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How Much is Enough McGamer

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Apr 5, 2015
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Thanks for all the feedback; especially the non "our server is flawless what do u mean!?" Mods. If someone could tag some developers that would be amazing, I have to school right now and that would be amazing. Also, to adress a point made somewhere in the thread, this is much more effective on the forums as other players can openly show support as opposed to talking 1 on 1 on Teamspeak. Also perm banned from ts so that doesn't help.


Sep 1, 2014
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An With that in mind no one seems to have ANY evidence proving that "2/5' of the top 200 use a ghost client. If you are going to accuse people of hacking then at least have evidence backing yourself up. Until us as moderators see real evidence, all we can consider this is just your run of the mill hackusating, even if they are truly hacking.
Yeah, I suppose they all just got caught hacking on Badlion and then came to MCSG and became gods at the game! -.-
The anti-cheat is really good, with 633 bans being issued by Xime Anti-Cheat (XAC) in the last 24 hours. That is undeniably a great statistic and shows that as much hate it has been recently given, it does it's job at a pretty good standard. Saying that our devs are lazy and pathetic is not just rude, but incredibly inaccurate with no statistics to back any information up.
lmao congrats, you can ban the stupid hackers that should be banned automatically anyway. Meanwhile, you can use Cyanit's 8 block Multiaura without getting detected.


Mapping Team Lead
Oct 6, 2012
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We do have an anti-cheat, however keep in mind an anti-cheat is a machine, not a person. It doesn't have logic or reasoning. It just files a ban when certain boxes are checked. This creates problems that are unforeseeable for a machine. The results are hundreds of people getting falsely banned. Which means hundreds of ban disputes and hundreds of headaches for us. So the anti-cheat is toned down a little which means more hackers. No anti-cheat is perfect. Of course our anti-cheat makes mistakes. There will always be a new hack that is undetectable.

In terms of your comments regarding certain staff member(s), keep in mind that yes, they may show amazing qualities to the community, but there is a lot that goes on that you don't see. The senior staff goes through rigorous voting and discussions to determine who is selected for a senior staff position and we never 'brush them aside'.

Also, keep in mind this is a community run by volunteers. We are not paid to do this and it seems like your standard for staff here is that of staff who get paid, and thus must work at a particular quality level. And for many of the staff here, have never worked at anywhere before. So please, keep in mind that before you rant on our forums regarding the overall quality.

Now, to address your whole thread; if you have any complaints or suggestions, please don't rant on the forums. As has already been stated, nothing in your thread is new. It's been posted many times before and the same answers are posted. Instead, please privately message a staff member to voice your concerns/suggestions. If you find you are ignored, contact a higher member of staff to get it sorted.
Last edited:


Aug 14, 2015
Reaction score
We do have an anti-cheat, however keep in mind an anti-cheat is a machine, not a person. It doesn't have logic or reasoning. It just files a ban when certain boxes are checked. This creates problems that are unforeseeable for a machine. The results are hundreds of people getting falsely banned. Which means hundreds of ban disputes and hundreds of headaches for us. So the anti-cheat is toned down a little which means more hackers. No anti-cheat is perfect. There will always be a new hack that is undetectable.

In terms of your comments regarding certain staff member(s), keep in mind that yes, they may show amazing qualities to the community, but there is a lot that goes on that you don't see. The senior staff goes through rigorous voting and discussions to determine who is selected for a senior staff position and we never 'brush them aside'.

Also, keep in mind this is a community run by volunteers. We are not paid to do this and it seems like your standard for staff here is that of staff who get paid, and thus must work at a particular quality level. And for many of the staff here, have never worked at anywhere before. So please, keep in mind that before you rant on our forums regarding the overall quality.

Now, to address your whole thread; if you have any complaints or suggestions, please don't rant on the forums. As has already been stated, nothing in your thread is new. It's been posted many times before and the same answers are posted. Instead, please privately message a staff member to voice your concerns/suggestions. If you find you are ignored, contact a higher member of staff to get it sorted.
badlion and kohi are also run by volunteers yet they are just increasing in popularity. are you?


Jul 18, 2013
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Okay buddy,

first of all you have no idea of what you're talking about do you? and this goes to all the staff aswell, because 70% of them have no idea of what they're doing and they don't know how PvP works. in fact most of them have absolutly terrible stats on SG. ''oh but this wouldn't really matter, would it?'' oh yes it would, because you are not able to recognize a closet hacker, and that is why many regular players are banned without even being hacking. And the ''Risk Management'' stuff WHAAAAAA... dude, this is not true and I can prove you for a fact that the Badlion Network ( has 2k players online daily ) has an anti-cheat ( 100x times better than MCGamer's ) that took 1 dev (MasterGBerry) 1 hour and 1 day of maintance... and no, no players are randomly banned because codding an anti-cheat is not hard, and don't come up with the stuff '' so if u say its easy. why dont u do it? '' because there are 2 devs and its their job to do a better anti-cheat! Now im not saying the MCGamer Devs are lazy and pathetic, because MCSG has probably the BEST SG plugin of all time. But the staff are ignorant and pathetic because you take these threads as insults and not as constructive criticism, instead of saying you're going to try and work harder, you just humiliate and depreciate their ideas. and no your anti-cheat is not good, it bans a couple of blantant hackers but I still find 1 hacker per game and I don't even play that much and these threads come from high competition players who play everyday 20 games per day. And the staff plays SG once a month ( not all staff ) !

second, there is obviously no evidence that 2/5 on the top 200 are hacking, but the truth is, is that they are banned on Badlion, the network that has a propper anti-cheat and that is why we are asking for one, so if they are, they can get banned. I've played against some of them and I've experienced some dodgy stuff , and I'm speaking of TastyLemon_ or whatever his name is.

there's alot of closet cheaters and alot of blatant hackers and as the staff can't do their job propperly atleast make an anticheat that can the staffs job.
I have a full understanding of what I said in my post. All moderators go through 4 hours+ of training and hacker identification so each mod is more than capable of doing their job. Stats have nothing to do with being a good moderator. I will admit there is a problem with ghost clients but I can tell if someone is using a ghost client but I can't say other moderators can. Ghost clients are somewhat new when we are talking about hacking so creating a new anti-cheat against ghost clients would take a lot of time as it requires a fair amount of research. I'm so sick of hearing Badlion devs as these godlike people come to earth to show every developer they're bad at their job. So they have a good anti-cheat, most of their plugins are nothing compared to ours, especially our state of the art SG Plugin. So what one guy made a good plugin that luckily had barely any problems about it. Everything in real life has Risk Management including when making new plugins. Everything that I stated in my before post was well researched and backed up with evidence so your criticising the wrong post.


Aug 10, 2015
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Alright, Alright, Some of the staff have had their word and so have the players. This Thread should have a line in the sand. The Staff are becoming defensive, The players are becoming aggressive.

MCSG PLAYERS Call this post of mine ignorance then so be it.
Staff Step-up and Lock the thread before Flame is a thing


Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Alright, Alright, Some of the staff have had their word and so have the players. This Thread should have a line in the sand. The Staff are becoming defensive, The players are becoming aggressive.

MCSG PLAYERS Call this post of mine ignorance then so be it.
Staff Step-up and Lock the thread before Flame is a thing
everything is flame when u speak the truth and the staff cant take it, they close the community's eyes and say that their system is flawless


Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
everything is flame when u speak the truth and the staff cant take it, they close the community's eyes and say that their system is flawless
Were you made perfect.
Was your computer made perfect.
Was the world made with peace and harmony,
Is minecraft perfect?

No You Have Your flaws.
No it computers will always upgrade.
No the world always had conflict and problems
Minecraft is Always updating.
Nothings Flawless and Improvement is always required.

The Developers have spend days that they could of gone to a party, went to the snow, done their assignments due in a weeks time.
No they keep trying their best to make this server a better experience. I feel as on both sides we are all blunt. Why not look from a third person view and stay neutral. Find the best points of both sides?

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