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1. You assert that you know something that no one has been able to proveWhat false hope? Heaven is real, how do you explain all of the out of body experiences? Heaven is different for everyone, everyone has their own image. Whatever your image of after death is, it's Heaven. The only thing I would not consider Heaven is reincarnation, which I am open to as well. Who wouldn't ignore the bad stuff?
Here are quotes in the bible from my previous responses just incase you didn't see them.I don't know... Why did God put the tree there? I couldn't tell you since I'm no expert in this. I will counter with this though, wherever he put the tree someone would of found it and ate from it. It may of token 1 day or 1000 years but someone would of found it and ate from it no matter what. Why the tree existed? Most likely to prove that you're loyal to God, that you will not betray him. That's just my theory though, and it makes sense to me.
Maybe God has planted some evidence somewhere, we just haven't found it yet. Perhaps the evidence to God's existence has been found but us as humans are not able to figure it out. What if God does not want us to know of his existence and is looking to see who will be faithful and believe in him.
Praying is a great way of relaxing and to clear your mind off of things. Praying is also a great stress reliever, you should try sometime. True, I'm sure atheists are happy without prayer and God, but praying is a great thing to do and can make you feel great. What false hope? Heaven is real, how do you explain all of the out of body experiences? Heaven is different for everyone, everyone has their own image. Whatever your image of after death is, it's Heaven. The only thing I would not consider Heaven is reincarnation, which I am open to as well. Who wouldn't ignore the bad stuff? Bad is bad, leave it in the pass. In my religion we forgive each other, even though it may be hard at times, we do it. We forgive God for what he has done or in your case the lack of what he has done. You are correct you don't need God or religion to be good or happy but it helps you be a better happier person in my opinion. I disagree with you, religion brings people together and more people should practice it. You should go to church one Sunday, see the effect on people it has. It's a very peaceful time. I believe in God because I want to. I have faith in God and with religion I am a better person than I was without it. Religion has also set values for me and religion has given me many gifts.
Why don't you give religion a chance? It's not for everyone but a prayer here and there is good for anyone.
The big bang and evolution are not taken on faith.I'm not usually one for any sort of religious debate, but I guess since the oppurtunity is here, I may as well voice my opinion on the topic at hand.
I am Christian, and I have been my entire life. I wholeheartedly believe everything my religion teaches.
I've been in public school my entire life, and I've learned plenty about the 'other sides' of the 'story' when it comes to evolution, the big bang, etc.
Religion cannot be proven, but neither can evolution or the big bang. Both are completely faith-based, and your faith is what makes you believe it is true. I completely believe that God created the earth in seven days, and all the things that go along with that, but atheists, or people of a different religion than mine wholeheartedly believe in what they follow because they have faith in it. Most people who believe in this like the big bang often say that they do not have faith in it, because it is fact, but there is no way it can be absolutely proven, just like I cannot absolutely prove to you what I believe.
I can't realistically sit here and say that what I believe is fact because I can't prove it. I believe that it is fact- absolutely- but the atheist I may be trying to convince believes what they know is fact, and that's why religion is such a difficult and frankly impossible debate.
The biggest problem people have with the thought of there being an all-powerful God, is that there is death, pain, and sadness in the world, and they cannot fathom why a so-called "loving God" would allow for that, and in all honesty, I totally get that. God choose to give people free-will. That means he choose not to control our every move like you would your Sim in Sims 4. Instead, he allowed for choice, opinion, and the freedom of the people who live on his earth. This free-will, however, would have never resulted in some of the things you see people do today, like murder, unless sin hadn't entered the world. When Adam and Even ate from the tree, sin entered the world, and along with it, death, pain and sadness. It was because of sin, not a neglectful God, that horrible things were allowed to enter the world.
That does still beg the question, however, of why, an all-knowing God, who would surely know if someone was going to commit homicide, or if a terrible storm was about to kill millions, would allow for that still to take place. This is where it gets tough, because explaining this, is like trying to say that horrible things happening are totally fine. In all honesty, this is one of the hardest things for me to understand as a Christian, and I think one of the main reasons people have such a hard time believing.
Christians, or at least my branch of Christianity (Lutheran) believes that everything happens for a reason. God has a plan for everyone, and everything. In the face of a deadly disease outbreak, perhaps it leads to a cure being developed. In the face of a murder, perhaps it leads to better safety precautions. Everything happens for a reason, and though we may not always see it right away, or ever, it has impacted someone, or something, whether big or small, in the ways necessary for that plan for that person or thing that God has had all along.
On a separate topic, I've also seen prayer brought up a lot in replies to this thread. Prayer, like everything in religion, is an act of faith. You cannot pray for a Lamborghini, and be upset when you wake up and there isn't one in your driveway. God has a plan for everyone, and he knows what needs to happen throughout the course of your life. Prayer is meant to be an act of comfort, and an act of worship to allow you to 'talk' to God.
One of the last things I want to talk about is the Bible. I see people so often take random quotes from the Bible, a Bible perhaps not even of the same religion as the person you're talking to, and use a negative passage to "prove a point".
The Old Testament of the Bible was written before Jesus came, and in most forms of Christianity, is no longer followed, because the old 'laws' were unnecessary after Jesus died and rose again. You also have to remember that during Jesus' teachings, he often spoke in parables (stories) and not everything said is meant to be taken literally. The things he said in parables did not actually happen, and were just used for examples and ways to teach the word to people.
Finally, I want to say this: a true Christian knows that God loves everyone. There are never any ifs ands or buts about that. No sin is worse than another, and whether you're a priest, or a convict, if you repent of your sins, they will be forgiven. We all sin every single day, and to condemn someone for one sin, when you yourself have sinned every single day and will continue to sin your entire life is absolutely ridiculous, and not something a real Christian would say. Please always keep that in mind when you see someone being radical, and know that all of us do not think like that.
That was super weird to type. I've never been this open about my religion online, so I don't really know what to think. I hope this isn't super pushy or anything, as that's not the purpose. I wrote this to try to explain what I could and not to start problems, or anything like that.
You obviously don't know anything about the big bang or evolution. They are not faith based so I have no idea where you came up with that nonsense comment. Faith requires and has no evidence. The big bang and evolution has a very large amount of evidence and it a fact.I'm not usually one for any sort of religious debate, but I guess since the oppurtunity is here, I may as well voice my opinion on the topic at hand.
I am Christian, and I have been my entire life. I wholeheartedly believe everything my religion teaches.
I've been in public school my entire life, and I've learned plenty about the 'other sides' of the 'story' when it comes to evolution, the big bang, etc.
Religion cannot be proven, but neither can evolution or the big bang. Both are completely faith-based, and your faith is what makes you believe it is true. I completely believe that God created the earth in seven days, and all the things that go along with that, but atheists, or people of a different religion than mine wholeheartedly believe in what they follow because they have faith in it. Most people who believe in this like the big bang often say that they do not have faith in it, because it is fact, but there is no way it can be absolutely proven, just like I cannot absolutely prove to you what I believe.
I can't realistically sit here and say that what I believe is fact because I can't prove it. I believe that it is fact- absolutely- but the atheist I may be trying to convince believes what they know is fact, and that's why religion is such a difficult and frankly impossible debate.
The biggest problem people have with the thought of there being an all-powerful God, is that there is death, pain, and sadness in the world, and they cannot fathom why a so-called "loving God" would allow for that, and in all honesty, I totally get that. God choose to give people free-will. That means he choose not to control our every move like you would your Sim in Sims 4. Instead, he allowed for choice, opinion, and the freedom of the people who live on his earth. This free-will, however, would have never resulted in some of the things you see people do today, like murder, unless sin hadn't entered the world. When Adam and Even ate from the tree, sin entered the world, and along with it, death, pain and sadness. It was because of sin, not a neglectful God, that horrible things were allowed to enter the world.
That does still beg the question, however, of why, an all-knowing God, who would surely know if someone was going to commit homicide, or if a terrible storm was about to kill millions, would allow for that still to take place. This is where it gets tough, because explaining this, is like trying to say that horrible things happening are totally fine. In all honesty, this is one of the hardest things for me to understand as a Christian, and I think one of the main reasons people have such a hard time believing.
Christians, or at least my branch of Christianity (Lutheran) believes that everything happens for a reason. God has a plan for everyone, and everything. In the face of a deadly disease outbreak, perhaps it leads to a cure being developed. In the face of a murder, perhaps it leads to better safety precautions. Everything happens for a reason, and though we may not always see it right away, or ever, it has impacted someone, or something, whether big or small, in the ways necessary for that plan for that person or thing that God has had all along.
On a separate topic, I've also seen prayer brought up a lot in replies to this thread. Prayer, like everything in religion, is an act of faith. You cannot pray for a Lamborghini, and be upset when you wake up and there isn't one in your driveway. God has a plan for everyone, and he knows what needs to happen throughout the course of your life. Prayer is meant to be an act of comfort, and an act of worship to allow you to 'talk' to God.
One of the last things I want to talk about is the Bible. I see people so often take random quotes from the Bible, a Bible perhaps not even of the same religion as the person you're talking to, and use a negative passage to "prove a point".
The Old Testament of the Bible was written before Jesus came, and in most forms of Christianity, is no longer followed, because the old 'laws' were unnecessary after Jesus died and rose again. You also have to remember that during Jesus' teachings, he often spoke in parables (stories) and not everything said is meant to be taken literally. The things he said in parables did not actually happen, and were just used for examples and ways to teach the word to people.
Finally, I want to say this: a true Christian knows that God loves everyone. There are never any ifs ands or buts about that. No sin is worse than another, and whether you're a priest, or a convict, if you repent of your sins, they will be forgiven. We all sin every single day, and to condemn someone for one sin, when you yourself have sinned every single day and will continue to sin your entire life is absolutely ridiculous, and not something a real Christian would say. Please always keep that in mind when you see someone being radical, and know that all of us do not think like that.
That was super weird to type. I've never been this open about my religion online, so I don't really know what to think. I hope this isn't super pushy or anything, as that's not the purpose. I wrote this to try to explain what I could and not to start problems, or anything like that.
Also free will doesn't make sense as an argument.You obviously don't know anything about the big bang or evolution. They are not faith based so I have no idea where you came up with that nonsense comment. Faith requires and has no evidence. The big bang and evolution has a very large amount of evidence and it a fact.
Also do you believe in the absurd idea that the earth is 6,000 years old even though every single scientist prove that it is 4.5 billion years old. Do you believe in dinosaurs? Are you saying God has more evidence for evolution? What do you have to say about all the evidence for evolution? What real evidence do you have for God? Apparently having no evidence is the same as have an overwhelming amount of evidence. Do you even care to look at any evidence or do you blindly believe in the bible and God?
God giving us free will has nothing to do with cancer and many diseases. We can have free will without those things. All you religious people say is "free will" and have no other rational answer to why God would create so many unnecessary bad thing in this world. God is clearly crazy if he is going to create pain and suffering because someone ate from a tree. Please give me a real reason why God would do such a thing.
If we all have free will then how does God have a plan for us? If either has planned everything out for us then how do we have free will? Either he doesn't control everything or he doesn't have free will. Tell me, why is there a need for sin?
You said that "in the face of a deadly disease outbreak, perhaps it leads to a cure being developed. Why would God create the disease and have people die so we can try to figure out a cure. Why not just not create the disease in the first place? God is torturing all of humanity for eternity because of one person who ate from an apple tree? What sense is that. our suffering a game to him so he could be entertained?
If God has planned out everything then prayer doesn't work. God isn't going to change his plan so why would he answer your prayer. Prayer isn't comforting since there is no proof it works. Its like talking to yourself. People say "God doesn't always answer prayers because he has a plan". We would someone pray if he isn't going to answer you because he has a plan. Its going to happen anyway because its part of his plan. So why pray?
If not everything in the bible is suppose to be taken literally how do we know anything is true? How do we know what is suppose to be take literally? Was Jesus really God and born from the virgin Mary or is that not real? How do you know Jesus was really God. What if there is no God and the whole Christian religion is not suppose to be take literally and is taught just for the morals.
If I can't take things from the old testament, here is something from the new testament.
The New Testament says that homosexuality is a “shameful lust” (Romans 1:26), a “shameful act,” an abandonment of “natural relations” (Romans 1:27), a “wrongdoing” (1 Corinthians 6:9), and “sexual immorality and perversion” (Jude 1:7). Homosexuality carries a “due penalty” (Romans 1:27), “is contrary to the sound doctrine” (1 Timothy 1:10), and is listed among the sins that bar people from the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9).
Do you think homosexuality is bad? It says so in the new testament.
In the new testament Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn't the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament. What do you have to say to that? hmm? Of corse you guys always love to ignore all the bad stuff in the bible. Jesus approved of it!
1/3 Americans believe the bible is literally true. Where in the world are you getting your information from? Where did you get the information that the old testament is no longer followed? What!?!
Wow. You say God loved everyone? I bet he loves all the children with cancer that did nothing to deserve it. Also, all the kids born with deformities, remember God loves you. No sin is worse than another and all our sins will be forgiven if we repent? In that case why should anyone be good at all? We can be the worse person ever and we could repent on your death bed. God seems to care more about you worshiping him than you being a good person.
Killing a man is the same as stealing. What kind of morality is that? God doesn't care what you do, as long as you worship him. Would a good Atheist go to hell or heaven. If we are going to hell, that proves god cares more about us worshiping him than being good. If we are going to heaven, than what is the point if believing in God? We atheists have nothing to worry about.
I would love to see what you have to say about the above ^
That video is absolutely perfect! Id love to see people try to argue against that.