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I definitely remember you but you def don't know me hahaHello? I was summoned?
Edit: I joined summer of 2012 because of my irl friend The_Great_Tito which some of you might remember as a great PvPer back in the day, who at the time was rank 4 US.
I remember The Great TitHello? I was summoned?
Edit: I joined summer of 2012 because of my irl friend The_Great_Tito which some of you might remember as a great PvPer back in the day, who at the time was rank 4 US.
I did but I was brought back by the Lord of Light and now Im the King of the NorthI thought you died
but my original account LeafyGreenTea was even older
LOLOL, i like uI did but I was brought back by the Lord of Light and now Im the King of the North