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My opinion on vulgar languages


Feb 4, 2015
Reaction score
Hello everyone, my name is Alex my Ign is Silently most of you may know me from my forum name " VortalityMCSG " some of you know I do these topics where I discuss my opinion on certain things. Today ill be giving my opinion on 2 things 1) Vulgar language 2) respect being equal for everyone .
Let's get started.

Vulgar Language

As all of you know their is vulgar language an profanity all over the world that can no where nearly be stopped. There is no point in using vulgar language, when someone says "F*** You" makes me feel bad because no one should be talked in that tone, now I'm not saying saying swears is so bad because I'm not a hypocrite I use them and have used them as we'll but I general. I just don't use it towards others. Thanks for reading my opinion on this.

Equal respect on others

Having respect for someone gets you good reputation so why have bad reputation when you can have good now that's not the case, Let me tell you guys a story that happened in fact yesterday. I'm a freshman of a high school that has mostly black people (I'm not racist) so a girl was walking by and this other sophomore looks at that girl and turns to her friend and says "that little girl is so F*****g ugly and annoying" and I'm just there in my mind like really? You don't know what she's going through and you calling her things? You're in high school mature your self, I was gonna go up to the girl that got teased but she ran after she heard that, what do people get from bullying people ? I believe people should have equal respect for everyone eh but the world is to big to put control into these things. :(


Thanks for reading this guys <33​


Firstly great thread Alex!

Anyways, there's no need for "vulgar language". I (Personally experienced) don't like people who don't care about the other people opinions. They usually use "vulgar language" when someone tries to give his own opinion on something. That's just unacceptable. People should stop cursing. There's no point of it.

Bullying is a really huge problem. It's really common everywhere. I wish I could do something to stop it.. but unfortunately I can't. I hate it too man. I would gladly ask a disrespectful guy this: "Why do you condemn people based on their skin colour or their sexual performance?". It's really sad how people nowadays do that..

But, nonetheless you seem like a really mature guy and a really intelligent one too :)


Feb 4, 2015
Reaction score
Firstly great thread Alex!

Anyways, there's no need for "vulgar language". I (Personally experienced) don't like people who don't care about the other people opinions. They usually use "vulgar language" when someone tries to give his own opinion on something. That's just unacceptable. People should stop cursing. There's no point of it.

Bullying is a really huge problem. It's really common everywhere. I wish I could do something to stop it.. but unfortunately I can't. I hate it too man. I would gladly ask a disrespectful guy this: "Why do you condemn people based on their skin colour or their sexual performance?". It's really sad how people nowadays do that..

But, nonetheless you seem like a really mature guy and a really intelligent one too :)
Thanks! I feel the same exact way sometimes I feel useless knowing there are people causing self-harm crying all the time and not being able to do anything, like you said bullying is something really common that is basically impossible to stop. :( And thanks for your words xD <3

Nice thread! :)
Thanks, basically why I do this is to emphasize a message to people of the MCGamer community to stop such things happening in what is now our community/family. :)


Aug 11, 2014
Reaction score
Hello everyone, my name is Alex my Ign is Silently most of you may know me from my forum name " VortalityMCSG " some of you know I do these topics where I discuss my opinion on certain things. Today ill be giving my opinion on 2 things 1) Vulgar language 2) respect being equal for everyone .
Let's get started.

Vulgar Language

As all of you know their is vulgar language an profanity all over the world that can no where nearly be stopped. There is no point in using vulgar language, when someone says "F*** You" makes me feel bad because no one should be talked in that tone, now I'm not saying saying swears is so bad because I'm not a hypocrite I use them and have used them as we'll but I general. I just don't use it towards others. Thanks for reading my opinion on this.

Equal respect on others

Having respect for someone gets you good reputation so why have bad reputation when you can have good now that's not the case, Let me tell you guys a story that happened in fact yesterday. I'm a freshman of a high school that has mostly black people (I'm not racist) so a girl was walking by and this other sophomore looks at that girl and turns to her friend and says "that little girl is so F*****g ugly and annoying" and I'm just there in my mind like really? You don't know what she's going through and you calling her things? You're in high school mature your self, I was gonna go up to the girl that got teased but she ran after she heard that, what do people get from bullying people ? I believe people should have equal respect for everyone eh but the world is to big to put control into these things. :(


Thanks for reading this guys <33​
To give my 2cents here. My opinion is based on how vulgar language is used.If someone just says F*** after they die in the game I don't mind that. Its better to get your frustrations out then have them all bottle up inside of you until you explode. This is why people have brain snaps and get into large arguments. Sometimes you just need to splurt it out. However I am not a big fan if someone is directly cussing at me unless they're joking about it. The key bit about cussing is you need to know when its the right time for a joke. Don't take the piss out of someone who keeps on getting killed of spawn.Your asking for a bit of beef.

However in experience on the Au server there is a lot of disrespect going on. Its not like people are bantering around they are actually been very rude. Just a quick for young players out there. If you say ez or gg10 when you do not 10 someone it makes you look like a very immature child and gives you a bad reputation around the community. Also cleaning up and saying gg10 does nothing. Does saying gg10 help the situation at all? No it doesn't so don't do it. Whenever I kill someone (On the very rare occasion I actually get a kill xD) I write GG and tell them how many hearts I had. I say how many hearts because when I die I want to know how low the person was. I think the Au community just needs to chill. Were all a bit competitive here down under.

Tl :dr I am a wizard.

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