at around 4-6 people left, they obviosly have no chance of winning yet still continue on running. noobs i shouldnt have put on there and sore losers i think should have a section in report


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
No. I had been running around with NOTHING, I had some apples I had manage to scrape up. There were 3 tributes left. As a last ditch effort I stocked up on the boat, guess what? 2 iron, 3 sticks, leather armor, and a ton of food. That was the first time I won the games.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
The second time I won, I beat a team of 3. Teams are a big disadvantage because you can make them kill each other, they will be slashing madly at you, if you can get the weakest member in front of you. They will start to kill each other XD
Plus there will always be a stronger man, kill him first to give you an advantage.


Apr 17, 2012
Reaction score
The second time I won, I beat a team of 3. Teams are a big disadvantage because you can make them kill each other, they will be slashing madly at you, if you can get the weakest member in front of you. They will start to kill each other XD
Plus there will always be a stronger man, kill him first to give you an advantage.
teams do have their disadvantages like sharing stuff but only the stupid ones chase you right next to each other, if they're smart they won't go in one direction. but a giant advantage teams have is if all members get a sword its amazingly easy to camp cornucopia and unless the teamers suck at the game they will almost always kill a soloer, also killing the strongest guy doesn't give you a advantage its just smarter because then he's first out, the only advantage it'd give you would be you get his stuff which i doubt you'd have the time to get out
No. I had been running around with NOTHING, I had some apples I had manage to scrape up. There were 3 tributes left. As a last ditch effort I stocked up on the boat, guess what? 2 iron, 3 sticks, leather armor, and a ton of food. That was the first time I won the games.
it is possible to run around with nothign and still win but its very unlikely unless in the first night you get cornucopia, and um you can only get boats from cornucopia, which unless no one got and you only happen to take the boat thats kinda not possible


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
He means the boat on the first map which has a lot of chests in it.
Jun 5, 2012
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I disagree with this statement of "hate". I would attempt to impose a more friendly atmosphere and take the per-discussed steps to resolve these issues. Promoting of a welcoming attitude will help improve and expand the server.

Alex J. McGersey

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