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More Events for MCGamer


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
"...people were nice, helpful and kind. People used to say 'gg' after a game. Now days people will say 'ping abuser' 'teamers' 'targeters' and a lot more." - Tuatara

We have seen a lot of negativity in the community, whether it be complaining about teams, about tryhards, about players in general. Some is rational, some is silly. But I believe there is a solution that could save a lot of time for us all. And that lies in events.

Many rules and laws have been set up to improve the user experience on MCGamer. Although some are greatly ignored (cough cough rule #11 cough), the things that are crucial to a user's enjoyment are valued. This is where the staff comes in: they keep rule-breakers out, including hackers and abusers. Overall, this is successful, and the current systems put in place help moderators quickly remove any cheaters.

"With the new filters and systems, there's less swearing and arguing, and even less hackers (Also more moderators). But still, you can tell the server has gotten more competitive and "rougher" with the stat reset; and with that comes ruder people, and more cheaters in general." - Zinc // Akash754

As you may have observed from playing on the server, some of MCGamer's children, such as Deadly Descent and Color Zone have been mostly ignored, despite the enjoyment they have given many over time. The only reason I learned of these gamemodes was from other players getting everyone to join DD364, or CZ15. The Gamemode Spotlights are spreading awareness to the forums community, and when players see the TeamSpeak room full of players, they know that they're missing out.

That is what I mean by events. By spreading awareness and starting special occasions, players can become closer to other players socially. Are players mad at the mods? Why not have a big game with some staff members? Need UHC to bloom? Well, give rewards to players who stream it, and maybe do a Gamemode Spotlight.

"...there is a certain population of our community that seems to just looks for ways to relocate blame anywhere but themselves. Most of this blame ends up being put on the staff team, as we run the server.
Is some of it justified? Honestly, some of the points brought up by these people are valid, and can help us adjust, but there is just so much toxicity and hatred towards our staff team nowadays that it's just hard to enjoy being a staff member anymore."
- Ceroria

As Ceroria put it, our community is not as tightly-knit as before. It's much larger, and new players come in with biases from friends and fellow players who are just angry. When we see this happening, we need to show players that mods can handle it; that'll help the new players respect the staff. As negativity grows in the clan world, we all address the issue in a forum thread and a poll.

We have to fix these problems as a whole, instead of giving that duty to clans, YouTubers, and mods. The more open we are to different mindsets from different places, the better.

What else can we do? Let's ask others.

"I'd say a lot more stricter rules." - Tuatara

"One thing that instantly pops into my head is 'we need more moderators.'" - Zinc // Akash754

" If everyone works together, instead of against one another, things will get done much quicker." - Ceroria

Is this idea perfect? Would it even work? Will it matter at all? Well, the only way to know what you all think is to ask you. Frankly, you have your own ideas, and if not, you can see which solution you like best. Then we could devise the perfect solution to help the mindset of many players on MCGamer.

Whatever you think would work to help out this playerbase, please state it below. When I asked these members about their feelings on the matter, I gave them three topics.

-How the community used to be overall
-How the community is now to you
-How you think it could become better than it is today

If you respond to this thread, please answer to these as well. The more, the merrier. Besides, with more sharing of thoughts and opinions, we can work together to make a great idea. Trust me on that one.


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
More events? That's on my To-Do list.
It won't be a silver bullet to all that ails us, but it's a solution I'm willing to set up. Less painful than policy changes, surely.

I may take some of your ideas, too. Now we just need the manpower to organize them, and a playerbase to participate in them.


District 13
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
If you have any events you recommend, message me; I'll do my best to bring them up to the Sr. Staff for approval. I'd love to see more events as events are most definitely my favorite things to see in the community. c:


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Glad to be quoted in this, threads like this are good to raise awareness of the growing problem instead of just sitting here watching sarcastic crap being thrown all over the place by people who have given up.


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Very well written thread and I love your ideas!

I feel that community events are the perfect way to re-knit that community we saw in v1 that was close and friendly. As Col_StaR and some others on this thread have already said, events are being planned.

One idea I have which is not a new one (at least I don't think) is that there are "non-comptetive" servers. What I mean by this is that no statistics are saved from those games. Instead of people tryharding or getting frustrated, they can just enjoy PvP and have fun!

Obviously this would cause some strain on the devs as its just another game mode to work on, but I think it could be really successful!!! :D

What do you think?

Edit: Col_StaR if you need people to help you with events I am more than happy to help assist in anyway I can!
Last edited:


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
I may take some of your ideas, too. Now we just need the manpower to organize them, and a playerbase to participate in them.
I think a key detail in running community events is to get the community's help in running them. The staff are the one's who run the community events, but I think it should be expanded to staff working with community members. Let's look at the community events with the highest amount of community participation: open mic night, community games, and gamemode spotlight. What makes these more successful? They allow the community to do more of what they want. At open mic night, people get to share their talents. At the community games, participants are given the opportunity to meet and team with fellow community members to beat the staff (or other community members). At the gamemode spotlight, there are ways to be victorious in all different skill areas (map making, PvP, strategy, etc.). From those I think it's easy to tell that we need community events with community to community interaction and leadership, and less staff oversight.

I love the way staff do things, I really do; however, sometimes the community point of view will make things more successful. You probably understand that more than anyone, since you work real closely with the community.



District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
I think a key detail in running community events is to get the community's help in running them. The staff are the one's who run the community events, but I think it should be expanded to staff working with community members. Let's look at the community events with the highest amount of community participation: open mic night, community games, and gamemode spotlight. What makes these more successful? They allow the community to do more of what they want. At open mic night, people get to share their talents. At the community games, participants are given the opportunity to meet and team with fellow community members to beat the staff (or other community members). At the gamemode spotlight, there are ways to be victorious in all different skill areas (map making, PvP, strategy, etc.). From those I think it's easy to tell that we need community events with community to community interaction and leadership, and less staff oversight.

I love the way staff do things, I really do; however, sometimes the community point of view will make things more successful. You probably understand that more than anyone, since you work real closely with the community.
Letting the community lead will bring us together and rekindle that v1 love and friendship people speak of.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
Letting the community lead will bring us together and rekindle that v1 love and friendship people speak of.
Yes, I agree, as long as there is some staff oversight and the community members assisting in running it are willingly making an effort to improve the community.

Let me put it this way:
Too much staff, not enough community = unsuccessful
No staff (or little staff), and all community = unsuccessful
Some staff, and some community = successful
It's like a fight with a sibling, sometimes your parents are going to let you resolve it and intervene only if it gets out of hand.

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