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Serenity [US]

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Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
Dude we have never had a cb against you... UNFORGETTABLE clan have only played 2 cb´s 1 win and 1 loss as it is on the post, please idk if you are just ponting fake wins or something, i dont acuse you of that but really, we never said yes to a cb againts you

And i think it is more than innecesary to say speak english, we are a latin clan so shut up if you are not agree with that, and Innmortal post in spanish cause one of your members or leaders or whatever post somethin in spanish on our post, so if you are not american and you are only ´mojados´ please shut up that is lame dude
Get off of our thread u damn random 20 post 3 likes having ass randy. Go back to ur Mexican clan and post the loss. Your giving yourself a bad rep, and a bad rep is impossible to fix in the clan community. I'd suggest posting the loss, before you get known for being a lying Mexican..


Aug 13, 2015
Reaction score
Dude we have never had a cb against you... UNFORGETTABLE clan have only played 2 cb´s 1 win and 1 loss as it is on the post, please idk if you are just ponting fake wins or something, i dont acuse you of that but really, we never said yes to a cb againts you

And i think it is more than innecesary to say speak english, we are a latin clan so shut up if you are not agree with that, and Innmortal post in spanish cause one of your members or leaders or whatever post somethin in spanish on our post, so if you are not american and you are only ´mojados´ please shut up that is lame dude
How are you going to tell me we never cbed as u can very well see before this your member literally said that we were ddossing in the battle now if we never had battled where did that ddos accusation come from? If we never battled why come to our thread in the first place? If we never battled why had you not said it in your first post instead of saying we were dossing and its a DQ?? Lmao this is actually funny because I have screen shots and proof of the battle so your whole statement has now just collapsed on its self and u now look like a bumbling idiot congrats! Now please hop off our thread we won we're going to keep the W up because I had to stop doing homework just to play for that cb cuz no one else could now accept the embarassing loss and if we were dossing u accused us we dossed the round your clan won? So if you really want a redo because you think we sponsored or ddossed that means its a redo 4-0 us but if you don't then the score shall remain as it is 5-1 Serenity Btw good job! You got a round on us u guys must be Gods amirite now if you reply to this post I swear on Zeus and Poseidon that you will never see the light of day again! ( not a death threat just trying to keep up with the mood)


District 13
Jun 28, 2014
Reaction score
seeing all this flame build up :/ I'm curious, serenity do you have proof of the win


Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
seeing all this flame build up :/ I'm curious, serenity do you have proof of the win
Yea we do, but just them accusing us of dossing, then sayIng " we never battled serenity" then posting a 5-0 win on their thread should be enough proof that unforgettable is lying and they just don't wanna post a loss. Read all of it before you ask questions "fexr"
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