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The Rebels (AU Division)

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Jul 27, 2012
Reaction score
Nobody would understand that >.> He is just in the water shooting arrows how is that hax? And who's mark?
He was standing on top of the water Like you stand on a block

Note: U rebels betta watch him


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
I wasnt 30-25 FPS
That is actually quite laggy, lol.

And FPS isn't my idea of lag, it's internet. Which affects things like that,

I mean I see people flying 3 blocks in the air sometimes, I know it's lag. Not fly hacks... >.>


Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
Wow I didn't see any of this till now... No I was just annoyed how I couldn't kill you without becoming a hacker instantly and you had/have a grudge on me automatically because I am friends with Ninga. You never really were mean to me recently but because of your promotion to officer I reliesed I don't have much need for this clan. I mostly just said you because, don't want to admit this, but I fell under peer pressure I guess. But do bare in mind it wasn't me who posted that C&P of skype/teamspeak for example I can do this:

[10:43:22 PM] Ugo (Dragontixan): I like to touch little boys(He never said this it was me who C&P it in)

I don't feel that you should be kicked out of this team as I see why it appeals to you and many others as I posted before I don't want to leave on ANY bad terms and I have already talked to people like Wilmon saying how it doesn't mean we can't play together sorry if I put you in so much stress over a "clan" but yet it does give me proof that this "clan" is/will becoming a bit to personal and gossipy. So Dragon I didn't mean you know harm and sorry for making you write 90 minutes of defense, which is very good may I add you should become a layer!

So Dragon DOESN'T deserve to be kicked off this and I hope this may clear somethings up between us and maybe we could start fresh?

Sorry for making people sad :(
This make me feel infinitely better. And when you now mention that you fear that the clan will become 'personal and gossipy', I understand your concern. I also feel better that the only problem between us was the good ol' mutual competitive yet sometimes frustrating thoughts about each other. And yes, it is somewhat true that I am not the best of friends with Ninga and that the friend of my enemy is my enemy. Furthermore, I was really just a little bit sad myself that it was my fault that you left. It meant that I had myself caused the fact that I missed out on being able to finally know you somewhat properly. When I joined and saw that you were in, I did not feel 'why is this guy in', but more like 'we'll be unstoppable' or 'I can finally talk to him and understand him!'. And the idea of starting fresh is, in my opinion, fresher than... A puppycattoad's energy drink? I would like everyone I had gotten into a fight with to say this. You're a good man :) Even if I did say something somewhat mean to you lately, please accept my honest apology. And I don't touch kids xD

However, taking out a problem therefore makes us discover another one. NingaristicNinga. Not only was he taking charge of Tomo's defense out of no-where, but he also used it to frame Mike and I as the cause of one of our member's departure. I never liked trolls, neither I do really like carrying out a troll myself, that I why I personally perceive the creation of the KCC as more of an insolence than anything. But then again, the problem right now is the fact that he used to whole conversation to place and accusation on me and Mike, which is fine, but considering he did so by trafficking a supposedly 'legitimate' Skype chat conversation should not be taken lightly. If you would see this anywhere else, it would be a criminal getting his hands on a defective's signature and using it to send an innocent to prison. Of course, this is an embellished hyperbole, but I really think that the fact that he was blaming Tomo's resignation on us is simply unacceptable. The other truth could be that Tomo is lying that he did not say it, but I believe that the case is the contrary because 1) Tomo gave proof that it could have been trafficked 2) Tomo, judging his high honesty rating during his response, in my opinion did not and could not both blame me and Mike (who he probably doesn't know, am I right?) 3) Ninga is more of the kind of person to want people dead by using lies and deceit. So here's my dilemma : What should we impose upon him? I truly wish that something is done about this, as it has caused a great amount of grief on both my side and Mr.Cattoad's side. My possible scenarios were that Tomo and Ninga were both co-ordinating this machination, but Tomo's honesty on his earlier response seems to be somewhat legitimate, and his good competitive spirit I have seen in the past is not of this kind. The only scenario left is that Ninga has himself decided to twist the situation around and weave it into his own advantageous claims is simlply and socially unacceptable. Even if it was indeed a joke, it was one of a foul kind, and the kid should be given a good spanking so he learns to not do it again if he does not want to face the consequences. It may not seem to be a big deal to the rest of you, but what if Ninga had mentioned your name in the fake Skype chat? That you have been mean to someone you and that you have cause the leaving of this someone due to a recent event even though you know that, in the bottom of your heart, have either not communicated with a long time or not even played with. Only then you shall feel the hatred against the villan, not only because he has accused you, but also at the fact that there are ill and weak minded, foolish people like them in this world. I'll stop now though, as I am starting to be able to be reprimanded for my rather 'radical' speech about stopping the bad guys. I will say this once again, using a huge metaphor, as always. If you kill someone without meaning to press the trigger, you're still a bloody murderer. It is therefore obvious that Ninga is the start of this ridiculously preposterous and unnecessary argument that has taken valuable time out of all of us. It personally disgusts me how he wickedly decided to take control of the situation to attempt to get rid of me. But leaning how to be resilient the hard way is always an added bonus, and I will not yield to this ill-willed kitten. #DemPuppies. All I gotta say for nao.


Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
He was standing on top of the water Like you stand on a block

Note: U rebels betta watch him
Absolutely thrashed him and saza last night. A hacker can usually kill me, and this guy didn't. In addition, the video evidence I gathered seem to prove the opposite of hacks from his part.
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