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How Much is Enough McGamer

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Jul 18, 2013
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Another one of these threads.

Has it not gone through anyone's minds that we all read these threads and want to help? But to make sure everything works smoothly things take times. It's the same in real life. Say you were the president of the United states and you want to increase wages. You can't just instantly increase wages, no, the piece of legislation has to go through a long process to make sure that the decision is the right one and that no problems would arise. This is called Risk Management.

The exact same risk management happens here. Yes technically the devs could spend an entire day making a really good anti-cheat, but it would have to go through so many tests to make sure there are no glitches, bugs or starts randomly banning players. To make sure the servers run smoothly a whole process of risk management is put under practice to make sure that if a new anti-cheat was introduced it would cause minimal problems. But even with that the fact remains is that our anti-cheat is honestly pretty good apart from the fact that a lot of closet cheaters get away from the anti-cheat. With that in mind no one seems to have ANY evidence proving that "2/5' of the top 200 use a ghost client. If you are going to accuse people of hacking then at least have evidence backing yourself up. Until us as moderators see real evidence, all we can consider this is just your run of the mill hackusating, even if they are truly hacking.

Your depiction of the staff team really wanted to make me cringe ". Mcgamer's "well seasoned" staff team is supposedly working on ways to revitalize the community; but why are they not working." the fact remains that a moderators job is limited. Although we can plan events and ban users breaking the rules, we can't magically revitalize the community. Last time I checked, the people that complain about the community are the community. Rarely when people talk about our community it's always "the community" like they're suddenly an exception from what they see as a toxic and horrible community. Also you seem to have a problem with new moderators? Let me get this fact straight. This is a volunteer job. People going out of their way to make sure they can help the servers as much as possible. So when a fully capable player comes up with an impressive mod app and does his interview really well, it's very hard to decline that person for being in the community for a short time. I haven't met a single moderator that is not capable of doing their job. Most of those that aren't are removed pretty quickly. All mods do their job exceptionally with respect of how much time they can offer.

Now your post about senior mods is totally incorrect. I can agree with all respect that ceroria is a great moderator and is definitely popular within the community, it doesn't suddenly qualify him to be a senior mod. Being apart of the senior staff team is a huge commitment. Once you take that position you have to fulfil a lot of responsibilities, some that can be very overwhelming. I can assure you now that I can see ceroria being a good senior moderator, but others are just as good as him and deserve the promotion as well. To kill this rumor on the spot, Senior Moderators aren't hired because they can drop bans really quickly. There is a lot more that goes into it like full understanding of the rules, being capable of being a role model, able to handle every situation perfectly and being able to represent the staff team. Promotions are very well thought out and saying that senior staff are just "13 year old's good at dropping bans" is just showing how little the knowledge our community has over the Senior Staff team. Ceroria isn't at all being brushed aside and that other qualified moderators were promoted and not him, is a decision made by some of the most capable staff out there.

Taking in your final point again. We have two full time dev's, so it's hard to actually make a fully working anti-cheat and go through the whole process of risk management. As much as people hate hearing this but the dev's do work hard, it's evident when you see the MCSG servers so successful and that many people have copied or slightly modified the same SG plugin. The anti-cheat is really good, with 633 bans being issued by Xime Anti-Cheat (XAC) in the last 24 hours. That is undeniably a great statistic and shows that as much hate it has been recently given, it does it's job at a pretty good standard. Saying that our devs are lazy and pathetic is not just rude, but incredibly inaccurate with no statistics to back any information up.

Honestly these threads are just getting old, complaining about the same thing over and over again. I can say that we have heard you, but to work as an effective staff team we need to take our time to make sure we are doing the right things. If we could pull out a perfect anti-cheat in just an hour we would do that, but some things take time, and in order to make sure the server doesn't collapse on itself, we will have to take time in order to make sure everything runs perfectly.


Your not wrong man! The devs are lazy and pathetic! Ye fine they have the best SG code no doubt but they can't even bother to make a decent Anti-Cheat and that ruins SG because the chances of beating a hacker is 1/100 and that is dam low! Devs/Admins/Owners/Mods need to step there game up, I'm sick and tired of complaining on teamspeak to mods and they say "Don't Poke Me" like your a mod do your fing job! You are useless and all of them saying! JUST STEP UP!
The devs are lazy and pathetic?


Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
Another one of these threads.

Has it not gone through anyone's minds that we all read these threads and want to help? But to make sure everything works smoothly things take times. It's the same in real life. Say you were the president of the United states and you want to increase wages. You can't just instantly increase wages, no, the piece of legislation has to go through a long process to make sure that the decision is the right one and that no problems would arise. This is called Risk Management.

The exact same risk management happens here. Yes technically the devs could spend an entire day making a really good anti-cheat, but it would have to go through so many tests to make sure there are no glitches, bugs or starts randomly banning players. To make sure the servers run smoothly a whole process of risk management is put under practice to make sure that if a new anti-cheat was introduced it would cause minimal problems. But even with that the fact remains is that our anti-cheat is honestly pretty good apart from the fact that a lot of closet cheaters get away from the anti-cheat. With that in mind no one seems to have ANY evidence proving that "2/5' of the top 200 use a ghost client. If you are going to accuse people of hacking then at least have evidence backing yourself up. Until us as moderators see real evidence, all we can consider this is just your run of the mill hackusating, even if they are truly hacking.
Yes but this idea of some sort of

Your depiction of the staff team really wanted to make me cringe ". Mcgamer's "well seasoned" staff team is supposedly working on ways to revitalize the community; but why are they not working." the fact remains that a moderators job is limited. Although we can plan events and ban users breaking the rules, we can't magically revitalize the community. Last time I checked, the people that complain about the community are the community. Rarely when people talk about our community it's always "the community" like they're suddenly an exception from what they see as a toxic and horrible community. Also you seem to have a problem with new moderators? Let me get this fact straight. This is a volunteer job. People going out of their way to make sure they can help the servers as much as possible. So when a fully capable player comes up with an impressive mod app and does his interview really well, it's very hard to decline that person for being in the community for a short time. I haven't met a single moderator that is not capable of doing their job. Most of those that aren't are removed pretty quickly. All mods do their job exceptionally with respect of how much time they can offer.

Now your post about senior mods is totally incorrect. I can agree with all respect that ceroria is a great moderator and is definitely popular within the community, it doesn't suddenly qualify him to be a senior mod. Being apart of the senior staff team is a huge commitment. Once you take that position you have to fulfil a lot of responsibilities, some that can be very overwhelming. I can assure you now that I can see ceroria being a good senior moderator, but others are just as good as him and deserve the promotion as well. To kill this rumor on the spot, Senior Moderators aren't hired because they can drop bans really quickly. There is a lot more that goes into it like full understanding of the rules, being capable of being a role model, able to handle every situation perfectly and being able to represent the staff team. Promotions are very well thought out and saying that senior staff are just "13 year old's good at dropping bans" is just showing how little the knowledge our community has over the Senior Staff team. Ceroria isn't at all being brushed aside and that other qualified moderators were promoted and not him, is a decision made by some of the most capable staff out there.

Taking in your final point again. We have two full time dev's, so it's hard to actually make a fully working anti-cheat and go through the whole process of risk management. As much as people hate hearing this but the dev's do work hard, it's evident when you see the MCSG servers so successful and that many people have copied or slightly modified the same SG plugin. The anti-cheat is really good, with 633 bans being issued by Xime Anti-Cheat (XAC) in the last 24 hours. That is undeniably a great statistic and shows that as much hate it has been recently given, it does it's job at a pretty good standard. Saying that our devs are lazy and pathetic is not just rude, but incredibly inaccurate with no statistics to back any information up.

Honestly these threads are just getting old, complaining about the same thing over and over again. I can say that we have heard you, but to work as an effective staff team we need to take our time to make sure we are doing the right things. If we could pull out a perfect anti-cheat in just an hour we would do that, but some things take time, and in order to make sure the server doesn't collapse on itself, we will have to take time in order to make sure everything runs perfectly.
Yes but this idea of a anticheat/Anti-Cheat that detects Aura/Aimbot/Autoclicker etc etc has been mentioned years ago and we have had no answer other than "The devs are doing good so far they don't need more to deal with" or "They are busy". If Chad or the Devs were smart they would add this but no they are just ruining this server by letting hackers spread and become part of the community with their Ghost Clients/Modded Clients!

The devs are lazy and pathetic?
They are because they haven't done anything about hackers! Meaning make there Anti-Cheat better!


Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
I don't think you see mine, the staff team has issues that I steered away from so this thread wouldn't get locked. But have you recently visited other big networks? McGamer has the worst anti cheat in the big 4 (I'll list these below) higher pvp communities. You can't say it's a good anti cheat just because it's custom coded. It's literally an entity that spawns over you when you're in a chest. You understand the only client that you get with that is flare and some clients with multi aura? When almost half of the top 200 and 60% of the top 50 have history of using illegal modifications we obviously need a decent anticheat. We have no autoclicker detection, we have no higher client detection (smooth aim, etc) we have a faulty ncp that triggers regular players more than it does actual hackers. It's not hard to code an ncp that roots out the obvious clients. The problem is this community needs a anti cheat like kohi and badlion because of all the closet cheaters

Yes i understand your point. I clearly stated that.


District 13
Dec 8, 2013
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They are because they haven't done anything about hackers! Meaning make there Anti-Cheat better!
You're saying that just because we don't have Badlion-level Anticheat the devs are lazy and don't do anything? The devs, who are the main reasons this server exists with our famous Survival Games plugin that they coded? The effort that they put into patching bugs? How they coded several gamemodes? Not to mention Xac? And the ban panel?
They don't do anything, you say? Alright, just checking.

I will say that we do need a better Anticheat and I won't deny that we have a problem with ghost clients, but if you're going to say that the developers who essentially created this server are "lazy and pathetic" is pathetic in itself. If you're going to criticize someone who worked hours upon hours to create entertainment for you, you should go do it somewhere else, not here.
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They are because they haven't done anything about hackers! Meaning make there Anti-Cheat better!
Okay I'm going to prove your point wrong.
Set yourself in the position of an ordinary developer. I'm pretty sure if you even tried to apply for dev you wouldn't get it, but let's say somehow you got it. When you realized what you need to do as a just a normal developer you would've probably resigned. That's the first thing doe.

The second thing is that developers are humans too. You need to understand that they may need a break from MCGamer. They can't develop the server everyday, all day. Yeah it's their job but I highly doubt they get anything out of it except comments like yours that are disrespecting them.

If a person oh these forums could make a thread thanking the developers for their hard work and nicely ask them to improve the anti-cheat plugin instead of saying that they're lazy and pathetic, it would be a whole different story? Amirite?


Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
You're saying that just because we don't have Badlion-level Anticheat the devs are lazy and don't do anything? The devs, who are the main reasons this server exists with our famous Survival Games plugin that they coded? The effort that they put into patching bugs? How they coded several gamemodes? Not to mention Xac? And the ban panel?
They don't do anything, you say? Alright, just checking.

I will say that we do need a better Anticheat and I won't deny that we have a problem with ghost clients, but if you're going to say that the developers who essentially created this server are "lazy and pathetic" is pathetic in itself. If you're going to criticize someone who worked hours upon hours to create entertainment for you, you should go do it somewhere else, not here.
Ok 1. I know if you read my post before I said they have the best SG coding by far but why can't they code a better anti-cheat? They have so much experience and if a couple of Badlion devs can create a really decent anti-cheat in a hour then why cant these SG devs make one in 3 years.
Okay I'm going to prove your point wrong.
Set yourself in the position of an ordinary developer. I'm pretty sure if you even tried to apply for dev you wouldn't get it, but let's say somehow you got it. When you realized what you need to do as a just a normal developer you would've probably resigned. That's the first thing doe.

The second thing is that developers are humans too. You need to understand that they may need a break from MCGamer. They can't develop the server everyday, all day. Yeah it's their job but I highly doubt they get anything out of it except comments like yours that are disrespecting them.

If a person oh these forums could make a thread thanking the developers for their hard work and nicely ask them to improve the anti-cheat plugin instead of saying that they're lazy and pathetic, it would be a whole different story? Amirite?
1. They aint no normal devs they are the best SG devs out there!
2. They have had so much time to take a break and if they take one fine but at least finish a important part of your server before leaving or take a long break.

Also if you were these devs and your getting paid to do this for this server and you had the same abilities that these devs have then wouldn't you try to help out this server by adding a better anticheat?


District 13
Dec 8, 2013
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Ok 1. I know if you read my post before I said they have the best SG coding by far but why can't they code a better anti-cheat? They have so much experience and if a couple of Badlion devs can create a really decent anti-cheat in a hour then why cant these SG devs make one in 3 years.

1. They aint no normal devs they are the best SG devs out there!
2. They have had so much time to take a break and if they take one fine but at least finish a important part of your server before leaving or take a long break.

Also if you were these devs and your getting paid to do this for this server and you had the same abilities that these devs have then wouldn't you try to help out this server by adding a better anticheat?
I'm not denying that we need a better anticheat. I'm saying that you're being rude by calling them "lazy and pathetic" when they clearly aren't. I will bring this up in an upcoming staff meeting, however, and hopefully it'll get done.


Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
I'm not denying that we need a better anticheat. I'm saying that you're being rude by calling them "lazy and pathetic" when they clearly aren't. I will bring this up in an upcoming staff meeting, however, and hopefully it'll get done.
The only reason that I am hating on them is because they haven't done anything about and they know dam well enough that need to make a better anti cheat but yet that haven't even bothered to start or mention about doing it and its sad because all these hackers are ruining this server! They need to stop focusing on other game modes and start thinking about the more important things like a better Anti Cheat!

Hopefully you are getting my point and sorry for being rude!


District 13
Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
The only reason that I am hating on them is because they haven't done anything about and they know dam well enough that need to make a better anti cheat but yet that haven't even bothered to start or mention about doing it and its sad because all these hackers are ruining this server! They need to stop focusing on other game modes and start thinking about the more important things like a better Anti Cheat!

Hopefully you are getting my point and sorry for being rude!
I am. I understand we need a better one and I will bring it up. There's just no reason to hate or insult them.


May 1, 2015
Reaction score
If you want something done about anti-cheat, you are better off going on the MCSG teamspeak and try talking to a high ranking staff 1 on 1 about it. Share you're ideas with them and explain why they should be implemented. They will either accept your idea or tell you why it cannot be done. Making threads on here won't do anything because staff will very rarely agree that there is something wrong with their 'amazing' and 'flawless' server.
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