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Destiny [US]

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Jul 30, 2014
Reaction score
Ign: iNodusDatPing
Age: 13
Strengths/Weaknesses: Strengths - Fishing Rod/Melee, Weaknesses - Ice Fights/Bow (Kinda)
Why you wish to join Destiny?: I wish to join Destiny because I have been on other minecraft clans on Hive and MCSG but they were not as competitive as this one. So I think this is a good sort of upgrade for me in PvP. Also I think that joining a more competitive clan will improve my PvP skill quiet a bit.

Experience with other servers (Kohi, ocn, hive, etc): I used to be in a clan on the Hive called EzPvP (Really gay name xD) we did not have that clan for along time but in the time we did have it we never lost a battle. Also I have been in two other clans on MCSG one. Allen Vulnerable and another called Gifted. Plus if you want to see me PvP the server I play are MCSG, Hive, Badlion Potion PvP, and Badlion UHC.

PS: I don't have the stats that you want but if you take a look at my stats I have 100 wins out of around 590ish so just put that in mind when you read this application. I just want to be honest with you but if you test my PvP you will see that I am a decent player.
Stats: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/stats/player/iNoticeDatPing/
Just take a look and if you accept yay! But if you don't I won't be mad. I mean I don't have your required wins so...
Good luck and I hope you choose me! :D
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