There's NO way that I could let a LOTR build go on without being a part of it xD
Application Form
IGN: Le0plurad0n
Role: Building Designer
Evidence of work (optional, but required for map structurer): No particular screenshots, but I have worked with the builders of MCSG building some of the various projects, like Tekkit, and the Hunger Games themed Survival map (when it comes out)
Your three best attributes in your chosen area:
-First off, I am an absolute LOTR fanatic. Don't want to seem like a suck up, but I literally do know the movies and books of the series like the back of my hand, and so can apply that in the in-game building.
-I am reasonable with building tools like worldedit and voxel sniper. Some of the terraforming stuff I get lost with, but I know how to use tools that are useful for building.
- I have an eye for detail, and I know what looks good and what doesn't.
n0darulp0el 0.o