But there is proof of evolution and the big bang that shows that God didn't create the earth. Should we believe all things that are made up and have no evidence for?
Actually false.
Big Bang proves nothing at all against God.
What I was taught in Science back in 8th Grade about the Big Bang, is that all of a sudden a HUGE explosion happened, which created everything. Time, Gravity, the Universe etc.
This HUGE explosion, is obviously a HUGE flash of light, in which is what is described as the creation of the Universe in the Bible.
Things state originally the Universe was a Cloud of dust
However if the Big Bang created everything, then this cloud literally could not have existed, unless of course it is Heaven.
Regardless, If nothing existed, then the only possible explanation for the Big Bang, and creation of our Universe, would be a God who has always existed, and was never created, and will never been destroyed.
Pretty simple.
And those who state Christians, or those who believe in a God, ignore what Atheists say.
Is partial true, however we don't block what you say.
I personally still consider it, however it doesn't sway my mind.
However I am pretty sure @Ceroria(an example for now) didn't get mad at anyone for not getting his point, or call anyone stupid, which most Atheists typically call Christians stupid.