Ban Disputes:
Now, ban disputes. When you post one, you're appealing the ban you've been given (whether it be perm, temp, etc, etc) and spamming ban disputes when you've already posted one and had it rejected it not cool. By policy, we've been told to just move duplicate Ban Disputes when someone else posts and rages because their first one got rejected and they stayed banned.
We don't usually ban for no reason, its not something we do here. We usually have enough evidence of someone hakcing to ban them and keep them banned, only occasionally a mistake is made and someone is unbanned because of that mistake. If you have been banned you know why you've been banned (hacking, spamming, swearing, etc, etc) then keep in mind that spamming the Ban Disputes and Sr.Staff's profiles and begging for another chance. We don't unban people for begging or promising they will never do it again because I've seen Ban Disputes where people have put that and no less than two weeks after their ban has run out they're already banned again.
And remember, you can lie in your Dispute all you want 'I don't know why I got banned, it might be because I swore at someone' but we always have the proper evidence to why you've been banned. You can lie and say that you've been bannd for swearing but if you've been banned for hacking, we will tell you and we will know that you're lying about it. We don't ban without proper evidence so remember that.