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Hello sir. I still play. And people still fear my name. How you been? Lets play some civAre there any active players here that have been playing since the original MCSG Beta? (Around summer of 2012)
It'd be neat to see how many names I can recognize, if any.
Long time no see, Jefe.Hello sir. I still play. And people still fear my name. How you been? Lets play some civ
In related news I got my dinosaur trophy... did you? 4 years with MCSG!
pm me your steam idLong time no see, Jefe.
I don't know if I have a 4-year trophy, but I can assure you I've been around for over 4 years.
Yes! Let's play Civ! I'm almost always up for a game of Civ!
I recognize your username. I just don't know/remember anything specific about you.I'm here. I played US in the beggining because for some reason I could never connect to the EU servers. I even killed you once back then and that was one of my biggest motivation to get better at SG because you were my idol back then, but you will probably not recognize me. FeelsBadMan
Wow! Did not think you would even know I existed. You probably know my name because I was pretty active in the forums about 2-3 years ago and not from the servers as I have been playing on EU mostly after I got my new PC back in 2013 which allowed me to play on EU without my internet crashing. (which was a pretty weird problem I have to admit)I recognize your username. I just don't know/remember anything specific about you.
I remember a lot of names if I see them, I feel.
In your signature, it says you joined minecraft in 2013 but mcsg beta was in 2012...My old name was 4isaacdixon4 from beta