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World War 3


Dec 12, 2013
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Social Issues, with the 100s of police brutalities and riots of white officers killing unarmed black men, has sparked hatred and is spliting the US causing social issues nationwide. Cultural Issues, with again, the Baltimore riots, and 100s of innocent black men being killed by american white cops. These will most likely lead to uprisings in the US and most likely a que on the Government, sparking WW3.
I was with you until I saw this.


Dec 12, 2013
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ugh ur racist stop
I'm closer to the opposite of a racist, as I don't always assume a crime was committed out of race when the victim and the perpetrator have different races.

Although racism can always be a possibility, assuming all crime from one race to another is based of the race is ignorant. Also, dismissing crime from another race on another race doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Grow up.


Mar 15, 2015
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I'm closer to the opposite of a racist, as I don't always assume a crime was committed out of race when the victim and the perpetrator have different races.

Although racism can always be a possibility, assuming all crime from one race to another is based of the race is ignorant. Also, dismissing crime from another race on another race doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Grow up.
Read the news
Go to Baltimore


Aug 5, 2014
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Flame crisis averted? Let's see if our time traveling friend is really spelling doom for us or if it's just a hoax.

On the video on the website (article what have you), apparently, John Titor said in posts that his defence for these things not happening is that he's in an alternate universe. In order for WWIII to happen, the civil war, and all those other things must happen as well (what he said). He probably came from a timeline similar, and we just got the some what better but not the best "AIDS-Has been defeated" outcome.

I think that in our timeline, we will come scaringly close to a World War III. But, as I stated earlier, without those other events happening, I doubt it'll actually happen in our timeline.

Now hold on a second, I'm not saying this whole guy is not a hoax. It's pretty sketch, he has no record of family in Florida, and currently, our technology is nothing close to a time machine, of course, the government could be hiding something, and we'll never know.

As for World War III, I do think that's in a separate timeline, not ours, I believe that the many worlds interpretation whoever posted this is correct, and although he may not be a time traveler, he certainly uses what he has to make his posts.


May 1, 2015
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It's an intriguing concept, but truth be told it's merely a fantasy. There's already been fairly blatant inconsistencies with concepts he's stated and what's actually occurred,

"One of Titor's earliest assertions was that CERN would discover the basis for time travel sometime around 2001, with the creation of miniature black holes about half a year after his departure. This did not occur. An article occurring generally around the time he had predicted about miniature black holes being created by CERN (a recurring theme, also ascribed to Fermilab and Brookhaven at various times[12]) was taken by some to be evidence of this claim, but these events did not occur either.

Civil war did not break out after the 2004 presidential election, nor did conflicts or military involvement in 2012. There were only protests from 2004 about the Iraq War, in 2011 there was the Occupy Wall Street movement and in 2012 there were the cases WikiLeaks of the soldier Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, a National Security Agency high technician, involved in a secret files leakage of possible privacy violations of U.S. by the government for 'security reasons'."

I'm not going to say time travel isn't actually possible, because for all we know there might be some sort of device in the future that could perhaps emulate it or even experience it. However, my prediction would be that the earliest "time-travel" prototypes would more-so be able to emulate a certain period in time by observing surroundings including visuals and sound within a certain radius, record it all, and then be able to project said recording allowing you to once again enter the recreated time interval. It's a bit of an intricate concept, but that would be my guess for the earliest form of "time travel" or "time recreation". (This is my concept by the way, I'm sure others have thought of it, but I've yet to hear another person address it to me :p)
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