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Goodbye for Now - ImmaSlapYoFace

Will you miss Slap?

  • Yes ;-;

  • Nah

  • Didn't know him

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Jul 25, 2014
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Nash: the legacy of spoderman will forever go on.

(add that to thread)
(P.S I'll miss you buddy :( )
Heloo am spoodermon... Or well.. Now it's goodbye ;-;

Slap all them good times make sure you come back everynow and then.
Sure will Oli :)

Slap. Does this make me your second best friend on mineman hunger crafts? Cause I was mentioned second :p
That's a but of a tough question to answer coz theres so many ppl

I remember that night when we spoke when I needed someone to talk to. You were a really nice bloke and it'll be sad to see you go. Hopefully we can chat again in the future.View attachment 58926 I found a screenshot from that night actually when this guy was following you around in the hub. :') ^^^
Thanks for the kind words and I'm sure we will talk again in the future :)
That was one funny night haha. They just kept following me.

Cya :/

Even though I haven't talked to you for long or as long as I would of slapped you have officially earned the meme lord in my eyes. I'll never forget the night of that famous review and if you need any more "Reviews" you know who to come to <3

Peace out fam
Yeah man it was a shame we didn't talk as much but when we did it was good bants. Your reviews are the best to be honest :p

;-; Slap I will definitely miss the exact same frame every time in the hangouts haha, I'll miss you around here, I'm sure all the AU staff will too because you were apart of the incredible AU staff team that I love so much <3
Thank you so much Alyssa your words mean so much too me. Hopefully if I come onto the teamspeak you can s
Riperoni in sweat Peperoni, the mineforgers will all cry tonight. I guess hopefully i will see ya later :D.
And a suprise o.o
Goodbye sweet prince

Gustav Mahikano look we're relevant again

thx slap luv u
Ily2 Blake

:'( It was a pleasure working alongside you while I was still a staff member!
Dude honestly thank you so much for having faith in me after my interview. Because the interview probably could have gone either way but you still believed in me. Once again thanks so much <3

See yah

Dank memes


Sep 28, 2015
Reaction score
Take care out there Slap, Although we hardly talked at all I still remember the one time I was trying to fix my Mic on TS and all I had to do was click the Mic with the green tick and then I was done. <3


Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Well rip, see ya slap, haven't known you for that long but the time I have has been kewl and an absolute crackup. See ya and have a good one. c;
- Sheepman <3

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