Nope my reply was telling you to stop telling me to stop complaining about 1.8. I hate 1.8 and I'll complain as much as I'd like. Let's get this straight.
Firstly, your title:
"Players complaing about Staff and MCSG 1.8 (2.0)"
Consists of two things, not just the one you mentioned in the quoted post... "and" being the keyword here. The title does not suggest players are complaining to staff but two different situations: "Players complaining about staff" and "Players complaining about 1.8" hence why I told you that I have every right to complain about 1.8 if it's as bad as it actually is. I believe in complaints, nothing gets fixed without complaints.
"If you're not happy, Leave. No one cares about how much you hate MCSG or how bad 1.8 PvP is, no one needs to know your opinions which would only lead to further problems for the Staff. After all it's just a game, if you can't deal with that, that's your sad life." - Taken from your main post.
If you're not happy, leave? Pretty sure MCGamer wouldn't want all their players leaving oh and the fact that MCSG is the only server I really had a lot of fun on, why would I want to just leave without trying to get some sort of change?
No one cares how much I hate 1.8 pvp, no one needs to know my opinions? My simple response to this is that we don't need to hear your opinions either if you think like that. If you don't care about our opinions then don't listen/read, whatever.
Oh and you're saying we have sad lives because we have opinions about 1.8? If it's "just a game" then why are you even here. I actually hate how many players say "It's just a block game". It's actually a competitive game, well, on this server atleast and that's been completely destroyed by 1.8 and many other players agree. The only players who are actually loving 1.8 from what I've witnessed is the players who say "I love 1.8 because I can actually win now." No skill is really involved in 1.8 hence why there's many complaints.
But hey, you don't want to hear my opinion. Let's all just agree with your opinion because yours is the only one that matters, right? No.
I forgot to add that in the quoted post you say specifically "Since when did I say that I liked 1.8?" I never said you did if you read correctly. I said I don't care if you like or hate it. I'm simply telling you I have every right to complain if the server I love playing on is changing for the worse.