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Apex - US Clan

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Jan 15, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Initiations
Age: 13
Microphone/Headset: yes
Got Slack/TS: yes
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): regular ;-;
Past bans (If Any): no
Past clans (If Any): vortex, eclipse, reflection, nebulous, crimson, trama
PvP strengths: rod, sword, fns, bow
PvP weaknesses: water battles
Ratio: like a 1/5 before stats reset
How often have you played with any members: i played with a lot of the members like, excl, robbie, evermore, will
Why should we choose you for Apex: because im pretty active and am not that bad at pvp
Anything you would like to add: no


Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
Snivy Appld to me awhile back, and you told me to apply on my forum acc
Minecraft IGN: Atu / Dirl
Age: 14
Microphone/Headset: ye fam, Logitech G430 Gaming Headset.
Got Slack/TS: Sure
Game rank (Regular, Donor, Mod): Gold on Dirl
Past bans (If Any): Got banned for hacking but immediately unbanned after dispute
Past clans (If Any): Protocol, Rivals, Valiance, Vanguard, Eternity, Sovereign
PvP strengths: Sword/Rod, sword fights
PvP weaknesses: Fire
Ratio: 1/2 (100 wins)
How often have you played with any members: Well most of the trials I'm pretty good friends with
Why should we choose you for Apex: I believe my experience, pvp skill, etc. is sufficient and above average. I regularly preform above average in clans, and have experience in events such as clan wars. I'm decently known in the community, and well established in the clan community I know how to play in battle situations, and preform very well with my sword skill. well with my sword skill. I did use to have many hacking accusations in the community but most of them have been sorted out, and most of the community believe i am legitemate now.
Anything you would like to add: I feel like I would fit in well with the clan and would want to join as I feel I would be a worthwhile addition to the clan. I am a loyal member, and have never left a clan before disbansion. I've also been in top tier clans such as protocol and rivals, and regularly preformed well, and had good relations with the clans. I hope to join this family and find new spark in this community again.

Thank you for reading​
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