Donald Trump is more famous and well known however I would like to see Ben Carson win. I had the privilege to meet Ben Carson in real life. I have read most of his books, seen his movie, and have attended a speech he did about his life and his political views. I like most of what he said, which is more than any other candidate.
I do not think Donald Trump should win. He is famous for all the wrong reasons, is pretty mean and insulting as well as insensitive. He is bad at budgeting and financial problems. The only thing I do like about Donald Trump was his view on Veterans and how he said he wants to protect them and that he will develop a fund for veterans which will provide them with emotional support, medical care, and raising their salaries. The problem with this however is that there is a large amount of people in the armed forces and we are already having a budget gap enough now. A government shutdown due to this budget gap is unavoidable and it will probably be because of Planned Parenthood Budgeting.
And I do not think that Hillary Clinton should win because we have had enough Clintons and we do not need another in office. Bill was bad enough. Hillary is also a democrat which I admit I am a democrat and so are many of my family members but I don't like her views. And I doubt that we will get a female president soon.
Just my two cents... Also I know I am late posting this sorry...