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How Much is Enough McGamer

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Ok 1. I know if you read my post before I said they have the best SG coding by far but why can't they code a better anti-cheat? They have so much experience and if a couple of Badlion devs can create a really decent anti-cheat in a hour then why cant these SG devs make one in 3 years.

1. They aint no normal devs they are the best SG devs out there!
2. They have had so much time to take a break and if they take one fine but at least finish a important part of your server before leaving or take a long break.

Also if you were these devs and your getting paid to do this for this server and you had the same abilities that these devs have then wouldn't you try to help out this server by adding a better anticheat?
You see, you can be nice aswell! Calling them lazy and pathetic won't resolve anything. Instead as a community we need to unite and make a thread, which stuff need to be fixed.


Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
Talking about promotions to Sr. Staff, not promotions to moderation.

And to finish your question. There may have been people active in game for a long time alongside being friendly and helpful to others in - game or on the teamspeak.
alright thanks for clearing that up, although I was referring to a member who made a "Introduce yourself" thread and had when he joined in his signature sooo yeee...


Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
People make these threads in the hopes that the dev's might actually do something.


Jun 2, 2015
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In all honesty the anticheat is a pile of dog poo. I'm going to be honest here I have this hacked client which my mate coded and it has all the hacks, kill aura, speed and what not, it has this option on the gui called 'Bypass' I had kill aura on and opened a chest. My person looked up and starting hiting whilst in a chest. I didn't even get banned. I went on badlion with bypass on and kill aura, I went to play a 1v1 and as soon as I got one hit on the guy I got banned. And guess what.... badlion accepted my ban dispute in less than a minute. Mcsg takes about a year to respond and they always decline.

EDIT: This was just a one time I used hacks, I was just testing it out.

This just proves how bad MCgamers anticheat is.

The owner himself doesn't care about his community. Hardly any Sr.Mods are on, hardly any admins are active. Devs well I dunno what they do tbh don't see them around the forums.

Atu great thread buddy
Last edited:


Jan 19, 2015
Reaction score
Whilst it's good to see that MCGamer developers are adding in aesthetically pleasing things to the servers (like the scoreboard, I liked that), however they aren't getting their priorities right. These small little things are not very important as compared to developing the anti-cheat and making it better. I cannot deny, MCGamer has a good anti-cheat (go look at Mineplex's MAC, it's horrible), however with the rise in non legitimate players it's not good enough.

This server has the best SG plugin in my opinion. Badlion's SG is terrible (and the best ping I get is 250). I would rather play here than on Badlion but with the insane amount of hackers it's hard to enjoy a game. That's the real reason players leave. Take for example this round, it's a joke. The person flew around spawn killing 12 people within the first minute. Yes, he flew around without getting no cheated and banned. It was only after 5 minutes of flying did he get kicked/banned by the AC. http://www.mcgamer.net/round/mcsg/?round=4494500

As for the staff team part, I half heartedly agree with your point. I have been on the staff team for a brief period before resigning. To be completely honest, I don't think I deserved getting promoted to a moderator. However I did get to understand and thus am able to provide feedback regarding the staff team. There are monthly activity checks, and one of the categories is the number of punishments being handed out in a month, including report abuses. I don't know how anyone else thinks about that, but to me that's just very stressful and in order for a moderator to pass an activity check, it seems as though they must gather as many bans as possible. When I first joined the staff team, one of the moderators told me "I'll get this ban, you'll understand why you need to ensure you get every punishment possible" and I was surprised. I didn't know being a moderator meant punishing players was more important than providing excellent support for the members. I generally stayed in the lobbies to answer questions. Though I answered questions slowly, I believe it's better than going into games to hunt for rule breakers.

However, despite all that being said about the staff team, I would like to say that the staff team is way more well ran than most out there. If anyone of you know Minecade (it was one of the biggest networks in the past), it has terrible staff management which lead to its decline. Mineplex's staff team is organised, but full of incapable staff members which lead to multiple complaints on the forums. I have been a part of Mineplex's staff team and I'll say frankly that their staff structure is amazing, it's the people they hire that is bad. MCGamer's staff members are good in my opinion, most of them are helpful and try to be active even though they are on leave. The staff members here are welcoming and do bond pretty well with the community if I do say so myself.
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