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Destiny [US]

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Mar 10, 2015
Reaction score
If u would learn to read, he already stated its not a word. #BadArrogance

Simple answer, thanks. I wasn't tryna get all sorts of flame i was legitimately asking. 'Hsnapn' is a nickname, not a word... but from 'Defencive' they're not related. Pce
No one comes to the destiny thread and leaves in one piece. :)


Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
To the day that I first joined this clan. The 4 months was great.

yzpA You know why you're at the top. You were my best friend in the clan, that one week when we played uhc every day we woke up, we were the duo of the clan, we were the best of friends, but you disappeared, and it made me sad. I love you dude, truly do, I'll be in touch.

Jccandfriends you probably don't respect me now, but I hope we can be friends, and Im sorry for the bond and trust that I broke making this decision, but.. All I want to say is sorry, and you're a great friend.

Kohiro I remember when you asked me to get you into this clan. Look at you now, almost best in the clan. Great work :) I'll miss u most, also ask that girl out man, you're taking forever. I'll be in touch.

Zeno I didn't know you very well before you joined, but you turned out to be the greatest, funniest, and chillest(I made this word) friend that I've ever talked to, and I hope I can talk to you again in the future. Also lock your door ;)

Noofy best man. You're older than me somehow, but you're cool. Annoying at times, but always there when I need you. Parents got into a huge fight, and you understood, thank you :) we will definitely be talking.

Myzah BEST SQUEAKER IN TOWN #Protogods, you're my best ginger. I've known you for about 8 months now, and you're the best, and I wish I didn't have to leave you.

TheBossKingHD Jordannn, uhccccc. Next best friend, got in trouble with his mom, but still cool. Ran 1.5 miles in 3 minutes just to play in a uhc with me. He doesn't even run that fast in track, just for me and our block game. Ily dude, I'm talkin to u tmrw

Austin (Don't know your forum) Uhc buddy, always annoying but I could handle it, always wanted to play uhc with me, and one of my good friends, and will continue to be :)

McOrange You always thought everyone hated you, but you never thought about our love <3 no homo. I invited you into this clan, and got you accepted, and you turned out to be better than I expected, thanks for being a great clan mate.

Andrew (Don't know your forum) Great friend. You spent way too much time with your ex-girlfriend and had way too much fun. I swear you could've bought 4 diamond donors with all the plan b's you bought. Ily lol

Justin / Bullet Great friend. Very chill for an Asian dude. Doesn't have any emotion ;) lol. Got to know you more in this journey, and I think we turned out alright. He even thought me ex was hot like eyyyy

For all those I left out. I'm a lazy blasian. Ily all and I hope we can still be friends. I'm sorry that this couldn't work out, but things turned to a way that I didn't like, and I decided to leave. I'm not quitting mcsg, but it's starting to get boring. I'm leaving behind so much with this clan, and in already regretting it as I'm typing this huge message.

Jccandfriends i want to give you one last thanks. Thank you for letting me be in this clan. Thank you for giving me elite. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for asking for my opinion on things.
Thank you. Just. Thank you.

And thank you all. I will miss this clan.

Last edited:


Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
To the day that I first joined this clan. The 4 months was great.

yzpA You know why you're at the top. You were my best friend in the clan, that one week when we played uhc every day we woke up, we were the duo of the clan, we were the best of friends, but you disappeared, and it made me sad. I love you dude, truly do, I'll be in touch.

Jccandfriends you probably don't respect me now, but I hope we can be friends, and Im sorry for the bond and trust that I broke making this decision, but.. All I want to say is sorry, and you're a great friend.

Kohiro I remember when you asked me to get you into this clan. Look at you now, almost best in the clan. Great work :) I'll miss u most, also ask that girl out man, you're taking forever. I'll be in touch.

Zeno I didn't know you very well before you joined, but you turned out to be the greatest, funniest, and chillest(I made this word) friend that I've ever talked to, and I hope I can talk to you again in the future. Also lock your door ;)

Noofy best man. You're older than me somehow, but you're cool. Annoying at times, but always there when I need you. Parents got into a huge fight, and you understood, thank you :) we will definitely be talking.

Myzah BEST SQUEAKER IN TOWN #Protogods, you're my best ginger. I've known you for about 8 months now, and you're the best, and I wish I didn't have to leave you.

TheBossKingHD Jordannn, uhccccc. Next best friend, got in trouble with his mom, but still cool. Ran 1.5 miles in 3 minutes just to play in a uhc with me. He doesn't even run that fast in track, just for me and our block game. Ily dude, I'm talkin to u tmrw

Austin (Don't know your forum) Uhc buddy, always annoying but I could handle it, always wanted to play uhc with me, and one of my good friends, and will continue to be :)

McOrange You always thought everyone hated you, but you never thought about our love <3 no homo. I invited you into this clan, and got you accepted, and you turned out to be better than I expected, thanks for being a great clan mate.

Andrew (Don't know your forum) Great friend. You spent way too much time with your ex-girlfriend and had way too much fun. I swear you could've bought 4 diamond donors with all the plan b's you bought. Ily lol

For all those I left out. I'm a lazy blasian. Ily all and I hope we can still be friends. I'm sorry that this couldn't work out, but things turned to a way that I didn't like, and I decided to leave. I'm not quitting mcsg, but it's starting to get boring. I'm leaving behind so much with this clan, and in already regretting it as I'm typing this huge message.

Jccandfriends i want to give you one last thanks. Thank you for letting me be in this clan. Thank you for giving me elite. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for asking for my opinion on things.
Thank you. Just. Thank you.

And thank you all. I will miss this clan.



Oct 22, 2013
Reaction score
To the day that I first joined this clan. The 4 months was great.

yzpA You know why you're at the top. You were my best friend in the clan, that one week when we played uhc every day we woke up, we were the duo of the clan, we were the best of friends, but you disappeared, and it made me sad. I love you dude, truly do, I'll be in touch.

Jccandfriends you probably don't respect me now, but I hope we can be friends, and Im sorry for the bond and trust that I broke making this decision, but.. All I want to say is sorry, and you're a great friend.

Kohiro I remember when you asked me to get you into this clan. Look at you now, almost best in the clan. Great work :) I'll miss u most, also ask that girl out man, you're taking forever. I'll be in touch.

Zeno I didn't know you very well before you joined, but you turned out to be the greatest, funniest, and chillest(I made this word) friend that I've ever talked to, and I hope I can talk to you again in the future. Also lock your door ;)

Noofy best man. You're older than me somehow, but you're cool. Annoying at times, but always there when I need you. Parents got into a huge fight, and you understood, thank you :) we will definitely be talking.

Myzah BEST SQUEAKER IN TOWN #Protogods, you're my best ginger. I've known you for about 8 months now, and you're the best, and I wish I didn't have to leave you.

TheBossKingHD Jordannn, uhccccc. Next best friend, got in trouble with his mom, but still cool. Ran 1.5 miles in 3 minutes just to play in a uhc with me. He doesn't even run that fast in track, just for me and our block game. Ily dude, I'm talkin to u tmrw

Austin (Don't know your forum) Uhc buddy, always annoying but I could handle it, always wanted to play uhc with me, and one of my good friends, and will continue to be :)

McOrange You always thought everyone hated you, but you never thought about our love <3 no homo. I invited you into this clan, and got you accepted, and you turned out to be better than I expected, thanks for being a great clan mate.

Andrew (Don't know your forum) Great friend. You spent way too much time with your ex-girlfriend and had way too much fun. I swear you could've bought 4 diamond donors with all the plan b's you bought. Ily lol

For all those I left out. I'm a lazy blasian. Ily all and I hope we can still be friends. I'm sorry that this couldn't work out, but things turned to a way that I didn't like, and I decided to leave. I'm not quitting mcsg, but it's starting to get boring. I'm leaving behind so much with this clan, and in already regretting it as I'm typing this huge message.

Jccandfriends i want to give you one last thanks. Thank you for letting me be in this clan. Thank you for giving me elite. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for asking for my opinion on things.
Thank you. Just. Thank you.

And thank you all. I will miss this clan.

Miss you Crim, hope to see you on ts still. Good luck where you go


Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
To the day that I first joined this clan. The 4 months was great.

yzpA You know why you're at the top. You were my best friend in the clan, that one week when we played uhc every day we woke up, we were the duo of the clan, we were the best of friends, but you disappeared, and it made me sad. I love you dude, truly do, I'll be in touch.

Jccandfriends you probably don't respect me now, but I hope we can be friends, and Im sorry for the bond and trust that I broke making this decision, but.. All I want to say is sorry, and you're a great friend.

Kohiro I remember when you asked me to get you into this clan. Look at you now, almost best in the clan. Great work :) I'll miss u most, also ask that girl out man, you're taking forever. I'll be in touch.

Zeno I didn't know you very well before you joined, but you turned out to be the greatest, funniest, and chillest(I made this word) friend that I've ever talked to, and I hope I can talk to you again in the future. Also lock your door ;)

Noofy best man. You're older than me somehow, but you're cool. Annoying at times, but always there when I need you. Parents got into a huge fight, and you understood, thank you :) we will definitely be talking.

Myzah BEST SQUEAKER IN TOWN #Protogods, you're my best ginger. I've known you for about 8 months now, and you're the best, and I wish I didn't have to leave you.

TheBossKingHD Jordannn, uhccccc. Next best friend, got in trouble with his mom, but still cool. Ran 1.5 miles in 3 minutes just to play in a uhc with me. He doesn't even run that fast in track, just for me and our block game. Ily dude, I'm talkin to u tmrw

Austin (Don't know your forum) Uhc buddy, always annoying but I could handle it, always wanted to play uhc with me, and one of my good friends, and will continue to be :)

McOrange You always thought everyone hated you, but you never thought about our love <3 no homo. I invited you into this clan, and got you accepted, and you turned out to be better than I expected, thanks for being a great clan mate.

Andrew (Don't know your forum) Great friend. You spent way too much time with your ex-girlfriend and had way too much fun. I swear you could've bought 4 diamond donors with all the plan b's you bought. Ily lol

For all those I left out. I'm a lazy blasian. Ily all and I hope we can still be friends. I'm sorry that this couldn't work out, but things turned to a way that I didn't like, and I decided to leave. I'm not quitting mcsg, but it's starting to get boring. I'm leaving behind so much with this clan, and in already regretting it as I'm typing this huge message.

Jccandfriends i want to give you one last thanks. Thank you for letting me be in this clan. Thank you for giving me elite. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for asking for my opinion on things.
Thank you. Just. Thank you.

And thank you all. I will miss this clan.

ily man, gl


Mar 4, 2015
Reaction score
To the day that I first joined this clan. The 4 months was great.

yzpA You know why you're at the top. You were my best friend in the clan, that one week when we played uhc every day we woke up, we were the duo of the clan, we were the best of friends, but you disappeared, and it made me sad. I love you dude, truly do, I'll be in touch.

Jccandfriends you probably don't respect me now, but I hope we can be friends, and Im sorry for the bond and trust that I broke making this decision, but.. All I want to say is sorry, and you're a great friend.

Kohiro I remember when you asked me to get you into this clan. Look at you now, almost best in the clan. Great work :) I'll miss u most, also ask that girl out man, you're taking forever. I'll be in touch.

Zeno I didn't know you very well before you joined, but you turned out to be the greatest, funniest, and chillest(I made this word) friend that I've ever talked to, and I hope I can talk to you again in the future. Also lock your door ;)

Noofy best man. You're older than me somehow, but you're cool. Annoying at times, but always there when I need you. Parents got into a huge fight, and you understood, thank you :) we will definitely be talking.

Myzah BEST SQUEAKER IN TOWN #Protogods, you're my best ginger. I've known you for about 8 months now, and you're the best, and I wish I didn't have to leave you.

TheBossKingHD Jordannn, uhccccc. Next best friend, got in trouble with his mom, but still cool. Ran 1.5 miles in 3 minutes just to play in a uhc with me. He doesn't even run that fast in track, just for me and our block game. Ily dude, I'm talkin to u tmrw

Austin (Don't know your forum) Uhc buddy, always annoying but I could handle it, always wanted to play uhc with me, and one of my good friends, and will continue to be :)

McOrange You always thought everyone hated you, but you never thought about our love <3 no homo. I invited you into this clan, and got you accepted, and you turned out to be better than I expected, thanks for being a great clan mate.

Andrew (Don't know your forum) Great friend. You spent way too much time with your ex-girlfriend and had way too much fun. I swear you could've bought 4 diamond donors with all the plan b's you bought. Ily lol

For all those I left out. I'm a lazy blasian. Ily all and I hope we can still be friends. I'm sorry that this couldn't work out, but things turned to a way that I didn't like, and I decided to leave. I'm not quitting mcsg, but it's starting to get boring. I'm leaving behind so much with this clan, and in already regretting it as I'm typing this huge message.

Jccandfriends i want to give you one last thanks. Thank you for letting me be in this clan. Thank you for giving me elite. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for asking for my opinion on things.
Thank you. Just. Thank you.

And thank you all. I will miss this clan.

I'll miss you <3
Please get on ts often though. Goodluck wherever you go!


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
To the day that I first joined this clan. The 4 months was great.

yzpA You know why you're at the top. You were my best friend in the clan, that one week when we played uhc every day we woke up, we were the duo of the clan, we were the best of friends, but you disappeared, and it made me sad. I love you dude, truly do, I'll be in touch.

Jccandfriends you probably don't respect me now, but I hope we can be friends, and Im sorry for the bond and trust that I broke making this decision, but.. All I want to say is sorry, and you're a great friend.

Kohiro I remember when you asked me to get you into this clan. Look at you now, almost best in the clan. Great work :) I'll miss u most, also ask that girl out man, you're taking forever. I'll be in touch.

Zeno I didn't know you very well before you joined, but you turned out to be the greatest, funniest, and chillest(I made this word) friend that I've ever talked to, and I hope I can talk to you again in the future. Also lock your door ;)

Noofy best man. You're older than me somehow, but you're cool. Annoying at times, but always there when I need you. Parents got into a huge fight, and you understood, thank you :) we will definitely be talking.

Myzah BEST SQUEAKER IN TOWN #Protogods, you're my best ginger. I've known you for about 8 months now, and you're the best, and I wish I didn't have to leave you.

TheBossKingHD Jordannn, uhccccc. Next best friend, got in trouble with his mom, but still cool. Ran 1.5 miles in 3 minutes just to play in a uhc with me. He doesn't even run that fast in track, just for me and our block game. Ily dude, I'm talkin to u tmrw

Austin (Don't know your forum) Uhc buddy, always annoying but I could handle it, always wanted to play uhc with me, and one of my good friends, and will continue to be :)

McOrange You always thought everyone hated you, but you never thought about our love <3 no homo. I invited you into this clan, and got you accepted, and you turned out to be better than I expected, thanks for being a great clan mate.

Andrew (Don't know your forum) Great friend. You spent way too much time with your ex-girlfriend and had way too much fun. I swear you could've bought 4 diamond donors with all the plan b's you bought. Ily lol

For all those I left out. I'm a lazy blasian. Ily all and I hope we can still be friends. I'm sorry that this couldn't work out, but things turned to a way that I didn't like, and I decided to leave. I'm not quitting mcsg, but it's starting to get boring. I'm leaving behind so much with this clan, and in already regretting it as I'm typing this huge message.

Jccandfriends i want to give you one last thanks. Thank you for letting me be in this clan. Thank you for giving me elite. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for asking for my opinion on things.
Thank you. Just. Thank you.

And thank you all. I will miss this clan.

I'm gonna miss you man. I didn't know you at all before coming to this clan, but you've become a great friend. Stay chill. Ily <3


Mar 10, 2015
Reaction score
To the day that I first joined this clan. The 4 months was great.

yzpA You know why you're at the top. You were my best friend in the clan, that one week when we played uhc every day we woke up, we were the duo of the clan, we were the best of friends, but you disappeared, and it made me sad. I love you dude, truly do, I'll be in touch.

Jccandfriends you probably don't respect me now, but I hope we can be friends, and Im sorry for the bond and trust that I broke making this decision, but.. All I want to say is sorry, and you're a great friend.

Kohiro I remember when you asked me to get you into this clan. Look at you now, almost best in the clan. Great work :) I'll miss u most, also ask that girl out man, you're taking forever. I'll be in touch.

Zeno I didn't know you very well before you joined, but you turned out to be the greatest, funniest, and chillest(I made this word) friend that I've ever talked to, and I hope I can talk to you again in the future. Also lock your door ;)

Noofy best man. You're older than me somehow, but you're cool. Annoying at times, but always there when I need you. Parents got into a huge fight, and you understood, thank you :) we will definitely be talking.

Myzah BEST SQUEAKER IN TOWN #Protogods, you're my best ginger. I've known you for about 8 months now, and you're the best, and I wish I didn't have to leave you.

TheBossKingHD Jordannn, uhccccc. Next best friend, got in trouble with his mom, but still cool. Ran 1.5 miles in 3 minutes just to play in a uhc with me. He doesn't even run that fast in track, just for me and our block game. Ily dude, I'm talkin to u tmrw

Austin (Don't know your forum) Uhc buddy, always annoying but I could handle it, always wanted to play uhc with me, and one of my good friends, and will continue to be :)

McOrange You always thought everyone hated you, but you never thought about our love <3 no homo. I invited you into this clan, and got you accepted, and you turned out to be better than I expected, thanks for being a great clan mate.

Andrew (Don't know your forum) Great friend. You spent way too much time with your ex-girlfriend and had way too much fun. I swear you could've bought 4 diamond donors with all the plan b's you bought. Ily lol

Justin / Bullet Great friend. Very chill for an Asian dude. Doesn't have any emotion ;) lol. Got to know you more in this journey, and I think we turned out alright. He even thought me ex was hot like eyyyy

For all those I left out. I'm a lazy blasian. Ily all and I hope we can still be friends. I'm sorry that this couldn't work out, but things turned to a way that I didn't like, and I decided to leave. I'm not quitting mcsg, but it's starting to get boring. I'm leaving behind so much with this clan, and in already regretting it as I'm typing this huge message.

Jccandfriends i want to give you one last thanks. Thank you for letting me be in this clan. Thank you for giving me elite. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for asking for my opinion on things.
Thank you. Just. Thank you.

And thank you all. I will miss this clan.

lost all respect!!


Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
To the day that I first joined this clan. The 4 months was great.

yzpA You know why you're at the top. You were my best friend in the clan, that one week when we played uhc every day we woke up, we were the duo of the clan, we were the best of friends, but you disappeared, and it made me sad. I love you dude, truly do, I'll be in touch.

Jccandfriends you probably don't respect me now, but I hope we can be friends, and Im sorry for the bond and trust that I broke making this decision, but.. All I want to say is sorry, and you're a great friend.

Kohiro I remember when you asked me to get you into this clan. Look at you now, almost best in the clan. Great work :) I'll miss u most, also ask that girl out man, you're taking forever. I'll be in touch.

Zeno I didn't know you very well before you joined, but you turned out to be the greatest, funniest, and chillest(I made this word) friend that I've ever talked to, and I hope I can talk to you again in the future. Also lock your door ;)

Noofy best man. You're older than me somehow, but you're cool. Annoying at times, but always there when I need you. Parents got into a huge fight, and you understood, thank you :) we will definitely be talking.

Myzah BEST SQUEAKER IN TOWN #Protogods, you're my best ginger. I've known you for about 8 months now, and you're the best, and I wish I didn't have to leave you.

TheBossKingHD Jordannn, uhccccc. Next best friend, got in trouble with his mom, but still cool. Ran 1.5 miles in 3 minutes just to play in a uhc with me. He doesn't even run that fast in track, just for me and our block game. Ily dude, I'm talkin to u tmrw

Austin (Don't know your forum) Uhc buddy, always annoying but I could handle it, always wanted to play uhc with me, and one of my good friends, and will continue to be :)

McOrange You always thought everyone hated you, but you never thought about our love <3 no homo. I invited you into this clan, and got you accepted, and you turned out to be better than I expected, thanks for being a great clan mate.

Andrew (Don't know your forum) Great friend. You spent way too much time with your ex-girlfriend and had way too much fun. I swear you could've bought 4 diamond donors with all the plan b's you bought. Ily lol

Justin / Bullet Great friend. Very chill for an Asian dude. Doesn't have any emotion ;) lol. Got to know you more in this journey, and I think we turned out alright. He even thought me ex was hot like eyyyy

For all those I left out. I'm a lazy blasian. Ily all and I hope we can still be friends. I'm sorry that this couldn't work out, but things turned to a way that I didn't like, and I decided to leave. I'm not quitting mcsg, but it's starting to get boring. I'm leaving behind so much with this clan, and in already regretting it as I'm typing this huge message.

Jccandfriends i want to give you one last thanks. Thank you for letting me be in this clan. Thank you for giving me elite. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for asking for my opinion on things.
Thank you. Just. Thank you.

And thank you all. I will miss this clan.

Another elite spot Ty


Oct 22, 2013
Reaction score
Ign: Mrkenta1
Past Clans: Eternity, Forsaken
Previous Experience With Members: with wolf, adam and andrew
Why do you want to be in Destiny (be detailed): I want something fun and meet new people :)
Since I've heard good things and I'd like you to apply I suggest pm'ing us
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