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The Rebels (AU Division)

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Jul 27, 2012
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From all I remember, I used to dislike Tomo due to his ability to be better than me at PvP, and was jealous at the time. Other than I think accusing him of hacking once when I had 30 wins or something, back when I was young and ignorant, I don't remember any kind of recent events that could have lead to such drastic decisions. I have never been in a game with him or ever actually adressed him, whether it be through skype or messaging on this website, since I joined the clan. I actually remember Kytria/Mike saying anything about even knowing Tomo in the first place since I have met him, and I have not pronounced/typed the word "Tomo" or anything to "Tomo" in ages. I would really like to have a talk with him though, simply because I'm even more confused than Jake at the moment. I do not ever really mentioning anything particularly rude to Tomo in any of my videos either, and if I did in the far far past, it really should not be causing his departure from the clan now. And I really don't know why you out of the blues randomly said 'was it dragon?'. I know that I still have business to deal with you, Ninga, but I have never considered Tomo a rival/hated person ever, not even close to the point of 'calling him names'. And apparently, I was also reprimanded to have 'banned him for hacking'. First of all, he is in none of my ban appeal videos, and I never report someone without proper evidence. Everytime I had gotten footage of Tomo "hacking", I never put it up because, coming to my senses after rage, I realized that the only criminal was lag, and that Tomo was simply a 'better player than me'. Secondly, if he had been banned in the past apparently by 'me', then it would be because the moderators would have carried out the sentence, knowing that Tomo was indeed hacking. So if the moderators had actually banned him, it would have been because of convincing evidence, therefore not a reason to leave the clan anyway. And even if I did, so what? According to Tomo's official post on why he 'retired' from the AU Rebels was because of it's members calling him names, which is completely off topic to the hate given to me because I apparently had laid a complaint on him. Like I have mentioned before, I have not talked or seen Tomo in ages, and only have seen him occasionally within the last month or so. I have never been in communication with him for a looong time, and definitely not since I have become a member of this clan. Because I have a youtube channel and I know that I do not want to ruin my reputation, I always try my best to not speak any swear words or offensive language. Possibly the most 'harsh' word I have said in the last 2 months was the word 'douchebag', that I only used in my own defense against a offensive, full capsing swearing individual that I shall not mention the name of. Krackan (new moderator) then informed me that this too was an 'offensive' word, and I have never used it since then. Anyhow, even if I did mention a few such-like words 3 months in the past should not have caused his resignation! Tomo is the last person I think anyone could put the blame on me for offending! Fair enough, it was getting on my nerves he was such a better player, but I have always kept a 'clean' competitive mind when being around him. And Kytria, I mean, I don't even think he knows Tomo! And the fact that you immediately suggested 'was it dragon?' does not make me feel the greatest about how you perceive me. After a while of being in conflict with me, Ninga, I would expect you to know that, sure, Im a filthy trickster, but nothing within the MCSG community and gameplay aspect of it. I never backstab, keep my cool at all times in games, never call anyone names in the past etc. And in my opinion, Tomo needs to give some explanations himself, because the argument itself is very vague. I know he 'doesn't want to mention anyone', but right know, I feel like his argument is not strong at all. I want him to publicly say who they are and what they said, so that the appropriate sanction can be taken. You do not immagine my shock when I learned that I was the suspect of his harassment, seeing as I had not communicated or played with him or been in a game with him in it since I had joined the clan! If I can tell everyone right now in the clan that I indeed admit that I consider myself nothing more than an insignificant little cocky slimeball at times, and that, yes, I am possibly the most harsh and angriest sun-of-a-beach at times, then what exactly is the problem in telling people what he thinks of me himself? His whole argument is vague and sounding illegitimate! I have always considered Tomo as a reasonable and considerable guy, even at worst times, and it is not foreign to me that he would say something along those lines in order not to offend anybody. But seeing people leave clans because of this reason is very rare, and if it indeed is something as significant and important as this, then, in my mind, he should be out for my blood! Not taking a simple, leisurely retreat! Both of his next points seem to be the main cause of his leave, as I do understand that he might not be one of the 'leaderboards' type of person and that, as you said, prefers to play with you as you have known and appreciated each other for a long time, but the fact that me, the person who has not talked to him in probably the longest time out of al the other members, was also a part of this because I was harassing him and, most preposterously having put a complaint on him that he hacked (proven to be true, I have never even talked/messaged the mods his name and never had uploaded any footage of him) is absolutely, truly and ridiculously lame. But, eh, we all make mistakes and I may be missing out a key event within the last 2 weeks that happened between him and I, even though I have been sitting down doing nothing be backtracking for a complete 90 minute period, eyes closed. Ill stop here, because I have been typing this up for the last hour of my life and I need to get some sleep, clear my head of all the thrash that has gone down within the last 24 hours or so. And I'm not the boss, so if you like what you are hearing from Tomo's side better than mine, Zeno/Nick/Gaga/Jake, just chuck me out the front/back door right now if it makes you feel like it's the only thing that will solve this issue. If you really, hardly believe that throwing me out right now for insubordination/lack of respect to another member will fix everything, I'm happy to walkz out of this club at this very instant. As the good little ignorant French Man that I am, I believe the most valuable rule which needs to be kept at all times is respect. And if I am proven to promote the contrary in any sort of way, I'm wide open to surrendering myself straight out of the fun I've been having with all these wonderful people here. I'm already wasting too much of your time, but I think that it was necessary for everyone to know my side of the story, as some of Tomo's was too. I will continue to try and plead Tomo to forgive me for anything that I have done lately to him or anyone else concerned in this, as this sub-conscious behavior of mine is simply intolerable. Hope to fix this up soon, but know that I myself may take drastic steps if feel like those are the only way to solve this.
Wow I didn't see any of this till now... No I was just annoyed how I couldn't kill you without becoming a hacker instantly and you had/have a grudge on me automatically because I am friends with Ninga. You never really were mean to me recently but because of your promotion to officer I reliesed I don't have much need for this clan. I mostly just said you because, don't want to admit this, but I fell under peer pressure I guess. But do bare in mind it wasn't me who posted that C&P of skype/teamspeak for example I can do this:

[10:43:22 PM] Ugo (Dragontixan): I like to touch little boys(He never said this it was me who C&P it in)

I don't feel that you should be kicked out of this team as I see why it appeals to you and many others as I posted before I don't want to leave on ANY bad terms and I have already talked to people like Wilmon saying how it doesn't mean we can't play together sorry if I put you in so much stress over a "clan" but yet it does give me proof that this "clan" is/will becoming a bit to personal and gossipy. So Dragon I didn't mean you know harm and sorry for making you write 90 minutes of defense, which is very good may I add you should become a layer!

So Dragon DOESN'T deserve to be kicked off this and I hope this may clear somethings up between us and maybe we could start fresh?

Sorry for making people sad :(


Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
The cats don't have hackers but we have an annoying girl that everyone seems to adore...


Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
Skype/Ts:Skype only
Skype name:Legit_crafter02
Got a mic:Sadly no but I am getting one soon
How often do you team with members/officers:Not often
PvP tacticts:Wait for them to get close to me then lunge at my opponent
PvP weakness:When lagg strikes me(Hit glitch)
Are you cool?:I am one of the coolest people you probably ever will know!
Best Puppy pic:A puppy in a hotdog costume! XD
Puppy picture is a must


Sep 25, 2012
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Only hack client I know of that can bypass this only let's u half stand on water


District 13
Aug 9, 2012
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This is turning into an off-topic discussion.

iMightTroll, if have any suspicions of any of our members hacking feel free to PM me or and of the other high ranked people (leader, co-leaders and officers.)

Dragon/Ugo, you should talk to Tomo personally about this in either Skype or this forums private message, then you can notify us in out Skype chat about what has happened.

Seem fair? I think so..


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
The cats don't have hackers but we have an annoying girl that everyone seems to adore...
Lol, I join a server and tell Ninga he should stop mouthing us and trying to pick a fight, then their whole clan tell me we started everything and I should calm down... >.>

God damnit Tomo why did you leave us for... That clan xD.


Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Lol, I join a server and tell Ninga he should stop mouthing us and trying to pick a fight, then their whole clan tell me we started everything and I should calm down... >.>

God damnit Tomo why did you leave us for... That clan xD.
You know I'm gonna quit all of these clans and attempt to become a peacekeeper...

Adam Schenk

Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score
No offense to this clan but mcsg is no longer a game that is even FUN to play for alot of people who are not as good as every single good player on a team against 1 player who just wants to at least get far in the game. This clan unfortunetly has made the game very unfair and it really shits me. If you want to be a clan go right ahead, but just warning you all that alot of people who want to try mcsg in future years on these servers will be quickly bored and frusturated. I hope your happy because alot of people are not, so please just tone it down on your mission to destroy minecraft survival games. Sincerly I_LIK3_TO_TROLL :(


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: meganlovesmusic
Age: 14 1/2
Donor: getting iron donor very soon!
Wins: 68 wins! yesss.
Got Skype/TS: Do i need skype? mostly i'll be on with Damoisawesome, who sits next to me when we play mcsg. So people in his skype calls can hear me speaking, so yeah. Is that okay? :3
Skype name (PM me or my co-leaders if you don't want to post it)
Got a mic: yeah.
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: have teamed with Nick (darkrai) a lot.
PvP Strengths: gangbanging people. hitting them off mountains. sneaking. fishing rodding.
PvP Weaknesses: bow -.-
You cool?: I'm extremely cool :p
Best puppy picture:


Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
No offense to this clan but mcsg is no longer a game that is even FUN to play for alot of people who are not as good as every single good player on a team against 1 player who just wants to at least get far in the game. This clan unfortunetly has made the game very unfair and it really shits me. If you want to be a clan go right ahead, but just warning you all that alot of people who want to try mcsg in future years on these servers will be quickly bored and frusturated. I hope your happy because alot of people are not, so please just tone it down on your mission to destroy minecraft survival games. Sincerly I_LIK3_TO_TROLL :(
There's no difference , because there's always teams , like elisha + shanekwong + markchuah so on , its not really fair for us good players that have tried really hard to make it to the top , not everyone can be good at survival games , and your in a clan too and there's always hacker's that ruined the game for all of us.
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